Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage?

entertainment 1735℃

Last year, when the divorce battle between Fukuhara Ai and Jiang Hongjie caused a lot of trouble in the city, the whole network was almost one-sided and distressed for the woman. Now that a year has passed, the distress of netizens seems to be the embarrassing and wrong payment of "the clown is actually me"? ? ? ?

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

I believe everyone still remembers the time when Ai Fukuhara and his wife got married. A Japanese media photographed Xiao Ai traveling with a male friend, right?

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

In March last year, before Xiao Ai and Xiao Jiang officially announced their divorce, the Japanese media "Seven of Women" published 55 photos of Fukuhara Ai and the mysterious man. Evidence of crossing the boundary - For example, queuing up to buy xiaolongbao, eating together ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

playing for several days, riding in the same car ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The man was exposed to spend the night with Fukuhara Ai one after another, in addition to staying at the hotel, and Fukuhara Ai’s home in Tokyo .

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Because of this report, Ai Fukuhara was accused of cheating in marriage.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

However, the woman's response was: in the hotel, one person lives in a room, and the other party is just one of his friends who support him.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Although the sex changes: male public figures eat and live with girlfriends in marriage, they can definitely be sentenced to death, but the Japanese media did not take intimate pictures: such as holding hands, hugging, kissing...... .

The key point is that at that time, the public opinion here was completely in favor of Fukuhara Ai, and in front of the huge noise of the whole people protecting Ai-chan ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The so-called Ai-chan derailment said that the so-called Ai-chan derailed, it couldn't provoke any splashes at all.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

And after Ai Fukuhara and Jiang Hongjie officially released their divorce statement on July 8, 2021, these revelations that are true or false seem to become less important.

For the main parties of the dog blood drama, life has returned to calm, maybe you can say "the past is like a smoke and the wind", but what if it is other people who were hit by the dog blood drama? Without the support of public opinion, without the help of fans, if you suffer a loss, can you really only secretly knock out your teeth and swallow blood?

Of course not.

Last year, Ai Fukuhara fell into a low ebb in her life because of her divorce.

's reputation was damaged: once ranked first on the list of Japanese non-relaxed artists.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

's career was blocked: the work of the commentator was suspended by the Tokyo Olympics (later resumed) 100 million yen in liquidated damages, had to sell the property ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The residence was exposed and had to move for peace ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

was photographed with a thin body, and the company he founded was affected by the epidemic and the marriage change, and it was difficult to operate.. ....

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

However, after her official divorce, the situation slowly began to improve. The East Olympic Organizing Committee resumed her work as a commentator, and there are other opportunities to come to her door. Good news: I suspect that I have scored twice, and I have a new boyfriend.

Japanese media photographed her and her boyfriend chatting and laughing in the park, and they went home together.The brother who traveled with Xiao Ai↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

This is somewhat confusing radar !

At first, everyone didn't believe that Ai Fukuhara cheated because the Japanese media did not take pictures of the hard-core stone hammer. In fact, it is controversial in itself to travel with the opposite sex and stay in the same hotel! After a few months together, the timing is really a bit mean.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

In this regard, the insider explained that Fukuhara Ai did not date this man before, but after her divorce, the man also divorced his ex-wife, and then they got together after careful consideration.

The man not only gave Fukuhara a lot of encouragement during the low period of love, but also financial support ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Is it still true love in adversity? Must send blessings huh?

But a month later, things ushered in a big reversal-in December last year, a person who claimed to be the ex-wife of "Yokohama Man" (that is, Fukuhara Ai's new boyfriend) told Japanese media that Fukuhara Ai got involved in her marriage. , The divorce of herself and her husband is directly related to Ai Fukuhara.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

But this report is just a few words, neither photos nor authoritative interviews with his ex-wife, and was drowned in waves of news.

Until today, the "ex-wife" came out again, giving things a little more credibility.

She revealed that after accusing Ai Fukuhara before, the other party called her and said that she hoped to pay 1 million yen (53,482 yuan) as compensation and asked to "correct" her previous statement. The ex-wife felt aggrieved, so she deliberately offered 50 million yen (2.7 million yuan) in compensation, hoping to persuade Ai Fukuhara to quit.

