North American Box Office: Ang Lee's "Gemini Killer" lost at least $60 million! DC "Joker" hit the global box office of $1 billion!

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Since the end of July, the CG version of "The Lion King" completed two consecutive box office championships, such as the day of the day Disney Pictures, has not won any North American weekend box office championship.

Last week, Disney sent out the last real fairy tale of 2019: Maleficent 2 with an investment of US$185 million.

, a blockbuster led by Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning, showed a polarizing trend of black critics and general audience praise, with Rotten Tomatoes 41% and Popcorn Index 96%.

North American Box Office: Ang Lee's 'Gemini Killer' lost at least $60 million! DC 'Joker' hit the global box office of $1 billion! - Lujuba

In the end, this film easily won the championship with a first weekend of 36 million US dollars.

However, this time the sequel has dropped by nearly half compared to the North American opening of the first episode, which was as high as $69.4 million.

North American Box Office: Ang Lee's 'Gemini Killer' lost at least $60 million! DC 'Joker' hit the global box office of $1 billion! - Lujuba

​​USD 153 million in the first weekend of the world, which is also far below the industry's expectations.

Therefore, there is no hope for this sequel to reproduce the impressive record of global sales of $758 million for the first piece. If

can recover its $185 million investment in the future, Disney will be thankful.

However, Disney Pictures' market share in 2019 has exceeded 32%, creating the highest proportion of a single Hollywood film company in the millennium.

North American Box Office: Ang Lee's 'Gemini Killer' lost at least $60 million! DC 'Joker' hit the global box office of $1 billion! - Lujuba

In the next two months, Disney has two super blockbusters left: "Frozen 2" on November 22 and "Star Wars 9" on December 20. The goal of

is clear: to achieve an unprecedented annual record of 10 billion US dollars.

Pay special attention to

First, let’s focus on "Jojo Rabbit" which was being released on a small scale in 5 theaters in North America last week.

​​has directed the perfect ball sales of "Thor 3: Ragnarok" for $853 million two years ago. After that, Taiga Widiti, a talented filmmaker from New Zealand, entered the upward path of life.

In the next two years, his director and actor career will achieve a real two-flowering.

Director work, Disney+ American drama "The Mandalorian", "Thor 4: Love and Thunder", "We Are Werewolves" Marvel series "WhatIf" are all directed by him

​​actor career, starred in his own "Mandalorian" "People", "The Doppelganger" directed by Sean Levy, and the DC superhero "Suicide Squad 2" are really colorful.

Last week, his new work "Jojo Rabbit", directed and acted by him, was released on a small scale in 5 North American theaters. It rushed to the top 15 of the North American box office with a single box office of over $70,000.

film critics praised the film as "a forward-looking comedy about heavy themes. There are many serious things behind the laughter.

and the director himself said that the essence of "Jojo Rabbit" is a "brain-opened anti-hatred" Satire, the content is inspired by his own family history." The background of the

film is set during World War II. The young boy Jojo and his mother Scarlett Johansson lived under the rule of Nazi Germany, and his mother was hidden at home. A Jewish girl who is still working secretly for the Resistance Army.

Jojo is eager to join the Hitler Youth League. His only ally is the imaginary "Hitler". After Jojo was bullied by the Nazis, this "Hitler" gave him many inspiring and good suggestions.

Judging from the freshness of 77% rotten tomatoes and 100% popcorn index, this is a masterpiece with the ambition of the award season.

Although on the surface, "Joe" "Joe Rabbit" is a war film, but it is like a children's fable full of childishness. The film chooses to present the tragic history of the World War II battlefield from a child's perspective and comedy. The whole story of

is handled properly, not only a spoof of the Nazis , Demonstrated the cruelty of war, and with a unique and novel perspective, let the audience fully appreciate the absurd and ridiculous side of the Nazis brainwashing the German people and persecuting the Jews. The director of

playing Hitler in person is really very cheap and often brainwashing children. While laughing at himself, he is like an exaggerated cartoon character, showing the Nazis in a child's mind in a simple and straightforward way, forming a strong contrast with the image of the sunny mother starred by Scarlett, and affecting Jojo's life View.

have to say, the tower guide took anotherA good film with unique style and reverse thinking.

Marvel has unearthed an extraordinary wizard for the Hollywood movie circle!

Key details:

No. 1

Maleficent: MistressofEvil

Weekend box office:

36 million USD

Global box office: 153 million USD

Five years ago, the US$180 million Maleficent of Maleficent won 7.58 worldwide 100 million US dollars, let Disney Pictures further confirm: "Fairytale IP live action" is a good business worthy of continued investment.

deeply investigates the reason for its huge sales, because "Sleeping Beauty" has made a surprising adaptation of the well-known "Sleeping Beauty".

The relationship between the witch and the Sleeping Beauty princess played by Angelina Jolie has been redefined, and the core part of the prince kissing the princess has also been changed. It is the whitewashed witch who gave the true love kiss.

​​gained countless warmth in the confrontation, and finally got a happy ending, which brought a new touch to the audience who knew this fairy tale.

