recently produced the original animation "Cyberpunk: 2077" produced by Trigger Club "Cyberpunk: Edge Walker" on Netflix. The popularity of the animation has skyrocketed, and even the animation has reversed the level of goods. ” ushered in the second spring again.
Animation introduction: "Cyberpunk: Edgewalker" tells the story of a young street wanderer trying to survive in a futuristic city obsessed with technology and body modification. The form of human existence will no longer be fixed. It can be said that the theme of cyberpunk is our imagination of the future .
According to SteamDB data, the number of simultaneous online players of "Cyberpunk 2077" on Steam reached a new high last night. At the peak, 136,724 players played at the same time, and the peak number of players has not decreased in the past week.
The "Cyberpunk 2077" sale is coming to an end, and CDPR also issued a message to remind players who still want to play the game to start quickly. In the new weekly sales list of Steam, "Cyberpunk 2077" also rose to third place.
The resurgence of "Cyberpunk 2077" is largely due to the success of the derivative animation "Cyber Wanderer", which not only makes old players want to go back to the pit to relive it, but also makes some new players have an interest in the game. keen interest.