Unexpectedly, Fukuhara Ai found a lawyer to sue his ex-wife, claiming that the other party was suspected of extortion and intimidation, which once attracted police investigation.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

's ex-wife said that the divorce with the man was not a relationship problem, nor did they date after the divorce.

In addition, she also exposed the evidence to testify to the extramarital affairs of the two. It is a "love letter" that Ai Fukuhara wrote to the man a month before the divorce: Ai Fukuhara always acted like a spoiled child and apologized in her love letter, and said that the next time will be very good. Hard work, physical strength will also be reduced, call the man to cheer together, looking forward to the day we meet again.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Later, her ex-wife found the courier sent from Fukuhara Ai's house at home. She found the sender's phone number on the courier list. After calling it, she connected with Fukuhara Ai for the first time. During the

call, Ai Fukuhara explained that the two were just work partners, saying that the letter said that he liked the smile of A (the man's name), and he used "like" because of the good relationship between friends.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

If the ex-wife presents more evidence, it will basically be a stone hammer. Both Fukuhara Ai and her current boyfriend cheated in marriage! Didn't Jiang Hongjie become the Wanwan version of Pan Yueming , a downright grievance? ? ? ! !

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

If this is the case, Fukue's divorce melon can basically be ranked first among the real 180-degree reversal dramas among the emotional melons in recent years!

You must know that a year ago, Ai Fukuhara was the absolute winner of this divorce battle!

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

In February last year, Fukuhara Ai and Jiang Hongjie were revealed to be divorced. The couple, who have always been in love, have been dug up a lot of clues about their separation.

Although not showing affection does not mean that they are not affectionate, but a couple who are usually sweet and greasy, once the frequency of public flashes drops sharply, it is a clear sign of emotional change.

These two are typical.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Everyone can see how sweet the two of them are in their daily life: I can't wait to stick together every day for 24 hours without being separated. Even if both parties have jobs, they will show their love every second.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

It is the norm to release flash candy in the air.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

However, since the beginning of last year, he has posted on Weibo three sentences about his husband's love for Fukuhara, and he has not mentioned his husband much; Jiang Hongjie, on the other side, has switched his social account to a quiet state.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

On her birthday on February 22, Xiao Ai seized this good opportunity to refute rumors of marriage and sent a message to Jiang Hongjie to celebrate her birthday. What catches the eye is that the name changed from husband to "captain" who has the same purpose as "glutinous rice mother" and "child mother" ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Jiang Hongjie didn't even want to pretend to be, and focused on celebrating his own birthday, he just said "I'm not familiar with Fukuhara Ai" , don't cue" it!

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The two have been separated for a long time due to the epidemic. When they were on the talk show, they both consciously or unintentionally expressed their desire to live an "independent" life.

Fukuhara Ai: In the future, I plan to transfer my home and career to Japan After the same weird "tacit understanding", they took off the wedding ring↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Even though the separation of the husband and wife was so obvious, the two still made a final struggle to refute the rumors of divorce -

Here Xiao Ai said that not wearing a wedding ring does not mean anything, because in the work!

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

over there, Xiao Jiang said that he would have a video call with Xiao Ai every day, and that they would reunite soon!

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Just when everyone thought that the couple was just arguing and the conflict was temporary, the big Japanese gossip media "Weekly Bunchun" suddenly released the news that Fukuhara Ai and Jiang Hongjie had divorced, and also wrote a special article to analyze the pair in depth. Husband and wife have long been conflicted marital status.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The title of the article is very good at eight o'clock - called ""You bitch", the bullying husband who forced Fukuhara Ai to divorce" ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The key points include - Jiang Hongjie refused to participate in the discussion for the preparation of the wedding banquet, and also accused Fukuhara Ai Ruined the atmosphere of his own home;

Fukuhara loves to have morning sickness 7 times a day, Jiang Hongjie not only does not comfort but also complains that she makes the fetus lack nutrition; after Fukuhara regains his appetite, Jiang Hongjie dislikes Fukuhara eating too much will make him fat;

Jiang Hongjie often criticizes Fuyuan Love housework is not good or bad, but I never help.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Anyway, the Jiang Hongjie described in the article is an indifferent bastard.

is not considerate to his wife ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

also humiliated all kinds of "sluts": Ai Fukuhara was asked to dress plainly ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The woman went to the dentist, Jiang Hongjie scolded: "Open your mouth like a provocation, you whore!"