In terms of project logic, Disney Pictures, a big business, still adopts empiricism.

invested another 185 million US dollars, and "Maleficent 2" was released simultaneously in China and the United States last weekend.

However, similar to the situation encountered in "Alice in Wonderland 2," Maleficent also suffered a "sequel spell" this time. The box office of the first weekend of 36 million US dollars dropped by nearly 50% compared to the first episode.

has to say that this time "Maleficent 2" is a real fairy tale that is extremely friendly to young female audiences and a bit offensive to straight male audiences. The plot of

can be summarized in one sentence: because of a marriage dispute, mother-in-law fights mother-in-law. In the end, love and tolerance become the way to resolve all differences.

In recent years, feminist political correctness has prevailed.

This time, Disney directly treats Prince Philip and the King as "male vases". The role of the father and son is just a formality, completely reduced to a passerby-like existence.

In fact, even female films cannot blindly portray male characters into small transparent silly white sweets. On the contrary, if the supporting actor shines, it can also bring out the three-dimensional feeling of the heroine.

Generally speaking, similar to many previous Disney fairy tale live-action blockbusters, Maleficent 2 is another gorgeous visual blockbuster with stunner-level big names and family joy.

is very suitable for 6-15 years old, young girl-hearted audiences who have little experience to watch. If you watch a lot of movies, have a rich life experience, or are a straight man of steel, I suggest you go to "Joker".

No. 2

"Joker" Joker

Weekend box office: $29.2 million

Global box office: $737 million

$248 million in the first week, $296 million in the next week, and $194 million in the third week. The film enters the third week of "Joker" "The trend of "is still as stable as an old dog. The global box office has exceeded 737 million U.S. dollars, and will soon surpass "The Matrix 2"'s 742 million U.S. dollars to enter the top three. It is expected to beat "Deadpool 2" by $785 million next week and become a history. The highest grossing R-rated movie in the world.

is even expected to follow up to challenge 1 billion US dollars + this R-rated film has never reached the box office height.

"Joker" is not only strong in North America, but also in overseas markets: In South Korea, the film has won the single-day box office champion for 15 consecutive days, with a box office revenue of approximately 210 million yuan.

In Japan, the total box office also exceeded 2 billion yen, which is expected to set a record high for DC in Japan in recent years. In India, the cumulative box office has also exceeded 50 million yuan.

, as the first comic film to aspire at the three major European film festivals, the performance of "Joker" carries the mission of developing Xinjiang territory for DC. From the current point of view, the performance is sufficiently gratifying.

DC fans who have been ridiculed for "can't lift their heads" finally took this to exhale and sigh with emotion: The time for DC movies to counterattack has finally come!

Looking back at the old rival Marvel, after "Avenger 4" wrote the most glorious chapter of MCU with a box office of nearly 2.8 billion US dollars, the original characters Iron Man and Captain America withdrew, and the leading figures were missing.

Some time ago, the split with Spider-ManIt is the concentrated outbreak of this problem.

Judging from the layout of the next three years, DC superheroes do not intend to put eggs in the same basket, but will enter a new mode of "walking on two legs".

has both "Wonder Woman 2" and "Aquaman 2", such as all-age PG13 blockbuster

, and Robert Pattinson's restart version of "Batman", "Birds of Prey" and "Suicide Squad 2" such as Diablo R-rated works.

is foreseeable: in the future of superhero movie territory, there will be completely different routes.

In a word, the box office sales of "Joker" can't immediately change DC's fate and surpass Marvel.

tell the truth:

First of all, Warner has to find a way to get the DC blockbuster to be released in the mainland!

No. 3

"Zombieland 2" Zombieland2: DoubleTap

Weekend box office: 26.72 million US dollars

Global box office: 32.05 million US dollars

is different from the toxic crew of "33 Days of Broken Love", and the actors on the side have all been negative News

​​"Zombie Land" released 10 years ago is undoubtedly a crew protected by lucky stars:

"Stone Sister" Emma Stone won the Oscar for "City of Philharmonic".

"Curl" Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrison, and Abigail Breslin received Oscar nominations for "Social Network", "Three Billboards" and "Little Sunshine" respectively.

director Ruben Frescher directed the $856 million box office "Venom" for Sony, and the screenwriter Paul Wernick became famous with the "Deadpool" series.

In October 2009, this US$23.6 million investment in "Zombie Land" inherited Edgar Wright's work "Zombie Shaun" black humor into the originality of the zombie film, and filmed an amusement park-like zombie comedy. , And finally won a box office record of over 100 million US dollars in the world.

​​10 years later, the four leading actors who have become hot stars have returned, and the budget for the sequel has been increased to 42 million US dollars. With 66% freshness of rotten tomatoes,

broke $26.7 million in the first weekend in North America. It was $2 million more than the box office of the first episode.

Undoubtedly, "Zombie Land 2" inherited the tune of the first song, which is lively and entertaining:

four set out from the White House in Washington, DC. The beginning of the chapter is to beat the zombies to stimulate the audience's adrenaline. Many new zombies evolve faster and stronger. The implantation of Elvis, hippies, and utopian groups has undoubtedly expanded the audience.

