The domestic classic movie "Ji Feather Letter": a brave and witty heroic boy

movie 2491℃

"Chicken Feather Letter" is a film with a unique style. It not only has a unique perspective-reflecting the deeds of the anti-Japanese heroes, but also has a very original artistic conception. The film uses a traditional sequential structure and is described around a central event, but the plot is not monotonous. In order to portray the characters, the choreographer set up a lot of intense drama conflicts, interlocking and climaxing, and successfully created the artistic image of a living little hero Haiwa.

The domestic classic movie 'Ji Feather Letter': a brave and witty heroic boy - Lujuba

Haiwa, twelve years old, shepherd the sheep, the head of the children's regiment, the son of the leader of the Longmen Village Militia Squadron, Zhao. He held a red tasseled gun on the front mountain every day, keeping sheep and guarding the enemy strongholds in Pingchuan. During the period of the Anti-Japanese War, the children also participated in the general mobilization of the people. Although they can't shoot the enemy with guns, they shoulder the task of standing guard and sometimes acting as "little traffic."

Haiwa is just like that. Normally, he is on guard duty and stands guard under a lonely bare tree. This bald tree is an informative tree. As soon as the devil shows his head, Haiwa will pull down the message tree. Gouwa and Gui Niu on the back mountainside see that the message tree has fallen, and the grass man will also be pulled down. The people in the village immediately knew that the devil was going into the mountain. These children's group members who stand guard have a heavy responsibility and are related to the safety of the whole village. With them standing guard, people can work in the field, harvesting, harvesting, and bundling with confidence; they are busy on the threshing ground, threshing, raising, and loading grain.

The domestic classic movie 'Ji Feather Letter': a brave and witty heroic boy - Lujuba

Children’s team members, though small, do big things. They are little warriors that the villagers can trust. In order to better reveal the theme, promote the development of the plot, and vividly portray Haiwa’s character, the screenwriter used legendary stories-sending chicken feathers, put Haiwa on the focus of the drama conflict to shape his image, vividly showing Haiwa Personality. Haiwa’s father handed over a hurried feather letter to his son, which shows that he fully trusts his son and believes that he can complete the task well. When explaining the task, his father was calm, and Haiwa was also calm.

This shows that it is not the first time Haiwa has sent a letter to the Eighth Route Army. The dialogue between father and son is cordial, natural and full of life. Haiwa's words are also very personal. He is brave, stubborn, and assertive, but also very simple. When Lao Zhao found Haiwa on the hillside, Haiwa followed closely and asked, "What's the matter? Dad." Lao Zhao: "Send a letter." Haiwa: "Whose letter?" Lao Zhao: "Captain Zhang. Haiwa: "Company Captain Zhang!" Haiwa has a coke, and he is so happy about this task. Old Zhao took out a letter, and Haiwa opened her eyes as soon as she saw it.

The domestic classic movie 'Ji Feather Letter': a brave and witty heroic boy - Lujuba

There are three feathers stuck in that letter! "Feather letter!" Haiwa saw the importance of the letter, and he looked at her father nervously. Old Zhao cautiously told Haiwa to say: "This is an important letter, don't lose it!...Send it to the Three Kings Village Headquarters and hand it over to Captain Zhang personally!" Haiwa didn't feel embarrassed at all, she said. Throwing the whip on his shoulders, he responded "Ah", and put the letter in his pocket. Old Zhao put the letter in her underwear pocket for Haiwa, and said: "Leave it inside, don't dare to be careless on the road!" "Dad, don't worry, I will deliver the letter!" Haiwa said confidently. , "I've been to Three Kings Village twice!"

Old Zhao was still worried. Tell Haiwa which way to go. Haiwa handed the red tasseled spear to Lao Zhao. "Toot! Toot!" He called the sheep and was about to go downhill. Driving the sheep to deliver the letter is legendary. Old Zhao felt strange, so he came over and asked, "Why, take the sheep?" Haiwa answered quite assertively: "Well, I met a devil, so I have something to say." Old Zhao was right when he thought about it, but he told him again. Said: "Okay, but you have to say that the baby is herding the sheep in Pingchuan, let alone Longmen Village."

Haiwa took the sheep to deliver the letter, indicating that he has a strong opinion and is very smart. He didn't think about sending the letter smoothly, but from the downside, how to answer once he encountered a devil. This shows that in addition to being brave and simple, Haiwa also has a clever and wise side. But then the movie camera flashed: Lao Zhao looked at his son, and suddenly found that the Eighth Route Army hat on Haiwa's head had not been taken off, and hurriedly shouted: "Haiwa! You just left like this?" Old Zhao pointed to his head. Top: "Don't take off the hat?" Haiwa smiled when she touched her head. "Yo!" He took off his hat and handed it to Dad. Old Zhao was funny and angrily said: "I'm always so flustered!" After all, Haiwa is a child, and he has some unthinkable things. Whether Haiwa can successfully complete the task, the audience is also worried.

The Eighth Route Army's cap was forgotten to take off this detail, which paved the way for the plot behind Haiwa to escape from the tiger’s mouth and shake her white coat and lose the feather letter. In order to concentrate the pen and ink to depict HaiwaThe image, the main line of the whole film is prominent, and one conflict after another is set up, which not only highlights the sense of action of the screen image, but also describes the psychological activities of the characters in a meticulous manner, combining traditional line drawing techniques with film montage techniques: Hai When the baby was walking in the ravine, a team of devils came to face him.

He is driving the sheep, there is no place to hide, and he can't run, what should I do? Had to go up. The more you go, the closer you get to the devil's team. Haiwa was very anxious. He looked around and made up his mind: "Let's run!" Thinking about it, he ran up to a big rock and wanted to climb up, but where could he climb up? Both sides are old high cliffs! "What can I do? This letter, this feather letter!" Haiwa covered her pocket when she thought of the letter, and then took out the letter again. "Throw it away!" No, this is a feather letter! A letter from three feathers! Lost can be a big mistake! Have to hide it!

Haiwa ran behind a hidden big rock, looked around, straddled her foot to tear off a patch on her pants, and stuffed the feather letter in. But I just stuffed it in, and I couldn't think about it, it's not appropriate! Take out the letter again. Bury the letter! Thinking about it, he squatted on the ground and digs stones with his hands. Digging and digging and stopped. "No! The ground is full of rubbish, look back where it gets dark!"

Haiwa was really anxious. But the sheep didn’t know that it was anxious at all. The head of this was against the ass of that, and the horns of that were grinded on this belly, bleating, and the big fat and heavy tail hanging plumply behind the ass. It's so easy to keep shaking on both sides!

Haiwa is so anxious that she thinks of hiding the letter under Mianyang's tail. The setting of this legendary detail further portrays Haiwa's wit and courageous character when he is in danger, especially his extraordinary wisdom. Then the film uses a montage to describe: Jiuhara led the devil to walk in the ditch; Haiwa bit the chicken feather letter in her mouth, stared at the ditch, pulled up the belt and tore off one, tied the letter, and lifted the old The big tail of the sheep; the devil's team is getting closer and closer; Haiwa tightly tied the chicken feather letter under the sheep's tail, and then he was relieved. When he let go, the old sheep rolled back to the big tail and got out of Haiwa's arms. Jump out and run away. The combination of these shots renders a tense atmosphere and plays an important role in promoting the development of the plot. At the same time, it vividly portrays Haiwa's calm and composed character. The

film uses close shots to describe the faster the sheep runs, the tighter the tail curls up, and it curls up to the bottom of the thigh, firmly covering the chicken feathers, giving people a sense of security.

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