"Stupid" Gu Tianle others

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'Stupid' Gu Tianle others - Lujuba

Not long ago, Koo Tianle "exploded his engagement".

At Xie Anqi's concert, he posted a video on the spot. At the end of the video, he said: "I'm engaged, good night!" Upon hearing this news, the fans went crazy and all guesses were fruitless.

until two days ago, the agent responded that it was Louis Koo who played Xie Anqi's husband in the new song MV, meaning that he and Xie Anqi were "married" in the MV. Although

'Stupid' Gu Tianle others - Lujuba

is an oolong, it is an indisputable fact that many people still like Louis Koo and are still willing to pay for him to buy movie tickets. The reason

likes him is also unique—"I like Gu Tianle because he is stupid." "I want to laugh when I look at his face, simple Guzi."

is a little silly, a little stupid, and a little funny. A silhouette of Gu Tianle. In fact, it seems that Koo Tianle, who is nearly 50 years old, has always been a very "stupid" Hong Kong male star.

'Stupid' Gu Tianle others - Lujuba


was young and simple, with meaningless characters,

ushered in the destiny stepping stone

In 1970, Louis Koo was born in a family of four in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, and his family background was average. Dad's greatest expectation is to see his son get ahead.

Ke Gu’s transcript was not so ideal, and his mother’s face was full of helplessness: “Oh, how could you give birth to such a child? Look at the big cousin who has also been admitted to college.”

has been such a stupid person since he was a child. It seems that the vision of a young, not-so-smart child will come to him naturally.

When he was 15 years old, he went out to work as a porter and McDonald's waiter, and when he was 16 he went to a clothing store as a salesperson and security guard. Because

couldn't stand the strict discipline of his parents, he also handed over a group of gangsters who didn't do their jobs properly, and became out-and-out "Young and Dangerous."

is young and frivolous, not knowing the so-called, eager to be famous on the road.

How can this road work?

One day, he went to robbery with a few brothers. He was in charge of watching the wind. When the police came, everyone left him and ran away. But for the so-called loyalty, he stupidly chose one person to bear all the crimes and was sentenced to one year. Before

entered the juvenile correctional facility, he found his best brother and entrusted his girlfriend to take care of him. Unexpectedly, a few months later, his girlfriend became a sister-in-law.

was repeatedly betrayed. He did not reverse his confession. From the beginning to the end, there was only one sentence: "It has nothing to do with others, everything is planned by me." How can

be betrayed in his heart, and he fought frequently during his sentence, and his sentence was increased to 22 months. .

Koo Tianle at the time was 18 years old, just like his youth.

He once said that it was the darkest day of his life. On the day he was released from prison, he saw his parents' gray hair and realized that he had been wasting time on meaningless things. He decided to change his mind. After

was released from prison, he was once confused and inferior, but remembered that when he was in the correctional facility, a nun told him: "Life often faces different setbacks. As long as you have the courage, you dare to face and dare to admit. One day he will stand up again."

He later recalled that the nun was the person who affected his life: "I hope that if I meet her on the street one day, I can raise my head and tell her that I did not disappoint her."

After he was released from prison, he lived hard and worked hard at the words of the nun. Soon after, he took the money he had saved before and started a modeling agency with a friend. In order to make extra money,

also shot many MVs and commercials during that time. Because

often has to take artists to auditions, he is born with a good-looking Louis Koo, which makes it easier to stand out. Some people suggested: "You have such good conditions, it is better to sign as an artist."

silly he waved his hand: "Don't engage. Me."

Two years later, his life was reversed again, and the difficult-to-run model company was facing bankruptcy. On the day of bankruptcy, he fatefully received a call from a scout: "Do you want to sign a contract? Entertainer?"

rejected the suggestion a year ago, and now once again extended an olive branch to him. Gu Tianle, who desperately needs a job to earn a living, participated in the fifth TVB artist training class and entered the entertainment circle ever since.

It was 1993, and the stupid Gu Tianle finally found the stepping stone to his own destiny.


Respect for the job, dedicated to work hard:

, ​​an entertainment industry model worker

who has no rest days, arrived in 1995, and Gu Tianle, who had been silly for two years, finally became popular by playing the wild, affectionate, righteous and evil Yang Guo in "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

Since then, there is no limit to the stars. He has taken one excellent work after another. Over the years, he has also won awards and won soft hands.

His seriousness is well known in the industry. 365 days a year, almost all year round, just like a cumbersome old cow who just bows his head and works hard.

After many actors have filmed more scenes, they don't need to work hard for the role because of the accumulation of experience and skill.

