Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent

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Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent - Lujuba

[Title picture: When the disaster comes... (Professor Zhang Wenmu with text)]

[Abstract] The Ukrainization mentioned in this article refers to the Ukrainianization of the United States and the West through the color revolution to promote the Westernization of Ukraine in the field of ideology and 10z voluntarily. Become the vanguard of the West against Russia. Ukraine and Russia are compatriots, but now they are fighting with Russia, resulting in numerous casualties on both sides. Today, with the support of the United States, the Taiwan independence forces are vigorously promoting the culture and ideology of Taiwan independence in Taiwan. For example, the Taiwanese people's anti-Japanese activities in 1895 were publicly described by Taiwan's Tsai Ing-wen as protecting Taiwan against China. According to the observation of the famous Taiwanese writer Huang Zhixian , the brainwashing of Taiwan independence is almost complete. At the beginning of the year, the U.S. Congress enacted a law prohibiting the U.S. government from procuring, producing, or displaying anything that would label Taiwan and the mainland as the same country. This is blatantly supporting Taiwan independence and splitting China, which will greatly promote the ideological brainwashing of Taiwan independence. Last month, the US-led NATO and NATO publicly intervened in the Taiwan Strait to make military preparations for the "Taiwan independence" forces. Only by immediately launching the "anti-independence and promoting reunification" military operation and realizing national reunification as soon as possible can we minimize casualties.

1. What is Ukrainization

usually refers to Ukrainization in a narrow sense, which refers to the Ukrainian language policy promoted by the Ukrainian authorities in Ukraine. After independence, Ukraine openly enacted laws that enforced the use of Ukrainian on many occasions and restricted the use of Russian. Russian has gradually been squeezed out of the country's educational system, government and state television, radio shows and movies.

Ukraine History is the core region of Kievan Rus . Around the 10th century, the tribes of the Eastern Slavs united in what is now Ukraine to form the ancient Rus tribe and established the state of Kievan Rus, with the current capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, as the capital. In the 12th and 14th centuries, due to feudal separatism, the Kievan Rus gradually split into three branches: Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Kievan Rus was occupied by the Golden Horde of the Mongols in the 13th century. From the 13th to the 15th century, Ukraine successively fought against the invasions of the Mongols, the Germans, and the Ottoman Turks. From the 14th century, it was occupied by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, and became an autonomous region under the control of foreign forces. In 1654, in order to deal with foreign aggression, the leader of the Ukrainian Cossacks, Khmelnitsky, and the Russian Tsar signed the "Peleaslav Peace Treaty" to discuss the return to Russia. Since then, Eastern Ukraine (the left bank of the Dnieper) and Russia have Imperial officially merged. By the 18th century, Russia had expelled foreign invaders one after another, and merged Ukraine and a large area on the northern coast of the Black Sea into its own territory. By 1795, with the exception of Galicia (which belonged to Austria from 1772-1918 and was incorporated after World War II), the rest of Ukraine was under Russian rule until the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The word "Ukraine" first appeared in the "Historical Records of Rus" in 1187 AD, meaning "the frontier land", mainly referring to the border areas such as Periyaslav and part of Galicia in the south of Kyiv. In the 13th century, the southern area controlled by Kievan Rus was gradually occupied, and the appellation "Ukraine" gradually expanded to the coastal areas of the middle reaches of the Dnieper River and most of what is now Ukraine, such as Warren, representing the new frontier area of ​​Kievan Rus.

The difference between Ukrainian and Russian is very small. For example, Ukrainian is equivalent to Beijing dialect of China, and Russian is Mandarin. The grammar is basically the same, and the vocabulary is 80% the same. Ukrainians can understand Russian, and the difference between it and Russian is smaller than that of my country. Differences between most dialects and Mandarin. Moreover, the residents of eastern and southern Ukraine are basically Russian-speaking, and they are originally Russians. The literalization of Ukrainian began after the collapse of the Russian Empire caused by the October Revolution and , but what really drove the development and made modern Ukrainian language was the result of decades of efforts by the Soviet Union.

Ukrainization in a broad sense refers to the westernization of Ukraine in terms of politics, economy and even ideology. Before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Ukraine did not form an independent state in history.It has the same origin as Russia, but since the 13th century, different regions in the territory have been relatively autonomous after being occupied by other countries, which has resulted in cultural differences with Russia. Since the return to Russia in 1654, it has lasted for more than 300 years. In fact, the Cossacks in history are actually Ukrainians, and they are an important force in Russia's foreign expansion, especially the occupation of Central Asia, Siberia, and the main source of force in the northeast of our country.

