"囧Mom" and "Chinese Women's Volleyball Team" have shown their "truth", and the starting gun of the Spring Festival stalls is firing

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Just yesterday, the advance version of the movie "Chinese Women's Volleyball" was released. Lang Ping starring Gong Li was officially unveiled. Even Lang Ping himself sighed on Weibo, "This figure is so familiar, it makes me feel a little trance." In addition to Chinese Women's Volleyball, the trailer for "囧Mom" directed by Xu Zheng was first revealed a week ago.

'囧Mom' and 'Chinese Women's Volleyball Team' have shown their 'truth', and the starting gun of the Spring Festival stalls is firing - Lujuba

is still three months away from the 2020 Spring Festival (January 25), and the Spring Festival films have begun to "throw rocks and ask for directions". It is worth mentioning that, compared to "Chinatown Detective 3", "Emergency Rescue", "Vanguard" and other Spring Festival "time-honored brands", the first trailers of "囧 Mom" ​​and "Chinese Women's Volleyball" are Xu Zheng and Chen Kexin in the Spring Festival. The first battle of the file. From the post ads before the main feature of the National Day movie to the scheduled trailers released one after another, the film pattern of the Spring Festival has taken shape. Looking at the genre, there are comedies, cartoons, and reasoning movies. Looking at the lineup, there are both regular visitors to the Spring Festival and new faces. While watching movies has become a New Year custom during the Spring Festival, a movie entering the Spring Festival stalls is equivalent to grabbing a huge room for box office growth. Therefore, it has become a consensus in the market to start first, but it’s not that easy to separate the attractive cake of the Spring Festival stalls. It seems that the lively and extraordinary fixed-term propaganda battle is just for the Spring Festival stalls. It’s just a starting gun.

'囧Mom' and 'Chinese Women's Volleyball Team' have shown their 'truth', and the starting gun of the Spring Festival stalls is firing - Lujuba

Among all the movies that entered the Spring Festival file, there are currently 7 movies that can be regarded as head movies, and these can be divided into two echelons.

First Echelon: The sequel wins, and the series is king.

The first echelon movies tend to be serialized. They all have good box office performances before, so they have a certain audience base.

is Xu Zheng's "囧Mom" first. From "People on the Journey" to "Thailand", and later "Hong Kong Jiao", the box office went from 37.534 million to 1.267 billion, and then to 1.614 billion. The higher box office made the "囧 series" a comedy movie. Golden signboard.

'囧Mom' and 'Chinese Women's Volleyball Team' have shown their 'truth', and the starting gun of the Spring Festival stalls is firing - Lujuba

However, from "Tai囧" to "Hong Kong囧", the problem of awkward laughter in movies has become more and more prominent. "囧母" is Xu Zheng's first entry into the Spring Festival file. It is bound to change the previous style of play. We don't know any improvement in content, but the change of the cast is a certainty. Judging from the trailers and stills that have been exposed so far, the partners of Xu Zheng, Shen Teng and Yuan Quan are eye-catching. Shen Teng's performance with his own laughter is very suitable for the joyous atmosphere of the Spring Festival stall, and its audience is quite good. In the 2019 Spring Festival file, "Flying Life" and "Crazy Alien" starring Shen Teng both achieved good box office results.

Yuan Quan has excellent acting skills, and his partners Xu Zheng and Shen Teng have a very contrasting feeling. The three have had wonderful collaborations in "The Flower of the Heart". In the popular film "Captain of China" on National Day this year, Yuan Quan's role was widely acclaimed, and the film's 2.7 billion box office also proved Yuan Quan's box office appeal. Comedy has a natural advantage in the Spring Festival file. How to make good use of this advantage is the most important issue in "囧Mom", otherwise a good hand of cards will not necessarily lead to good results. The "Detective Chinatown" trilogy is coming to an end. In the 2020 Spring Festival, "Detective Chinatown 3" is the only sequel movie. From the first to the third, the pair of Wang Baoqiang and Liu Haoran is always as stable as ever. Like the "囧 series", the audience may be lost due to the change of actors' blood, the "Tang Tan" series does not exist.

