The second generation of American low-key rich, business acumen may not be as good as Wang Sicong, but you must have heard of his company

movie 1904℃

Speaking of the rich second generation, Wang Sicong must be the first Chinese to think of. As far as Wang Sicong is concerned, there are praised and controversial places. The praised place is his business acumen. With his father's 500 million, the e-sports and live broadcast industries are very prosperous. Earning more than 6 billion, the controversial place is that the Internet celebrity girlfriends can't finish changing, spending money like dirt, and talking without blocking.

The second generation of American low-key rich, business acumen may not be as good as Wang Sicong, but you must have heard of his company - Lujuba

If you have a rich dad, you can make money no matter what you do, then the second generation of rich Americans that we are talking about today really refutes this view. This rich second-generation father is much richer than Wang Jianlin, but this rich second-generation has almost no business acumen, and only some so-called feelings and craftsmanship, but these two spiritual foods cannot be eaten after all, so this It also led to his career is really not as good as Wang Sicong. The rich second generation of

is called Talavus Knight. He was born in an aristocratic family. Of course, he is very good. After graduating from high school, he refused the admission to Stanford University. Why? Because Knight is a literary and artistic young man who likes to rap, so he is busy making records for his own preferences, feeling that such mundane things as Stanford are not what he wants.

The second generation of American low-key rich, business acumen may not be as good as Wang Sicong, but you must have heard of his company - Lujuba

Knight’s record sold for $210,000, but Knight felt that he was humiliated! why? Is it because it is sold badly? Not! It's because his father secretly bought the $200,000 in it. After

, Knight also realized that he was really bad at being a singer, so he went to a state university. The gap between this school and Stanford is equivalent to the difference between Tsinghua University and a city college in a fifth-tier city. It's the same size, and I don't know if Knight has ever regretted it. After graduating from

, Knight went to an animation studio, but in the later stage, the business situation of this studio was in decline, and soon closed down, so Knight and his father came out again, 3 million US dollars, 5 million US dollars , 18 million US dollars of continuous capital injection, and finally acquired this studio, let Knight become CEO from a wage earner. It seems that the rich are different from us. If I can't afford it, I will buy it. Anyway, I have money.

The second generation of American low-key rich, business acumen may not be as good as Wang Sicong, but you must have heard of his company - Lujuba

, but Knight, who became CEO, is also quite successful. In 2012, he released 5 cartoons, almost all of which were nominated for Oscars. Isn’t that great? As we mentioned above, he is a literary and artistic young man with feelings and craftsmanship. His works are very good, but they are not commercialized. Although he is a frequent visitor to the Oscars, he is in a mess! It can be said that if there is no support from his dad behind, Knight would have been closed long ago!

However, Knight's condition seems to have improved because he was taken by Paramount! why? Because Paramount's previous directors all pursued a gimmick, and the pursuit of works must be quite commercial, resulting in the company's film reputation getting worse and worse.

So they only need a director with a super professional level. Paramount will handle the rest of the commercialization and promotion by himself, and Knight is a very craftsman, but can't do commercialization. So Paramount and Knight naturally became a match made in heaven. The most important thing is that if Paramount suffers any financial crisis, Knight's father is very likely to help!

So who is Knight's father? That is Phil Knight, the boss and founder of the NIKE empire. Taravis Knight, like Wang Sicong, was unwilling to take over the family business, and just wanted to make a fortune on his own. However, in terms of commercialization, Knight is indeed inferior to Wang Sicong!

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