However, after Ukraine became independent, it gradually took a series of measures to break away from Russia in political, economic and cultural aspects and move closer to the West. In terms of economy, Ukraine is an important industrial base of the Soviet Union and is inextricably linked with the Russian economy. The main factories cooperate with Russia to produce products, and even the core of many Soviet industries is in Ukraine. However, Ukraine tried to change its development direction, ignoring the preferential conditions provided by Russia, such as low-cost energy. As a result, the industries supporting the West failed to develop, and many industries that cooperated with Russia were completely closed down. Ukraine has gone from being one of the core industrial countries in the Soviet era, which can produce the most advanced aircraft carrier , fighter and transport plane , but now it has become the poorest agricultural country in Europe, and has become famous for selling wombs for Westerners. In the country, state governance has become a complete joke. A more serious problem is that several Ukrainian governments have tried to join the NATO organization, allowing American aircraft, artillery, and even nuclear weapons to enter Ukraine. The vanguard of the threat to Russia. At the beginning of 2019, after the actor Zelensky was elected president, he accelerated the pace even more.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union was originally the result of the superstition of the elites of the Soviet Union in Western ideology. After the disintegration, various countries, including Russia, implemented a large number of Western systems and cultures, criticizing the past Soviet culture. Among them, the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany and became the object of opposition in Ukraine. In 2014, with the support of the United States, a color revolution took place in Ukraine, which began to turn to the West in an all-round way. The ultra-nationalist forces rose in the country, and the neo-Nazi forces began to spread. For example, on April 20, 2015, the Hitler monument erected in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv city was unveiled. The monument is located on Kleshadyk Street in the city of Kyiv, across the street from the Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Parliament) building. The monument is made of bronze and is 2.2 meters high.

Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent - Lujuba

During World War II, Bandera, who cooperated with the Nazis and slaughtered millions of people, joined MI6 after the war and continued to carry out assassination activities in Ukraine. , as a hero, enshrined by many Ukrainians. In January 2010, Ukrainian President Yushchenko posthumously awarded Stepan Bandera "Ukrainian Hero", which caused strong protests in Poland because the Nazi-based armed organization led by Bandera was in Poland during World War II. Massacres were carried out in the east, when 100,000 Poles were killed.

Second, the danger of Ukrainization

The more serious problem is that, with the support of the West, the Ukrainian authorities actively support the neo-Nazis from all over the world to organize troops in Ukraine, persecute the local Russians, and even engage in massacres, which has caused all parts of eastern Ukraine They sought independence, leading to civil war. The forces participating in the Ukrainian civil war soon became chaotic. On the Ukrainian government's side, a large number of soldiers who did not recognize the government fled to Eastern Ukraine and Russia, and their troops were stretched thin. Therefore, the government approved the oligarchs and the extreme right-wing parties to organize The total number of militia armed groups has reached more than 80, with a total scale of tens of thousands of people.

Many of these armed groups are fascist militia groups. In addition to the well-known "Azov Battalion", there are also the "Donbas Battalion", the "Milotvonets Battalion", the "Kherson Battalion", the "No. 1st Battalion Niepro" and so on. These fascist militia groups suffered heavy losses in the ensuing civil war in Eastern Ukraine, and were later dispersed by the Ukrainian government and incorporated into the government army. So you can see that there are a lot of soldiers with Nazi symbols tattooed in the Ukrainian government army.

After the end of World War II, because the Nazis in Germany brought serious disasters to the whole world, opposition to the Nazis has become a nationalconsensus of the international community. However, there are also some "unique" countries whose ways of doing things are completely different from the international community. For example, the United States, in the name of "human rights and freedoms", clearly stated that "doing Nazi salutes is purely personal freedom, is it right?" illegal". Not only in China, but also in and . At the end of 2021, when the United Nations passed the anti-Nazi resolution, the United States voted against it, and only one country, Ukraine, followed. This is actually the United States supporting Ukraine to deal with Russia through neo-Nazis, and Russia and other countries will not be allowed to oppose it.

Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent - Lujuba

The Naziization of Ukraine and the persecution and slaughter of local Russians in Ukraine, which led to the Ukrainian civil war, were all the result of the Ukrainian upper class taking the initiative to act as Western thugs and voluntarily acting as the vanguard against Russia. With the support of the West, the situation of the Russians in Ukraine is precarious, and the intervention of the Russian military has turned into a conflict between the two countries. The scale and scope have increased exponentially, and the death toll has increased dramatically. The West, at little cost, has left Russia in a tragic state of cannibalism, and the more serious harm is that the civil war has made the Russians more divided and difficult to reconcile, which will have long-lasting and far-reaching consequences.

After the Russian army entered Ukraine, PutinPresident's public declaration was to demand Ukraine to be de-Nazified. At first, everyone looked at the conditions set by Russia and generally believed that "denazification" was easy to achieve, but now it seems that this has become the most difficult goal to achieve. Zelensky has repeatedly said that the territorial issue can be compromised, but he has never let go of the issue of "denazification". Why are you reluctant to accept "denazification"? Because the Ukrainian authorities cannot manage the neo-Nazi forces that the West has bought and supported; and accepting it is equivalent to acknowledging that Ukraine is the stronghold of the neo-Nazis, Zelensky has been bitten to death, and it is impossible to actively accept "denazification". If Russia has to achieve "de-Nazification", it can only eliminate the Nazis by itself. This also indicates that this war, controlled and supported by the West, will probably last for a long time.

3. Taiwan is transforming into Ukraine

On January 20, 2022, at the 2022 Cross-Strait Relations Outlook Seminar hosted by the Taipei Forum, Taipei Forum CEO and adjunct professor at the National Taiwan University School of Political Science Yang Yongming expressed his views on the Taiwan issue. Yang Yongming believes that in the international arena, the Taiwan issue has become more and more Ukrainian. Yang Yongming said that the island of Taiwan is now more and more like Ukraine. First of all, Taiwan is the "unsinkable" in the first island chain used by the United States to contain mainland China. "Aircraft carrier" is also a key link in the industrial chain of semiconductors and , and it is also the "bridgehead" of the free world built by the United States. Although these three perspectives are a very dazzling halo given by the United States to Taiwan, the problem is that in the process of the game between China and the United States, the United States has never regarded Taiwan as a real "political entity", but regarded Taiwan as a It is just a pawn to implement the US strategy of "taking Taiwan to control China". This fully shows that Taiwan's destiny is not in its own hands. Many Taiwanese, including the DPP authorities, pin their future and destiny on Americans, which is similar to Ukraine's pinning its destiny on the United States and NATO. body is very similar. The second similarity between


is that Taiwan's economic development in recent years, although has encountered some setbacks, has generally developed well. Especially in 2021, under the circumstance of the global economic recession caused by the new crown epidemic, its import and export volume can still reach the scale of 350 billion US dollars (Note: According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, Taiwan's exports in 2020 are 345.2 billion US dollars, and its imports are 285.8 billion US dollars. , the trade surplus is 59.4 billion US dollars; of which exports to the mainland are 200.5 billion US dollars, imports are 60.1 billion US dollars, and the trade surplus is 140.4 billion US dollars), so Taiwan's economy is resilient. But the problem is that Taiwan's economic income is not used to transform Taiwan's people's well-being, but is used by the Tsai Ing-wen authorities to buy weapons from the United States on the one hand, and "gold-dollar diplomacy" on the other. This is actually the same as the current situation in Ukraine. The whole country of Ukraine is one word: "sell", "sell" and "sell". Although Taiwan is not ready to sell it yet, the dollars it gets from mainland China are used by the DPP authorities to please the United States and to please those companies that it wants to "establish diplomatic relations".The so-called "diplomatic countries", which are no different from Ukraine at all.

Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent - Lujuba

In the end, Yang Yongming pointed out that the current political turmoil in Taiwan can be called black and white, confusing right and wrong, which is also not much different from Ukraine. After several Ukrainian presidents came to power, they were either corrupt or traitorous. Especially President Zelensky, after a sketch actor came to power, ruined Ukraine even more. But what makes people wonder is that Ukrainians are still very supportive of Zelensky. In Yang Yongming's view, the same is true of Tsai Ing-wen in Taiwan. For example, anti-Lai pigs and anti-Japanese nuclear food are issues related to the well-being of the Taiwanese people, but under the manipulation of the DPP authorities, they have become an issue of "anti-China protection of Taiwan", so much so that Taiwan The people are mindlessly supporting Tsai Ing-wen. Up to now, although Tsai Ing-wen has made many tricks and was involved in a series of scandals such as fake papers, her political status has remained unchanged. This fully shows that Taiwan's society has also been "Ukrainianized".