series of movies focusing on reasoning are rare in China. The core "inference + funny" model of "Detective Chinatown 3" is bound to firmly capture a large number of reasoning suspense movie lovers, and it has worked hard to create the "Detective Universe" "The concept also makes this series more interesting. Although in actual operation, other detectives are reduced to furnishings, and there are mostly gimmicks overall, but if the third part can make a breakthrough, the results will be very impressive. The wife Mu Cong in the second part is still joining, and Zhang Zifeng, who impressed the audience in the first part, will also return. For the audience who have been watching this series, the existence of these familiar faces is also because they entered the cinema. One of the motivations. "Emergency Rescue" must have a place in the first echelon. Among the Hong Kong directors going north, Lin Chaoxian's performance in recent years can be described as "like a fish in water". From "Operation Mekong" in 2016 to "Operation Red Sea" in 2018, Lin Chaoxian extended Hong Kong film's experience in genre films to the main theme film, and combined the two very well.

The hot scene, the compact plot, is Lin ChaoxianThe movie is so good. In the Spring Festival of 2018, the war blockbuster "Operation Red Sea" came in from behind, taking the lead and finally winning 3.65 billion box office. Both praise and popularity are what Lin Chaoxian's works have in common over the past few years. With the trust of the audience, the results of "Emergency Rescue" should be firmly in the forefront of the Spring Festival. The second echelon of

: The sword goes slant and can still attack the second echelon of

. The strength of the second echelon is slightly inferior, but each has its own characteristics and should not be underestimated.

Chen Kexin's "Legend of Li Na" has not been seen for a long time, but this Spring Festival file, the audience is waiting for "Chinese Women's Volleyball".

, the Chinese women's volleyball team, which has repeatedly won the championship, its brilliant results are closely linked to the memory of the entire nation. In terms of feelings alone, "Chinese Women's Volleyball" has universal resonance among the audience. Chen Kexin’s works after going north are quite recognized in the mainland. Gong Li’s starring role is the guarantee of acting skills, and the overall appearance has been "reduced". In addition, the Chinese women’s volleyball team appeared in the film. If properly promoted, the film’s box office The explosive power will be more amazing. The existence of the animated film "Jiang Ziya" in the Spring Festival file is an anomaly. Generally speaking, apart from the "Bears and Infestation" series, which are deeply involved in the Spring Festival all year round, there are no animated movies that will squeeze into the Spring Festival because it is difficult to obtain high-volume movies. But "Jiang Ziya" is different. Its confidence comes from the brilliant achievements of "Nezha: The Devil Child Comes to the World" (hereinafter referred to as "Nezha") in the summer file.

"Nezha" broke the domestic market's inherent prejudice against animated films and successfully ranked second in the mainland box office list. Its 4.971 billion box office also proved that the so-called "box office ceiling" of animated films does not exist. As long as the quality of the film itself is excellent and the schedule is appropriate, its box office potential is also huge. The problem with "Jiang Ziya" is that its protagonist does not have a broad mass base like Nezha. Although it belongs to the same sequence as "Nezha", it has a completely different team and a plot with no direct connection. Doubts. For the "Fengshen Universe", "Ne Zha" has made a good start. If "Jiang Ziya" is stable, the next road will be easy. It must be out of support for Guoman, and many viewers will also support it. Here is a movie ticket. Jackie Chan's movie is also indispensable for this Spring Festival file. It’s not surprising that "Pioneer" starring Jackie Chan has set the Spring Festival files. After all, Jackie Chan is a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival files. "Kung Fu Yoga" is the top spot in the 2017 Lunar New Year with a box office of 1.748 billion. Director Tang Jili has worked with Jackie Chan many times. In addition to "Kung Fu Yoga", he has also had a series of works such as "Red Fan District", "Police Story 4: Simple Tasks" and "Mythology". There is no problem in cooperating with each other. .

