"Stop the king", are these three "Ting Lai pigs" in danger?

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Source: Taihai Net

Taihai Net, January 20th (Straits Herald reporter Lin Lianjin / Wen network map) A few days ago, the case of "Removing King (DPP Taoyuan City Councilor Wang Haoyu)" led by citizen groups on the island of Taiwan and participated by the Kuomintang was passed. , Over 90% of the public voted in favor of recall, eliminating incompetent public opinion representatives in the minds of voters, and the Kuomintang also launched a "anti-Lai pig (including lean and exquisite pig)" stand-up cannon, which has greatly boosted morale and will continue to promote recall." Ting Lai Pig" representative of public opinion. After

"removes the king", who is the goal of the next stage? Three representatives of public opinion on the island have been named. They are Huang Jie, a non-party member of Kaohsiung City, Chen Baiwei, a "legislator" of the Taiwan Fundamentalist Party, and Wu Siyao, a "legislator" of the Democratic Progressive Party. Among them, the Huang Jie recall case has entered the voting stage and will be held on February 6. Since Taiwan stipulates that "legislators" must serve a full year before they can be removed, Chen Baiwei and Wu Siyao will serve for a full year on the 1st of next month. At present, relevant groups on the island have stated that they will launch the first phase of the commission from February 2nd. Jointly signed to start the recall of "Legislative Legislators" Chen Baiwei and Wu Siyao.


Huang Jie: "Black Korea" rolled his eyes and became popular overnight

After Wang Haoyu was dismissed, the next target of the Kuomintang's dismissal was Huang Jie, a non-party member of Kaohsiung City.

Huang Jie, born in 1993 in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, studied public health at National Taiwan University, worked as a reporter after graduation, and joined "The Power of the Times" as an assistant to the "Legislative Body" party group. On August 2, 2018, she announced that she would represent the "power of the times" to participate in the election of Kaohsiung City Councillors in Fengshan District, and was elected with 18,000 votes.

'Stop the king', are these three 'Ting Lai pigs' in danger? - Lujuba

Huang Jie

and Wang Haoyu rely on "Black Han (Guo Yu)" to get traffic, Huang Jie also relies on "Black Han" to gain popularity in Taiwan. In May 2019, Huang Jie became popular overnight for rolling his eyes when he questioned the issue of "Free Economic Demonstration Zone" in Kaohsiung City Council, and was hailed as the "Goddess of White Eyes". Huang Jie also appeared on a Taiwan political commentary program, and gave an ultra-low "2 points" when rating Han Guoyu's municipal performance. With the continuous "playing Korea", Huang Jie has become a representative figure of "black Korea". In August last year, after Huang Jie withdrew from the "power of the times", he got closer and closer to the DPP.

's aggressive "playing against Korea", coupled with the recent "Laizhu" controversy, "supporting the Laizhu", especially when the Kaohsiung City Council "Laizhu" was found to have zero votes, caused "Korean fans" and people in the constituency. dissatisfied, launched a "strike" action.

The number of electors in Fengshan District, where Huang Jie is located, is about 287,829. The threshold for recall voting is that the number of consent votes exceeds 1/4 of the total number of electors in the original constituency (more than 71,958), and the number of valid consent votes is greater than the number of disagreement votes. Huang Jie was elected with 18,420 votes in 2018. According to public opinion analysis, Kaohsiung Fengshan and Taoyuan Zhongli are quite similar in terms of voter structure. It depends on whether the Kaohsiung Blue Army really moves. The success or failure of the "strike" battle has a more critical impact on the overall morale of the Blue Army. Han Guoyu won 110,000 votes in Fengshan in 2018, but only got more than 80,000 votes in the 2020 "general election". Last year's Kaohsiung mayoral by-election, Li Meizhen only got more than 30,000 votes in a blue robe, so how did the Blue Army urge the public Willingness to vote and increasing voter turnout are all key. In addition, different from the DPP's observance of "strike the king", there are many people in the DPP who support Huang Jie, which increases the difficulty of "stripping the king". And Taiwanese media person Wu Zijia believes that Huang Jie's recall case may pass.


Chen Baiwei: Six of the votes can make

be removed. Recently, Zheng Boqi, the head of Liren Li District, Taichung City, announced that he would promote the removal of "legislator" Chen Baiwei, and listed five reasons for "removal", including Chen Chang's " fishy taint" words, support for the legalization of marijuana, and "strengthening pigs", etc.