Last month, Tsai Ing-wen spoke at a conference commemorating Taiwan's resistance to Japanese aggression in 1895. The audience did not mention anti-Japanese, but spoke on the platform. In 1895, Taiwan had been ceded to Japan, but the Taiwanese fought against Japan with their own flesh and blood. Such an epic heroic deed, a heroic fight against Japan in order to prevent Taiwan from being colonized by Japan. It was even wiped out by Tsai Ing-wen to fight against Japan, and he was going to act as a Taiwanese defender. Is there anything more ridiculous than this? Yes, Taiwan independence will perform for you.

The famous Taiwanese writer Huang Zhixian pointed out that this is a persistent cognitive battle for Taiwan independence. The purpose is to get Taiwan out of China and into Japan. Been doing it for 30 years. And it's almost done. It is a culture war to take Taiwan away from China. Taiwan's textbooks have long been textbooks for the grandson of the betraying ancestors. The propaganda in the early decades was to say, "China itself does not want Taiwan." Such propaganda is as if China does not want Taiwan. But I won't tell you, the Qing court was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War and was forced to cede land for indemnity. Originally, even the land of Longxing could only be ceded to Japan. Then without telling you, Japan is the aggressor. Paint Japan into a kind and fraternal ruler. Deliberately falsifying history, erasing aggression and imperialism from Japan.

And what Japan reaps is not only political interests, but also economic and commercial monopoly. Various industries from Japan entered Taiwan, as if entering a land of no one. Whether it is automobiles, electrical appliances, and department stores, Japanese companies are among the best in their control. Even in real estate, construction, and various government tenders, Japanese businessmen have a growing right to speak. Whether it is Taiwanese visiting Japan or Japanese tourists visiting Taiwan, the market is firmly in the hands of Japanese companies.

Why did Taiwan want to leave China and join Japan? This is because the United States is an anti-China trader. Based on race and culture and past colonial history, it is much more convenient for Japan to act as an agent of the United States to help control Taiwan. You know, Japan's status is like an American colony. In Japan's anti-China grand strategy, it doesn't matter if it wants Ryukyu and Diaoyu Islands. What I really want is Taiwan. Japan has always shown that Taiwan is my posture.

There are ostensibly elections in Taiwan these days. However, all parties have agreed on opposing the Central Committee. Ke Wenzhe confidant and confidant and one country, zz2 systems , one country, z . Jiang Wanan scolded the CCP's military planes for circumventing Taiwan, and repeatedly said that it was against one country, two systems. Even the New Party city councilors voted for the DPP to condemn the Communist Party's circumvention of Taiwan. All this is not accidental, the brainwashing is almost complete. Ms. Huang Zhixian shouted that only unity can eliminate Meiri's colonial consciousness.

On March 12, 2022, Biden signed the "Federal Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2022". The bill prohibits the U.S. government from procuring, producing, or exhibiting any designation that identifies Taiwan and the mainland as the same country. This is blatantly supporting Taiwan independence and splitting China. For a long time, Ms. Huang Zhixian has been reminding that the United States is constantly promoting the internationalization of Taiwan independence. This bill means that the United States has launched an important ideological war against China to promote the psychological recognition of Taiwan as an independent "small country" by the people of various countries. It is very likely that in the near future, it will openly "establish diplomatic relations" with Taiwan, thereby supporting and helping the traitorous forces on the island of Taiwan to accelerate Taiwan independence in terms of ideology. However, the mainland did not respond, and the media did not report anything. It is very dangerous to let it go. People's hearts are very important, the ancients said,Those who win people's hearts win the world. The Mao Zedong era was able to make the US imperialists withdraw their troops from Vietnam and Taiwan, and recognize Taiwan as our country's territory. Not only did we support Vietnam's resistance to the US military, but also because of the export of ideology, it pushed the people of the West and the United States to oppose the war, which made young people resist joining the army. , and thus had to admit the failure to contain China and withdraw its troops from Taiwan.

