High-altitude service, collective support...Can movie promotion really drive the box office more than movie quality?

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all say that the box office of movies is not high and half depends on strength and half on "metaphysics." In fact, in addition to the director's signature, cast, production scale and the quality of the story, the publicity method is also a top priority.

In many cases, the battle between movies and movies is about publicity, and the comparison is popularity~ If you do a good job in the early stage of publicity, then the movie will naturally be able to achieve the effect of "fire before the show". Therefore, what methods are used for publicity can be said to be the magic weapon for winning each movie before it is released.

High-altitude service, collective support...Can movie promotion really drive the box office more than movie quality? - Lujuba

Speaking of quite innovative and impressive propaganda methods, what I have to mention is naturally the "Captain of China", which had a hot trend in the National Day file not long ago.

can make publicity on a plane with an altitude of 10,000 meters. It is estimated that there is no one except "Captain China"!

High-altitude service, collective support...Can movie promotion really drive the box office more than movie quality? - Lujuba

Ten days before its official release, the film "Captain of China" held a creative premiere. All the main creators dressed in uniforms in the film, collectively appeared on a certain plane of Sichuan Airlines, to promote the film. .

High-altitude service, collective support...Can movie promotion really drive the box office more than movie quality? - Lujuba

In that high-altitude propaganda, the "Stewardess" headed by Yuan Quan led Li Qin, Zhang Tianai and other "Stewardess", plus Zhang Hanyu, Du Jiang, Ou Hao and other driving crew members, all well-trained for you Passenger service, dedicated to reproduce the work of the characters in the movie. After all,

is a movie that has been filmed for so long, and everyone has received professional training before shooting. You can feel that several actors are really integrated into the role, whether it is smiling to answer passenger questions or distribute to passengers The items are completely the flight attendants themselves! Among them, Zhang Tianai also thoughtfully presented the "Old Godmother" to the passengers, which also showed the characteristics of Sichuan Airlines~

I have to say that the passengers on this flight are really earning blood! Although

has thousands of propaganda methods, such as "Captain China" is really great! It can be said that this set of propaganda model is completely tailor-made, except for "Chinese Captain", no one can apply it~

At the same time, the actors communicate with everyone as roles throughout the process, which invisibly deepens everyone. The impression of the movie, and the curiosity about each role. In any case, this wave of propaganda for "Captain China" was extremely successful. Under the premise that the movie itself is very popular, it undoubtedly triggered a heated discussion among netizens before the release.

In addition, the propaganda methods of the movie "My Motherland and Me" are also quite innovative.

In the previous "Happy Camp", four main actors, Du Jiang, Peng Yuchang, Chen Feiyu, and Han Dongjun, appeared on the show for a round of publicity for the film. In the

program, all the guest hosts and audiences on the stage jointly held a special "response"~ When the audience held the national flag and enthusiastically called the support banner, the picture was really spectacular Up!

Especially when everyone yelled out: "Azhong, Azhong, bravely fly! Chinese sons and daughters will follow forever", the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to the climax. Sure enough, we all have a common idol. His name is China~

. Such an exciting scene naturally aroused the resonance of the audience in front of the screen, so there is no doubt that this issue of "Happy Camp" was also Push it to the hot search on Weibo.

Not only that, the People's Daily also specifically reported on this "aid" activity on Weibo. The official media have all come out to publicize, "My Motherland and Me" is really a force from the national team~

In addition to the two films during the National Day, there are actually many films with very unique publicity methods.

is like the movie "Love" that is currently being filmed. The appearance of the movie

was to meet you in the form of a vlog shot by Xu Zheng himself. As soon as the video came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention to the film.

In fact, under the premise of Xu Zheng as the producer, the film only needs to be officially announced according to the normal information release form. In any case, Xu Zheng's sign is already the biggest selling point and the best publicity point.

However, "Beloved" doesn't take the usual path, and must seek a unique way to promote it, so this vlog is created. It has to be said that compared to simply posting stills and publishing information about the lead role, this format really makes the audience more interested.