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Xiaoai When the famous photographer Xiaoshan Jixin cooperated, he was accused of being inappropriate by the man.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Her husband was inconsiderate, and she was also troubled by sister Jiang Hongjie who broke the news about her private life in order to attract attention↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The mother-in-law called her a "chicken that can lay golden eggs"...

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

was also at this time, Japanese media exposureAfter seeing the dating photos of Ai Fukuhara and Yokohama man, I questioned her cheating.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

In Neon Country, although the decision on whether Fukuhara Ai is cheating has not yet been concluded, most netizens can't wait to scold her - mocked her for her poor dating image with a strange man↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The sweet words at the wedding are all fake, to the family Too irresponsible ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Leaving her husband and children in Taiwan, and going back to Japan is too selfish ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

is full of "disappointed" and "degenerate" comments...

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

In Taiwan, China, public opinion is also biased towards Jiang Hongjie, accusing Fukuhara Love is not responsible for the family.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

But the Chinese side gave Xiao Ai 100% preference and support.

Compared with Japanese netizens, mainland netizens are more inclined to Wen Chun's report, thinking that Jiang Hongjie is not a good man.

That is Wenchun, he is comparable to the rising sun in the Japanese media industry.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

has to admit that this report is indeed extremely lethal and highly inciting. Before Fukuhara Aijiang Hongjie officially announced her divorce, she quickly won the high ground for the woman on the Chinese Internet.

And human nature is like this, everyone is more willing to sympathize with the seemingly weak party.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

The important thing is that Fukuhara Ai's popularity in the mainland is almost a 360-degree three-dimensional surround front.

used to only know that Ai Fukuhara was popular, but it was not until this bloody incident that I realized how strong it was. How strong is

? Unlike ordinary stars, it is the kind of fate that cannot be explained by things like "popularity".

I won't go into details about her origins with China. In short, she is held by us like a porcelain doll , not like a daughter-in-law rather than a daughter-in-law ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Even Ai Fukuhara said in a later interview that the marriage was right I was hit hard. If it weren't for the support of my Chinese friends, I wouldn't be able to live now ↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

So even if they were exposed to a cheating scandal, everyone insisted: Aijiang could not cheat, it was Jiang who bullied Aijiang.

Some people even think: Even if Aijiang really dates other men, that's fine, that's because the scumbag made her have a hard time in marriage, it's all the scumbag's fault...

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

these The words are somewhat ridiculed, and the reason for such a blatant preference is also because I believe that Ai Fukuhara will not do such a thunderous thing as a derailment in marriage.

After all, Aijiang is excellent and cute. From the variety show, everyone can see that she is a person with a very traditional view of marriage and love, and she is extremely considerate to her husband. In order to meet Jiang Hongjie at the door and go home in the morning.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

If Jiang Hongjie came to the show together, Xiao Ai would only be able to say a quarter of the words, because he had to give way to her husband to talk more.

According to the rules, he walks three steps behind her husband.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

After getting married, Ai Fukuhara also devoted herself to taking care of the family, doing housework and raising children↓

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

But now, Ai Fukuhara is likely to be confirmed to have cheated in marriage and interfered in other families. This trust and preference is also extraordinarily embarrassing and ridiculous.

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

Having said that, if Fukuhara Ai made a mistake, can Jiang Hongjie take off the scumbag hat? Not necessarily. If the report of

Wenchun is true, Fukuhara Ai is wrong, but it is not completely incomprehensible in terms of morality and reason.

Because the relationship needs to be managed, it needs to be paid by both husband and wife. A man who insults his wife's lack of responsibility with cold and violent words in marriage is not worth the unnecessary sacrifice and tolerance of the other half! Even the best people will be pushed away!

Is she really going to be hammered into a third party who cheated on her marriage? - Lujuba

It's certainly wrong to cheat in marriage, male or female.

really have to be fair? After "he just made a mistake that all men in the world make" and "she just made a mistake that all women make in the world" can be treated the same, let's talk about it!

Tags: entertainment