Now the United States supports Taiwan independence propaganda, which is very similar to the Ukrainization promoted by the United States in Ukraine. The difference is that Russia has recognized Ukraine’s independence. Russia’s military operations against Ukraine are suspected of aggression against other countries, but Russian President Vladimir Putin still insists on sending troops , to prevent Ukraine from becoming a bridgehead for the United States and the West to attack Russia. This is the same as the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union that year. The Soviet Union wanted to deploy missiles in , Cuba, , and the United States sent a fleet to block Cuba and resolutely prevented the Soviet Union's warships from entering Cuba. This is the same reason that China fought two wars with the United States in Korea and Vietnam. It is a national security need not to allow hostile forces to establish aggression bases in neighboring countries. Negotiations with the United States in the Mao Zedong era insisted that the United States withdraw its troops from Taiwan and recognize that Taiwan belongs to China, not only to take back Taiwan as a sacred territory of the motherland, but more importantly to prevent the US military from stationing in Taiwan and threatening the security of the motherland, making Taiwan an unattractive one in the minds of American elites. Sunken aircraft carrier.

At the beginning of last month, the US-led military organization, the NATO summit passed the "new strategic concept" after a lapse of 12 years, and mentioned mainland China for the first time in history. The secretary-general even reached out to Taiwan. NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said on June 29 that although China is not an enemy of NATO, it poses a serious threat to "bullying" Taiwan and other neighbors. On the other hand, at the NATO summit held in Madrid, Spain, while stressing the threat of China, British Foreign Secretary Truss also mentioned Taiwan again. Seeing that China continues to expand its influence economically and militarily, Truss worries that China may "get the wrong idea" from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, leading to a "catastrophic miscalculation" such as taking Taiwan by force.

Huang Tingmin: How far is Taiwan from Ukrainization? The anti-independence and reunification military action is urgent - Lujuba

"new strategic concept" refers to Russia as the "most direct threat" to the NATO alliance , while China poses a "systemic challenge", and mentions the Taiwan issue. Obviously, NATO wants to reach out to the Taiwan Strait, even geographically and historically. The United Kingdom, which is far from Taiwan, also wants to plant its flag on the Taiwan issue. The Taiwan delegation has just concluded the "Taiwan-US High-Level Military Security and Strategic Dialogue" (also known as the Monterey Talks) for the United States. During the meeting, it was reported that the United States suggested that Taiwan should fully invest in "asymmetric" weapons and give up the purchase of large platforms such as fighter jets and warships. Before that, the Taiwan military had vetoed three weapons procurement cases, including the MH-60R Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter, which was rejected by the US on the grounds that it did not meet the principle of "asymmetrical combat power" and required Taiwan to focus on ground defense. On the surface, Western countries intend to ensure Taiwan's defense capabilities, but the purpose of these countries supporting Taiwan is only to deal with mainland China, making Taiwan a bargaining chip, and may even follow the Ukrainian model. But we will never participate in the competition" approach, with the goal of sacrificing the wealth and wealth of the Taiwanese people to achieve checks and balances and weaken the Chinese mainland.

In Taiwan, there are still public like Ms. Huang Zhixian, as well as a large number of centrists who have not publicly expressed their views. We cannot wait for the "Taiwan independence" forces to openly become independent, complete the Ukrainization of "Taiwan independence", establish a Nazi organization like Ukraine to combat the unification faction, and complete the ideological brainwashing of Taiwanese people for Taiwan independence. At that time, the unification will turn into a tragic civil war, and a large number of compatriots will die in the civil war. Today, the United States officially recognizes that Taiwan belongs to China, and most countries in the world also recognize that Taiwan belongs to China. We should recover Taiwan as soon as possible, and do not allow Taiwan to complete the cultural construction of "Taiwan independence" and openly become a thug of the United States. People kill each other. Therefore, it is urgent to reunify Taiwan, and it is recommended to immediately launch the "anti-independence and promote reunification" military operations (such as liberating the Penghu Islands, or even military strikes against Taiwan's puppet presidential palace), and completing the great cause of national reunification as soon as possible can minimize casualties.


The United States does not allow Taiwan to belong to China - Zhihu

Island experts: The Taiwan issue is being Ukrainized, Tsai Ing-wen and Zelensky are both pawns of the United States ) Huang Zhixian Studio - Zhihu

Cold War mentality NATO wants to "Ukrainize" Taiwan?

(the author is a special researcher of Kunlun Ce Research Institute; source: Kunlun Ce Network [original] revised draft, author authorized first release)

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