Although this vlog looks very lightSong is humorous, like it was filmed "whatever you want," but the amount of information contained in it is very large. It not only announced the arrival of the movie, showed Xu Zheng's supervisory position, announced the cast, and also showed everyone The shooting scene, by the way, brought out the director's work on the set and the exact release time. After a series of operations like

, all the information that the film should tell everyone is basically there. The most rare thing is that this kind of propaganda method is not rigid, and it can make people even more impressive. It is estimated that whenever you mention things related to "Pets" in the future, everyone will remember the original vlog published by Xu Zheng.

Speaking of relying on publicity to directly promote the box office of movies, a typical one is "The Last Night on Earth" which was released on December 31, 2018. Although

's final box office score of 280 million is not very outstanding, it is really quite good for a literary film. Even if the starring is Tang Wei, under normal circumstances, the box office of "The Last Night on Earth" must not reach this level.

Therefore, the movie wins better than the promotional copy that was launched before it was released.

itself chose to be released on December 31st, which is a very wonderful node, spanning two years before and after, and the film party happened to use this selling point to make a big publicity.

No matter in the promotional posters, various activities and Weibo promotion, the signboard of "The Last Night on Earth" has always been closely centered around "The Last Night on Earth-The Last Night of 2018". Especially the concept of "One Kiss New Year's Eve" is even more enthusiastic.

As a result, the movie has successfully attracted the attention of a large audience, especially for many young couples who did not pay attention to literary films before. The point of "One Kiss for New Year's Eve" can be said to be of extraordinary significance. The movie is even more romantic and cool. On the day of the release of "The Last Night on Earth", which is the New Year's Eve, the box office of the movie is soaring. Many viewers want to draw a perfect picture for 2018 through this movie. The end of the year, and a romantic and wonderful beginning for 2019.

However, it is a pity that compared with the popularity of the opening, the reputation of the movie does not seem to be very good, and it is very obvious that after the New Year's Day, the box office of "The Last Night on Earth" also showed a cliff-like decline.

After watching the movie, many viewers said that the movie was “unintelligible”. The shooting methods of various “clouds and mists” are really obscure and difficult to understand. It is not the same as the elegant and romantic imagination. The key is that they don’t know the movie from beginning to end. What do you want to express...

Although "The Last Night on Earth" did not end well in the end, the film's "New Year's Eve" promotion was definitely very successful.

also formed a strong contrast before and after, there is also the children's film "Peppa Pig", which was released on the first stage of the new year this year.

Before the movie was released, the film director deliberately produced a micro-film-style propaganda trailer "What is Page". In the

short film, the Spring Festival is approaching, and the grandfather living in a certain village runs around asking about what his grandson’s favorite "Peppa" is, and finally gave his grandson a surprise in his own way. The whole short film is both humorous, funny and full of warmth. It not only uses the simple and unpretentious shooting method to show the scene of the countryside full of flavor, but also shows the warm affection between the three generations of grandparents. Once the short film

was released, it attracted the collective attention of a large number of netizens and successfully topped the hot search on Weibo. Everyone was full of praise for this creative work. Many people say that the film crew really took great pains to promote the big movie, and actually made such a hardcore commercial.

is also full of love for the trailer. "Little Pig Peppa New Year" can be said to be included in the movie list that many parents must bring their children to watch during the Spring Festival.

However, when they actually walked into the cinema to watch a movie, everyone turned into a black question mark face: Who am I? where am I? Why should I take my children to watch this film...

In the eyes of many viewers, this movie is simply a video of random splicing of live action and animated clips, which is a mixed movie clip. It makes people wonder if it was filmed a few days before the release. Therefore, many people shouted that they were deceived after watching them. Not only were they deceived by the content of the movie, they were also deceived.The previous trailer was cheated.