is just that the market performance of Jackie Chan movies has not been good in recent years. In the Spring Festival of 2019, the 152 million box office "Detective Pu Songling" not only fell far short of expectations at the box office, but was also criticized in word of mouth. "The Mystery of the Dragon Card" released this year also has a lot of bad reviews, which are consuming Jackie Chan's box office appeal. Now that there are more options for Spring Festival stalls, Jackie Chan’s name is no longer enough to attract viewers to pay for it. The Spring Festival in 2020 is also indispensable for the existence of "Bear Infest 7".

has been extremely influential in the field of Chinese New Year animation films in recent years. Since the 2017 Spring Festival file, it has earned more than 500 million box office each year, and has formed a fixed audience group. Among these seven movies, "Bears 7" has no hope of winning, but its performance should be the most stable.

layout has been decided? It's too early!

Although seven major headline films gathered in the Spring Festival file, this does not mean that the overall situation of the Spring Festival file is set. In the three months before the Spring Festival, the variables still exist, some movies will leave, and some movies will make up. Choosing when to set files is a matter of knowledge. Some were officially announced more than a year in advance, such as "Detective Chinatown 3", and some were scheduled last month like "Jiang Ziya" and "Vanguard". Therefore, in the remaining three months, there may still be films scheduled and withdrawn. In the next film that may airborne during the Spring Festival, Stephen Chow’s "Mermaid 2" has the greatest hope. Stephen Chow’s name is closely related to the Spring Festival stalls. 2013 was the year when the Spring Festival stalls rose strongly. Back then, Stephen Chow’s "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" turned out, and finally earned 1.246 billion box office.

After the 2016, 2017 and 2019 Spring Festival files, Stephen Chow’s movies have not been absent, from "Mermaid" to "From "Journey to the West: Fu Yao Pian" to "The New King of Comedy", Zhou Xingchi's movie is almost bound to the Spring Festival file. However, the process of these films being released is also a process in which Stephen Chow's aura gradually fades. When owing a movie ticket has become an old stalk that has been ridiculed by the crowd, Xing Ye's golden sign can't help being discounted. In view of the fact that "The New King of Comedy" was announced in November last year, it was announced that "Mermaid 2" could not be finalized, and we have to wait for some time.

has also been withdrawn and changed files. The movie "The Hotel Doesn't Set", which was originally scheduled for the New Year's Day in 2019, was withdrawn on the eve of its release, and it has been hard to find a trace. Whether there will be any changes in the many films that have been fixed, it is difficult to easily make a determination after the "withdrawal wave" of this summer file. For the Spring Festival in 2019, the first day of the new year set a single-day box office record with a box office of 1.448 billion. While this allows the market to see the potential of the Spring Festival stalls, it also raises questions about how much the potential of the Spring Festival stalls can be tapped? Also in 2019, the high price of the Spring Festival stalls made many viewers hesitate to choose. The number of choices is so large that the average audience will only choose one or two movies of interest to watch, or even the works with the best reputation.

Not every movie can make a lot of money in the Spring Festival stalls, more likely to consume each other and hurt both sides. In addition, many films gather together for the Spring Festival, which is not a good thing for the healthy development of the film market. In today's Spring Festival, the audience pays more attention to the quality of movies, and the role of playing emotional cards and relying on the cast to attract money is getting less and less. According to the market reaction of the Spring Festival files in the past two years, the impact of word-of-mouth effect is huge. Major movie studios are extremely sensitive to word-of-mouth reactions, and the film schedule will change accordingly. The second tier may not be able to overtake. The previous results of the Spring Festival file are just a reference. After all, the quality of the final film can determine everything. 【Text/The Seven Loyal Dogs】

Tags: movie