Interview with director Xu Xiangyun: The police are heroes and weak

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Then Liu Yibo is walking away, he thinks I can't do it anymore, I can't control it completely, this is the previous scene where they separated.

and DNA. I feel that this is a new technology. The new technology is actually very far away from them. So this matter is basically ended in a very absurd way, which is the main participation in a previous case. The person heard how the case was solved on the bus. I think this is a bit joking, probably from this line of thinking. In fact, by 2018, I feel that pen and ink has not been placed on the case, but on a kind of absurd treatment. The case is broken, maybe through a technology, it is easy to break.

vote god : The film pays tribute to the police at the end. What does the director want to convey through these contents?

Xu Xiangyun: To put it simply, the theme conveyed in the film is about the harm to the police and people of the case, so based on this situation, I put a tribute to the police at the end. The main consideration is that some viewers may not know what life the police are facing every day. The police wear uniforms every day. They are law enforcement officers. They feel that they are strong and a group of heroes, but at the same time they are also victims and weak, especially When I visited and investigated them, when I got to know them, I would find that they were also tortured by the case and life. The family members of the deceased

are victims. In a sense, the police are also victims. They have paid a lot for the case. Some may be life, and some may be spiritual, psychological, and family. The data we give may only reflect some external sacrifices, such as how many people they sacrificed and how many people died. Perhaps the "sacrifice" of some police officers is reflected in the family, marriage, and personal mental state. I write about this in order to let everyone know about this group.

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is the theme song of "The True Colors of Heroes". From the beginning, he wanted to use

to vote for God : There are many details in the film, including people wearing masks because of SARS at the end of 2002 and some movie posters. What were the criteria for choosing these time elements?

Xu Xiangyun: basically puts in every year's particularly critical information. Yes, you look at it carefully. The masks are indeed designed by us. In 2003, because of SARS, that was what I really remembered. I felt that everyone did not go out, but even if they were wearing masks, they would still play mahjong. I was about 13 years old in 2003, and I was very impressed with it at that time. The time of the story I tell is closer to my life, and it happens to be what I have experienced. Therefore, some characteristics of the times, social characteristics, and environmental characteristics are generally easy to grasp. Including the shooting location is also the environment I have lived in, so this aspect may be closer to me.

vote god : There is a fool character in the film, which is quite funny. What is the purpose of the arrangement?

Xu Xiangyun: still wants to make a sense of absurdity, that is, that fool puts a kind of pressure on the protagonist, a kind of inner pressure, because a fool can only say one word, that is, "what is it?" In fact, this one also has a prototype. How can I say it, because there is a fool around me who can only say this word and only say "what are you doing?" He has a sense of absurdity. In fact, at the end of the word, he asked the protagonist. They went all the way, including Liu Yibo who wanted to give up, He Chen never gave up and persisted, and then he wanted to ask, what are you doing?

Actually, I think this thing may be a bit more literary. I just want to ask in a foolish tone, what are you trying to track down? Is it the truth? If you go further down, what will your next life be like? Actually want to torture the two protagonists, in the tone of a fool.

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vote god : The murderer in the film will leave a daisy pattern. The flower language of the daisy is hope and beauty. There is a sense of contrast between the two. What do you want to express?

Xu Xiangyun: I think this may be understood in two ways: on the one hand, as you said, from the perspective of the murderer, he may not think so much. My understanding is that the meaning of flower language is not given On the murderer.

Then, I want to put the flower language more on the protagonist. As you just said, it does not represent beauty, hope, and purity. In my imagination, these are actually more of the theme of the film. Give a meaning to the protagonist.

vote god : The song "Love in the past" appears constantly in the film, does the director like the movie "Heroes"? Or is this song similar to the story of the two protagonists in the film?

Xu Xiangyun: I also like the movie , and I think this song is more suitable for their emotions.

vote god : Did you think of using this song at the beginning of filming?

Xu Xiangyun: When first wrote the script, I wrote it, but when I wrote the script, Liu Yibo sang it for everyone, so I sang this song to He Chen. The song was not very good, and it was very affectionate. I want to deal with it in this way. But afterwards, I thought about it. There are two reasons. One reason is that I am afraid of handling it badly and it is easy to be embarrassed. The second reason is that I was not sure if I could buy the copyright of this song at the time, and I didn’t dare to sing it. If you haven't bought it, then this scene may be more troublesome, and it may have to be cut or revised.

So I filmed it at that time. I didn’t sing it first. We lost the song for a long time in the middle. Later, when we were editing the film, we felt that we might need to get back a song, so which song would be better. Suitable? After thinking about many plans, I took this song back, and later I went to talk about copyright smoothly.

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debut, I give myself 6 points

votes God : This movie is the director’s debut, do you feel any dissatisfaction, what else needs improvement?

Xu Xiangyun: I scored about 6 points myself, I think there are still many shortcomings, such as what I have overlooked before, because I am a screenwriter, maybe a scriptAt the meeting, I think about this issue again, and I feel that it is because I am a screenwriter that I may actually overlook the most part of the drama. It’s a little bit too self-centered in the script. You just want to write how you want to, or you want to express what you want to express in a very personal way, but in fact, as a work, you have to meet the public. In fact Still have to consider your point of resonance or empathy with the audience, where is the point of this kind of drama that can produce a chemical reaction with the audience? What should you do?

thinks a lot about these things, and may pay attention to this sense of sense in the future, including this kind of audio-visual aspect, I will learn more and train a lot in the future, and I have many shortcomings in this aspect.

vote god : do you want to develop in the direction of director or screenwriter? What other works do you want to try?

Xu Xiangyun: The director of may have to look at it again, but the direction of the screenwriter is unlikely to give up, because I have always been interested in writing, and may keep writing it unless something special happens. As for the subject and type of

, I still want to try more. There is no restriction on this. Actually, I’m writing about crime recently, and I’m also writing some other themes and types of works. Maybe I don’t dare to watch them except for some horror movies, because I don’t know much about it, so I don’t know how to write. Shoot, you may try other things slowly.

"Nineteen Years of Pursuing the Murder" is the main creator at the 3rd Pingyao International Film Festival

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