In the end, a family of four went west and fought against the zombies for a hundred rounds. The characters broke out with amazing fighting power and finally escaped to heaven.

Generally speaking, if you like zombie comedies like "Zombie Shaun" and "Boy Scout Handbook: Zombie Apocalypse", then this "Zombie Land 2" is mostly your food, these four live treasures are put together It's so funny, adding funny and humorous elements in addition to bloody violence, it's really decompressing!

contacted the emotional entanglements in and out of the play, the most unlucky is undoubtedly the "ex-Spider-Man" Andrew Garfield:

was first abandoned by Sony Pictures, then broke up with Sister Stone, and now the former girlfriend of the Oscar actress, and his own The good friend "Curl" is getting better in "Zombie Land 2".

​​No. 5

"Gemini Killer" GeminiMan

weekend box office: $8.5 million

global box office: $118 million

rotten tomato freshness 28%, North America first weekend of $ 20.5 million.

Due to the premiere performance of Ang Lee’s "Gemini Killer" in North America, it is really bad.

Mrs. Lee, who has always been cool, is a bit uncomfortable:

urges everyone to watch "Gemini Killer", otherwise her husband will go home again. When the family cooks and cooks.

However, judging from Douban 7.1 and the mainland’s first weekend of US$20.76 million at the box office performance, Ang Lee’s 120 frames with an investment of US$138 million made a big loss6Box office sales of more than $10 million have been confirmed.

However, Lee Ang, who has won the Ocas three times, is still indisputable in his contribution to the film industry.

Because "Gemini Killer" is a high frame rate pioneer blockbuster that promotes the film industry to take a big step forward.

120-frame blockbuster movie viewing experience is indeed very different:

First of all, the picture of "Gemini Killer" is really bright. Before watching a movie, I rarely experienced this kind of "broad day" high brightness.

Second, it is super clear.

is especially high frame rate slow motion, the micro expressions of Will Smith's face, the jitter of the corners of the eyes, and the facial pores are all visible.

Third, there is a kind of high-definition documentary realism. The biggest problem with

24 frames is that the picture becomes blurred when the camera speed is fast. Therefore, action dramas rely on editing and borrowing to "deceive" the audience's eyes.

The motorcycle chase gunfight scene in "Gemini Killer" nakedly shows off the unique high-speed photography technology of the 120-frame blockbuster, and every detail is particularly clear.

However, "Gemini Killer" sounds like a commercial action movie, but Ang Lee's treatment of it is still anti-climax, which is simply the opposite of Michael Bay.

is purely video popcorn compared to the director of Bayi, catering to the audience's various desires. Ang Lee always wants to incorporate some philosophical myths.

This is exactly why Li Anfei has to spend so much special effects funds to be a mirror-like young clone of the Emperor, instead of directly finding a newcomer who looks exactly like him.

​​Because the true theme of "Gemini Killer" is actually It is to reflect on life.

Ang Lee, who is 65 years old, enters the ears of the year, how much he hopes to return to his 20s

, so he projects his mood on Henry, played by Will Smith.

's chase scene after scene is the scars of his battle with the world.

made 51-year-old Henry crash into 23-year-old himself. I found that I was still walking the same old way in the past.

stubbornly, hate iron can't make steel, really can't beat it. At the climax of

, the two generations of Will Smith looked at each other speechlessly, with moist eyes, but they couldn't push the trigger.

is exactly the same as the ending of "Youth School" in which Tiger Richard Parker leaves the school without looking back. This is a typical Lee Ang movie: his sensationalism is forbearing and restrained.

​​will never give you the tears that burst the embankment, but it can bring the audience an endless aftertaste.

He does not allow his movie to make the audience gaffe. So, let us accompany him to hold back his internal injuries.

In a word, although

"Gemini Killer" hit the street at the box office, Ang Lee is still very good!

Jeremy Lin has come to CBA to play. If the next 120-frame blockbuster "Battle of Manila" really can't find investment, Ang Lee may also consider going back to the mainland to shoot Chinese movies!

This weekend’s new film introduction

"Countdown" (Countdown)

Director: Justin Dirk (Associate Director of "The Fallen Boys Have Spring")

Starring: Elizabeth Lyle/Anne Winters/Peter Fecinley

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Release: STXEntertainment (number of theaters: 2600)

Overview: The story of the film tells a young nurse who, after downloading a software that can predict when a person will die, finds himself only three days away Left. For this, she must find out why her time is running out and follow her, who or what.

"Black and Blue" (BlackandBlue)

​​Director: Dern Taylor ("Holiday Cry")

Starring: Naomi Harris/Frank Grillo/Reid Scott

Genre: Comedy/Action / Horror

Release: Sony (number of theaters: 2000)

Overview: The story tells a novice policeman (Naomi) who witnessed the murder of a drug dealer by a corrupt official, and the camera she carried with her recorded this scene . She escaped from the hands of these corrupt officials and was in danger of being murdered.

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