Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing

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Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing - Lujuba

Li Bai has a poem: kill a person in ten steps, and leave a thousand miles behind. When the matter is over, the clothes are gone, and the merit and fame are deeply hidden. Back then, Shi Xian still had a knight's dream in his heart, and the ranger who was resolutely promised and who was still full of spirit was left with a chivalrous fragrance. And mortals, such as me, are also very envious of the life of the knights, relying on Qingfeng to ride on the clouds and relying on happiness and grievances, life is freely swayed, and watered between the mountains and rivers. After Jin Yong and Gulong, the text rivers and lakes were very lonely. In the world of martial arts comics, after the unfinished end of Hong Kong manga "Fengyun", it is difficult to see good works. The dream of martial arts is still there, and the green mountains are still flowing freely.

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have such a domestic martial arts comic, called "Tibetan Feng Xing", which originated from the fantasy martial arts novel "The Demon Sword" by the Taiwanese writer and puppet screenwriter Momo Monkey. The elegant martial arts master combined with animation veterans and rookie painters, with a hard-line painting style and smooth flow. It received rave reviews when it was launched, and it became the runner-up of Tencent's animation word-of-mouth list overnight.

Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing - Lujuba

The story setting can be described as magnificent, the time line and the story line are intertwined, the past and the present, spanning three dynasties, fully showing the waves of the martial arts world, the ups and downs are magnificent. According to the timeline given on the last page of the manga "Tibetan Feng Xing 1", there have been three demon swords rebellions since the ancient time when the human race of Dongsheng Continent fought and when the Donghai Daolin tribe established the Jade Dragon Dynasty. For the first time, the secret weapon five poisonous demon swords were released before the destruction of Tianyuan Daozong, and the demon swords killed each other. The second Yaodao Rebellion was the Battle of the Central Plains, the Yaodao came out again, and the heroes of the East China Sea cooperated with each other to block the Yaodao Youning. Thirty years after the third demon sword rebellion, seven years after Chengxuan, the demon sword appeared again, and the task of saving the common people fell into the hands of an ordinary little blacksmith, Pei Lie.


Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing - Lujuba

"Tibetan Feng Xing" has published two volumes and is being serialized. As soon as the protagonist of "Tang Feng Xing 1" debuted, Pei Lie, a young man, took on the task of picking up the sword, and then he was involved in the massacre of the knife corpse in Shuiyue Tingxuan. The book "Tibetan Feng Xing 2" follows the above-mentioned four swordsmen who gathered together. During the internal disputes, they encountered the demon sword "You Ning".

A closer look at the two books is like entering the realm of gossip, suspense is repeated, the plot is fierce and tense, and the scene changes so quickly that you can't be caught off guard. Here, the young Pei Lie, the seventh uncle, and the wooden chicken uncle are happy, there is a misty rain, the girl is quiet Lying in the pavilion, with murderous intentions everywhere, here several big swordsmen Wei Wuyin swords turned into rain, forming a pair of enemy formations, over there Pei Lie driving a carriage in the rain, the Bihu girl who was controlled by the demon knife was chasing. Such pictures make people fully mobilize the sensory nerves and can't stop reading. You are nervous about the fate of Mo Shuse, who is controlled by the Yaodao You Ning, and you lament that Pei Lie used his life to win the time for other girls to escape at the critical moment. We, with the sad song, the geometry of life. The characters in

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Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing - Lujuba

are in the same vein as traditional martial arts works. Heroes come from teenagers. On the road of growth, they encounter changes in rivers and lakes. Pei Lie, from a humble background, but optimistic and cheerful, reminds people of Xiao Yuer who grew up in the Valley of the Wicked in "Peerless Two Pride". Zhang Wuji, the young man who struggled to send Yang Buhui to Guangmingding safely, all had youthful chivalry in them, which was one of the human natures that were lacking in the world at that time and in today's society. The faces of other characters also become clear as the story unfolds. For example, at the beginning of "Tang Feng Xing 1", the crows flew up, and Tang Shiqi, a carpenter, sacrificed himself to help seal the demon sword You Ning. In the words of a hero, who said that a carpenter can't be a hero? And those beautiful women and the major swordsmen masters, the characters should also be able to detect a thing or two from their names.


"Knife, what kind of knife is it?" In "The White-Browded Hero", the knife is a golden ring knife, in "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain", it is the Hu family knife in the hands of Hu Yidao, and in "Eternal Dragon Slayer" it is The dragon slaying sword hidden in the military book, the setting of the demon sword in "Tibetan Feng Xing" is different. It is worse than the life and death talisman, and it is more poisonous than the poison. It attaches to the human body like a parasite, making it a corpse , and control the nature of the mind, expand the demons, and eventually become a nobodySexual weapons kill each other. This may be the author's setting for the work, the darkest part of using a demon knife to externalize human nature. When it is bright, hidden in the shadows, once released, things such as greed, hatred, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt immediately become like a flood of beasts, and eventually devour oneself and the whole world.

Zang Feng Xing: The demon sword in the rivers and lakes, the youth Zang Feng Xing - Lujuba

Shakespeare said: Hell is empty and the devil is on earth. Just like the so-called father and son brothers and sisters in the "Liancheng Jue", once they are infected with the evil in their hearts, they will embark on a road of no return. Maybe the young Pei Lie will have a bumpy and bumpy road to growth in the future. He shed blood and tears in the process of finding the demon knife. Maybe he will experience betrayal and the shatter of his ideals, and pay a painful price for it. But isn't this growth, isn't it? It is the core of martial arts that can reflect the bright color in our hearts and stick to the original place, which can make us happy for so many years, so that we can look at life in the light of the light.

Tags: cartoon