But Gu Tianle is different. He has always adhered to the principle of "a little stupid", and he always makes a lot of preparations for the role. When

played a gay, he would go to this group to chat and watch their show to figure out what they felt; when

filmed "The Disciples", in order to play a good addict, he went to the drug rehabilitation center to study the real life of drug dealers;

filmed "All the Way" "With You", you need to play the role of a container truck driver, he will follow the truck driver to deliver the goods, eating and drinking Lazard are all on the road;

in order to better fit the role, he skyrocketed by 30 jin in just a few months, and then suddenly After losing 18 pounds, he himself said: "It’s good luck if you didn’t die..."

was filming "A Chinese Ghost Story". He played Yan Chixia. He injured her leg when she jumped into Lanruo Temple. The diagnosis was that the cruciate ligament was injured or torn and the right foot had completely lost the emergency stop function. Although Yan Chixia had a lot of fighting scenes, he insisted on finishing the filming.

also took an action scene in "Dynasty Warriors" in Xiangshan. He accidentally scratched the surface of his eyeball with a weapon. As a result, he needed stitches, and then he brought sunglasses to the event.

He has never taken sick leave, this kind of stupid and hard work style has become his daily life.

If you often enter and exit theaters, you will find that this year's Hong Kong film heroes are all iron-clad Louis Koo.

From "Anti-Corruption Storm", "Family Surprise", "Chasing Dragon 2", "Anti-drug" and "Apostle Walker" at the beginning of the year, to this month's "Crime Scene", each of them has gained good box office and reputation.

Especially last month, "Sweeping Drugs 2" starring Louis Koo and Andy Lau smashed 1.2 billion box office. In the

anti-drug propaganda, Andy Lau said: "Compared with the past and now, Gu Tsai is more mature in performing and handling things. Now I look back and think he is the king of heaven. has never met a person before. , I can tell him that you are really hardworking. Because in general these things are said to me by others, and they always say, don’t be so busy and take a break. The only thing I met with Gu Tianle gave me the opportunity to say, you really He’s very diligent.” Who said no? In addition to the 6 films that have been released, according to the project program, Louis Koo has at least 17 participating films that have not yet been released from 2019 to 2020. Fans of

all said: "Gu Tianle, the only man who can produce the annual film list by himself."

was recently called a "model worker". He posted his answer on Weibo: "I am often asked by the media about work too much. Will it be too tired? I feel that I am always in working mode. I feel very happy and very challenging, so there is no special calculation for other things. Everyone has their own uniqueness, and it is important to be able to Responsible for the life you choose. It may be people of our generation. The education you receive is not afraid to suffer losses and work harder. And in my world, no work is the most tiring. "

This kind of clumsy dedication , Is it not a footnote to the spirit of Hong Kong, nor is it a symbol of Hong Kong movies.


can’t keep the money I make, and the love in my heart is given to others:

can’t stand by with my enthusiasm

"Bouquet for Algernon", there is a line that says:

"There is nothing in this world There is a doubt that there are such people who finally became doctors, but it was not for money. When an earthquake occurred, there were 30,000 volunteers who rushed to the disaster area. Some of them must be watching the excitement, or they just like to follow the crowd. Guy. But there are such people who can’t stand by when they see others in difficulties. They always want to do something for others. They really have this kind of heart.Kind good people. "

Koo Tianle is such a person who cannot wisely choose to ignore it when he goes through other people's disasters.

In the 1980s, Wu Zhixiong, who became famous for his role as the young and Dangerous "Big Brother", is also a force in real life. A big social tycoon. At that time his main business was in the underground gambling industry. Even if

knew the tricks better than anyone else, Wu Zhixiong also controlled his desires in the face of desires. He began to indulge in gambling and owe him I had a huge debt. Even if I sold my house and car, I still couldn't pay off all the debts. The

wall was pushed down by everyone. The friend who once said that he was in trouble, he went away when he saw him. The only one who offered a helping hand was only Gu Tianle, who is one-sided. On the day of

, ​​Gu Tianle showed up at his door with a check of 10 million and did not make any request.

Wu Zhixiong took the money and invested in comics and movies and other industries, plus Gu Tianle often would Recommending a new play to him, he quickly made a comeback. After

, ​​he found Gu Tianle to pay back the money, but Gu Tianle refused to accept it. When he was in trouble, he just wanted to help him. When

talked about Gu Tianle, Wu Zhixiong only had 4 words: " Emphasize love and justice. "

, ​​who played many villain roles on wireless, was in a bleak state in his later years. In an interview in 2017, he said that his biggest wish is to apply for public housing, which can relieve a little financial pressure.

is nearly 70 years old after a year. He was diagnosed with liver cancer again. Lee Shau-ki, who suffered continuous strokes and cancer, almost gave up treatment.

's relatives and friends persuaded him to undergo surgery. What surprised him most was that one of his unexpected concerns came from Yu and his assistant Gu Tianle.

After the operation, Li Zhaoji thanked Gu Tianle for the visit. His friends for many years also said that during the treatment of Li Zhaoji, Gu Tianle and his assistant not only kept in touch with him throughout the whole process, but also cared about Li Zhaoji. She also offered financial support for her treatment progress and situation.

Lan Jieying passed away last year, and the news was a sensation, and her funeral was unattended. It was also Koo Tianle who stood up to respond to the Hong Kong media, saying that she was contacting her family with all the staff of the Performing Artists Association. Provide assistance and try his best to deal with what happened to her. Outside of the

showbiz, he is also building such a kind of pure kindness.

After the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, seeing so many children displaced, Gu Tianle silently established the "Gu Tianle Charity Fund" ", began to build Hope Primary School.

