Countdown to death! Why do you say "Dragon Family", you should kill the old king Viserys as soon as possible

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"Dragon Family" entered the seventh episode of , let King Viserys die as soon as possible, which can be said to be a kind of kindness to this character. However, this tragedy is not expected to happen so soon.

King Viserys' illness has always been a big part of the Dragon Family story. From the earliest episodes, the rulers of Westeros have clearly had physical issues. According to the actor who played Viserys himself, the king had leprosy. The longer the story goes on, the worse his condition gets. "Dragon Family" not only makes people more and more believe that the king can live for a while, but his illness is a more serious torture for him.

Countdown to death! Why do you say 'Dragon Family', you should kill the old king Viserys as soon as possible - Lujuba

This is the most obvious in "Dragon Family" Season 1, Episode 7, , ​​, for the physical state of the old king. After 10 years of jumping, he survived. In episode seven, he again looks weaker and more confused. King Viserys' illness worried him as much, but so did his feuding family, as much as his disease burdened him. He's clearly exhausted from everything and ready to leave to be reunited with his Emma.

The next jump is most likely to happen in the eighth episode of the first season of Dragon Family. This is a logical point, as there needs to be enough time before the end of the first season to figure out where the characters of the second season will go. And complete the necessary story - then the question is whether King Viserys will die at this point. After all, the death of Viserys is the kind of event that Game of Thrones usually doesn't change until episode nine, and the death of Ned Stark in season one is the stark contrast.

Countdown to death! Why do you say 'Dragon Family', you should kill the old king Viserys as soon as possible - Lujuba

However, from the death of Viserys to the Dance of the Dragons, there are many episodes to explore. So it makes perfect sense to have him die at the end of episode 8. Of course, it mostly depends on the time jump. If in Chapter 8, even if he didn't die, he looks like he'd have more illnesses. The next time jump, presumably when Viserys shows up wearing a mask, means that his condition is worse, and by that time, it will surely give him a rest forever.

Countdown to death! Why do you say 'Dragon Family', you should kill the old king Viserys as soon as possible - Lujuba

The death of Viserys was not only a kindness to the poor king, but it was absolutely crucial to the story of The Dragon Family. Dance of the Dragons didn't really start until after his death, so while he was still around, the stability of the kingdom - like himself - was held together by the best threads. Viserys' death will lead to chaos and carnage. The battle lines are clearly drawn, and the Black Party and the Green Party will be more visible then.

This will leave a vacancy for , the Iron Throne, , and these two throne-seekers will stop at nothing to fill it, turning Viserys' legacy into a mass of death and destruction. Overall, Viserys is a decent king as a member of Targaryen . Although he was too cruel to his wife Emma, ​​he loved Rhae Nila very much and protected his daughter everywhere. Therefore, to say goodbye to the old king is indeed a bit reluctant.

Countdown to death! Why do you say 'Dragon Family', you should kill the old king Viserys as soon as possible - Lujuba

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