Chen Baiwei, who was born in 1985, used the mantra "3Q (thank you)" when he ran for Kaohsiung City Councilman in 2018, and was called "Brother 3Q" by his supporters. In January 2020, Yan Kuanheng, the son of Yan Qingbiao who defeated Blue Camp's in Taichung, was elected as a "legislator" and became the first "legislator" of the Taiwan Progressive Party. After that, Chen Baiwei jumped out from time to time to brush his sense of existence, made jokes one after another, and was ridiculed by netizens on the island as a "legislator".

'Stop the king', are these three 'Ting Lai pigs' in danger? - Lujuba

Chen Baiwei

Taiwan media once reported that in March last year, Chen Baiwei suggested Taiwan's foreign affairs department to set up a so-called "China" when questioning Taiwan's "legislature".Taiwan's "United Daily News" published an article mocking his lack of knowledge and common sense. Then, Chen Baiwei made a surprising statement. He strongly suggested that the DPP authorities allow Hong Kong protesters to go to Taiwan to join the army and obtain "citizenship". In this regard, Yu Muming, the honorary chairman of the new party, slammed Chen Baiwei's suggestion as a mentally retarded remark on Facebook. The "Laizhu Incident" broke out Later, Chen Baiwei became a "pioneer" of "Ting Lai Pig". In October last year, he criticized the Kuomintang "legislator"'s chaotic proposal on Facebook, and also said that "American pig honey ham is super delicious." Luo Zhiqiang, a member of the Kuomintang Taipei City , Chen Baiwei is the Taichung version of Wang Haoyu, and the two are 87% similar in what they say and do to support "Lai Zhu", which can be said to be the 2.0 version of Wang Haoyu.

According to the threshold of recall stipulated on the island, Chen Baiwei's Taichung "legislator" "The total number of electors in the second constituency is more than 290,000. To file for recall, 1% of the joint signatures in the first stage are required to nearly 3,000 people, and the second stage requires 10% of nearly 30,000 people. After the case is completed, more than 25% of the votes for recall are required. There are more than 72,000 votes. Chen Baiwei has 112,839 votes in 2020. Due to the different thresholds for recalling "legislators" and city councillors, Taoyuan City Councillor Wang Haoyu's recall votes are five times his elected votes, but Chen Baiwei's If the recall case is settled, only about 60% of the electoral votes will pass the test.


Wu Siyao: Actually opposed to the campus "banning pigs"

In December last year, the DPP "legislative body" caucus forcibly passed the opening of the "Legislative Pig" with the advantage of the number of people. After the 9 administrative orders of "Anti-Lai Pig", the Kuomintang's "anti-Lai pig" action was divided into two groups. One way, an "anti-Lai pig referendum" was launched, and all the way, the green camp "legislators" who "supported Lai pig" were mulled over. The very fierce DPP "legislator" Wu Siyao has been named many times.

'Stop the king', are these three 'Ting Lai pigs' in danger? - Lujuba

Wu Siyao

Wu Siyao was born in Taipei County (now New Taipei City) in 1974 and served three consecutive terms as a Taipei City Councilor. In 2015, the Democratic Progressive The party recruited Wu Siyao as a candidate for the "Legislative Council" in the first electoral district of Taipei City (Shilin District and Beitou District). In 2016, she defeated the Kuomintang's seven consecutive "Legislator" Ding Shouzhong and was successfully elected. In 2020, she was re-elected.

According to Taiwan media reports, the Kuomintang once named four "Laizhu committees", they are Taipei City's "Laizhu Aunt" Wu Siyao, New Taipei's "Laizhu Supreme" Su Qiaohui (Su Zhenchang's daughter), Taichung "Laizhu thug" Chen Baiwei, and "Laizhu" Cai Qichang, the person in possession of the mirror" and the current deputy head of the "Legislative Body". Wu Siyao once said that "the fear wave of pigs was hyped." As soon as this statement came out, the island was in an uproar. She also discussed the ban on campuses in the "Legislative Body" in Taiwan. When Clenbuterol was used in a nutritious lunch, she voted against it, sparking protests from parents.

Wu Siyao defeated her opponent by more than 107,000 votes in 2020. In last year's election, her constituency voted for more than 275,000 people, and the first phase of the proposal was dismissed. The threshold for signing is 2,754, and the threshold for joint signing in the second stage requires 27,500 People, if the Kuomintang wants to remove Wu Siyao, the threshold is 68,750 votes. At present, the recall case of Wu Siyao has been claimed and recalled by Luo Zhiqiang. Yesterday, Luo Zhiqiang announced that the Facebook fan club "I + 1" established the "Claiming Committee Air Force Command", with a goal of reaching 141,641 fans (the total number of votes needed to remove Wu Siyao and Chen Baiwei), locking in the "North Siyao, Zhong Baiwei". To "Lai pig sister and brother". At present, the number of fans of the "Claimed Air Force Command" has reached 81,881.

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