As of the end of 2018, he has donated 105 schools in Guizhou and other mountainous areas within ten years, an average of 10 a year. Many children in Dashan have spacious and bright classrooms. A chance to change one's own destiny.

has been silent for many years to do good deeds, without publishing articles, without emphasizing affectation, and without asking for any return. All of this, if it were not for the exposure of Director Er Dongsheng on Weibo in 2014, I am afraid it would flow in the wild. No one knows his compassion. Some people at

questioned him about naming the school by his own name, just to take the opportunity to hype. He replied: "I use my name so that anyone can find me if anything happens to the school in the future." "

is such a kindness that looks a bit silly, but it is so simple and moving.

In 2018, Louis Koo was awarded the 16th World Outstanding Chinese Award. The last time he won this award was Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice.


Contrast Starting from myself, I only care about distant things:

has everything in my heart and treats others tenderly

Some people say that Gu Tianle’s version of Yang Guo perfectly interprets what it means to see Yang Guo mistaken for life, but he doesn’t feel so sorry for this god-given face.

The evidence is that he just tanned his creamy face. At that time, a large number of fans screamed and regretted, but Gu Tsai said: "Handsome is not necessarily external, it may also be a person's unique connotation. And the unique character attracts others. "

If you say that a person who works hard and is kind and gentle is rare enough, he still has a gentleness towards everything. If you follow his Weibo, you will find that compared with the wealth status and entertainment gossip that people care about, In his place, what’s more important are the boundless space, the sudden fire, the monster of Loch Ness, the mysterious alien, the falling meteorite... He pays more attention to nature, heart, and the things that are really important.

Regarding doing things, he believes: "We should concentrate more and do what we think is important."

Regarding practice: "Observe your inner heart anytime and anywhere, this is the real practice. Many things do not need to be declared in the mouth. "

Regarding consumption: "I think everything is as simple as possible. Don't use money randomly or buy things arbitrarily, so that you can have more time and make yourself more free."

His philosophy of life seems to have one thing in common. Point is a bit backward, a bit old-fashioned, a bit stupid, but so scarce and precious.

In an impetuous era, there are always some people who hold a set of their own values ​​and a standpoint of life, do not follow the trend, are not influenced by the times, cultivate their hearts and look stupid. But taking every step of life well, don't you rely on these things?


Fortunately, there is another Louis Koo

Long ago, Director Johnnie To said: "Gu Tianle is the last niche in Hong Kong." The reporter asked him the reason, but he only said: "I still want to do more for Hong Kong movies." He was still seen like


Last year, he insisted stupidly, not fighting or grabbing, and finally won the Hong Kong Academy Awards with "Slaying the Wolf: Greedy Wolf", and also took over Jackie Chan and became the chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association. There are also principal Alan Tam and eldest sister Anita Mui in this position.

In 1994, Wu Junru asked Leslie Cheung who could be his successor in a show. Leslie Cheung replied: "I don’t mention the word successor, but I am optimistic about several newcomers. One of them is still very new now, and it’s almost new. He knows how to describe him. That person is named Gu Tianle. He hasn't done anything. He has played some idle roles in some TV shows and movies, but I think he can." Now, he seems to use his own efforts to prove that his brother did not. I miss you, he really can. In an interview with

, ​​he was asked: "Do you know that there is a popular saying on the Internet called "Ping No Wonder Ancient Tianle"?

He said: "I know. "

" Do you think this sentence is funny? "

" No, I really think I'm innocent. "

In today's era, many people can calculate, mediate, and take shortcuts. However, some people are not good at words and are not happy with the world. They will do things quietly and look very silly and old.

Gu Tianle is the latter one. Kind of, he is not humble, he really feels that he is ordinary, so he leaned down and regarded himself as an ordinary person who needed twelve points of hard work to stand on the ground.

He did inherit a lot of Hong Kong old brands The characteristics of a star, he is old-fashioned, out-of-date, old-fashioned, and never set limits. He is a good student, like flowing water and pure, he is passionate, sincere, and caring for others.

debuted for twenty-six years, working stupidly, insisting on down-to-earth, and pushing his heart. All of it is the same as it was 26 years ago. The golden age of

belonging to Hong Kong movies is over. Countless artists have been shining and tens of thousands of people are chasing after them. They are the hearts and souls of fans, and thousands of stars before flashing lights.

can be so many years gone I rummaged through the Hong Kong movies. Many people have long been forgotten by the camera, abandoned by the crowd, and disappeared.

But there is another person, you can see him, he is not very smart A-Gump, he never looks back, Keep stepping forward and running forward, and then you say it's okay, there is also a Gu Tianle.

Today is Gu Tianle’s 49th birthday, a blink of an eye, this boy who once accompanied his youth has entered middle age.

The romantic and gentle poet Chen Jichang, played in the costume movie "Hedong Lion Roar", is still a classic that will pop up in my heart when I recall Hong Kong films.

just want to say to Gu Zai: Although you were never the four kings , But it is also a youthful time that many people can’t regain.

Guzi, happy birthday.

Which Louis Koo’s movie do you like best?

most of the pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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