But, what else can I do? The movie promotion is "undefeatable". The previous trailer was made well, and it is indeed true~

In contrast, the same early stage relied on short videos to attract attention, and the movie "Wushuang" It looks much more genuine. Without everyone's knowledge, suddenly, one day, a video about "unannounced visits to the mysterious banknote printing group in the depths of the mountains" attracted the collective attention of many netizens. The video format of

is exactly the way ordinary people record their daily lives. The picture is very dim and the shooting method is very rough. In the end, the thrilling old banknote printing factory in the depths of the mountains shocked everyone, and thought it was a reporter. Infiltrate the criminals to find evidence.

As a result, while filming, Chow Yun-fat and Aaron Kwok appeared in the picture, and then the title of "Wu Shuang" appeared. Only then did everyone figure out that this was a promotional video for the movie!

has to say that the film routine is too deep~ and such a video just fits the content of the film, which arouses the great curiosity of netizens. The most important thing is that the effect of "Wu Shuang" after its release is very good. Many people have praised it as the "light of Hong Kong film", which can be regarded as living up to the audience's waiting.

In addition to the above creative propaganda methods, there is also a form of propaganda. Although not creative in the strict sense, it can be regarded as "innovative", that is, "tragic propaganda".

If you want to say that the concept of selling miserable propaganda really leads, it is probably the 2016 movie "Hundred Birds Chaofeng".

Speaking of this movie, it is really a good movie, unique with traditional Chinese skills and a profound theme. But unfortunately, the movie did not attract much attention when it was released, and the schedule rate of major theaters was extremely low, which can be described as a dismal box office.

As a result, the producer of "Hundred Birds in the Phoenix" broadcast live on Weibo, and knelt down on the spot, begging the major theaters to arrange more films, and hope that everyone will not let the legacy of Wu Tianming Such a bleak way ended. This kneeling of

can be called an amazing scene in the history of Chinese film. Although various film propaganda methods are strange, it is the first time that a producer kneels in public!

However, compared to hype or deliberate eyeballing, the move of "Hundred Birds Chaofeng" may be more out of helplessness. Whether it is the bitterness or grief when kneeling, it is from the heart.

Although this approach has caused great controversy, the effect is still there. After the incident, many viewers went to the theater to watch the movie, and the number of films has also increased.

is the same. In addition to "A Hundred Birds and a Phoenix", there is also a film with a good quality but a dismal box office that also used a miserable publicity, that is, "Flash Girl".

After the movie was released, when the box office was in a downturn, "Flash Girl" was also "wrecked", but this time it was not the producer kneeling to the audience and the theater, but the entire publicity team kneeling together! Not only did

kneel down, the team members also held KT boards with the words "Filming", "Trailer", and "Planning" written on them. They claimed their respective positions and "confessed their guilt" to the audience. Name or poster and miss a good movie. It can be seen from

that the kneeling "inspiration" of "Flash Girl" comes from "Hundred Birds Face the Phoenix". Of course, the same move of "Flash Girl" has also caused a huge controversy among thousands of netizens, and everyone is feeling this Is it popular for filmmakers in the beginning of the year to kneel for the box office? In terms of

, "Hundred Birds Chaofeng" and "Flash Girl" are both excellent works of conscience. If the audience misses the film for one reason or another, it is indeed a pity, and it belongs to the "I owe movie tickets in this life series" ".

​​However, the kneeling propaganda method is really not worth promoting. Even if the box office is not proportional to the word of mouth, it is very sad, but as long as you enter the film market, you must have a strong enough mentality to accept the test of the market and win it. If you can afford to lose, no matter what, there will be a more decent and effective way of propaganda than kneeling.

For any movie, publicity can be said to be a crucial link, especially in the box office, it has a very powerful role in promoting. The propaganda method of

film can be called an art, which has tested the brain and creativity of the film crew to a large extent.A good publicity can make the movie hot, and even bring the movie back to life. If the content of the movie is also excellent, then the two will complement each other, and the performance of all aspects of the work will definitely reach the best.

Nowadays, under the rapid development of various network platforms, the promotion of movies is increasingly making unique moves. However, in the final analysis, only the publicity method based on the characteristics of the film itself is the most effective and unobtrusive. The disgusting way. In the movies you watched in "Little Half Life", do you still remember which of the publicity methods is the most amazing?

Tags: movie