The ordinary life revealed in the movie "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai": Facing the miserable life with optimism

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Introduction: A peaceful life is as light as water. Work, study, and family, the daily life of ordinary people starts around these three aspects. Day after day, year after year, life is short, and the rushing years slip away quietly. The life circle of ordinary people is like this. It seems that the neighbors are accustomed to helping each other, but you can feel the warmth of love, and the real happiness in the ordinary life. The film "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai", released in Hong Kong on July 17, 2008, used family affection and neighbor relationships as an entry point to tell the story of the lives of a mother and child living in the lower-level Hong Kong community Tin Shui Wai. The film unreservedly presents the most pristine fragments of life in front of the audience without any modification. It is true and delicate, and the plain is the most touching.

This is a film that shows the lives of ordinary people in Hong Kong. The narrative technique of running accounts keeps the plot of the whole film from fluctuating. The subtle touches are captured by the keen lens, which makes the audience feel in the process of watching the movie. Feel a very subtle sense of happiness. It is like a documentary on Hong Kong people's livelihood, portraying the ordinary life very real.

Hong Kong female director Xu Anhua uses her good film narration method, incorporates sincere emotional elements, and reveals the essence of life with commendable details. In particular, she pays special attention to disadvantaged groups and families in need. This time she focused her video on the sad suburban community of Tin Shui Wai, showing single-parent families and groups of lonely elderly people in the movie.

benefits from the director's ease of shooting family life movies. The stories she tells are plain and warm. The combination of new and old actors selected can cooperate and interact well, and show the character and image of the characters perfectly and truly. It was this movie that described the life of little people, but it got an unexpected response that year. In the selection of the 28th Hong Kong Film Awards in 2009, the film won four heavyweight awards including Best Director and Best Actress in one fell swoop, becoming a dark horse in the field of Hong Kong's literary and artistic films.

The days and nights in the Tianshuiwei community are filled with countless hardships and joys. The ordinary little people living here can feel the most real life atmosphere from inadvertent movements, expressions and words.

starts with atypical family relationships and depicts the communication and care between ordinary people in ordinary daily life. There is no surprise but only touching

The ordinary life revealed in the movie 'Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai': Facing the miserable life with optimism - Lujuba

Judging from the main line of the movie, the story mainly revolves around a single-parent family and a lonely elderly family. Three main characters, two different lives. Everyone's life can form a story. Under the ordinary life is the trivial matters and the ups and downs of the life.

Behind the prosperous metropolis there is also a place far away from the hustle and bustle of modern times. People living here are at the bottom of the society, savoring the hardships of life all the time. The whole movie is a very ordinary life scene, the vegetable market, the dining table, the street, the neighbors in the neighborhood who meet and greet, like the protagonist in the film, feel the true feelings and touch in the ordinary life.

The ordinary life revealed in the movie 'Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai': Facing the miserable life with optimism - Lujuba

Throughout the whole film, there are all simple and plain scenes, without life ups and downs and dramatic conflicts. From a perspective full of humanistic care, it reflects the living conditions of the ordinary three generations of Hong Kong society. In particular, the protagonist's mutual support and care beyond family affection produces a moving feeling under the quiet and delicate picture. There is no suspense deliberately set under the simple plot of

, there is no surprise but deep touch. This is the real life of ordinary people, both warm and bitter. The bitterness of orphans and widows, the helplessness of the elderly living alone, mutual help and mutual assistance can face the difficulties in life together. Delicate and sincere feelings, and seeing the truth in the ordinary, constitute the main theme of this life movie.

The daily life of three generations of old, middle and young people is mixed with atypical family affection, portraying each special group into a three-dimensional image.

The ordinary life revealed in the movie 'Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai': Facing the miserable life with optimism - Lujuba

Liang Jinlong, who is a non-professional actor, plays the young man Zhang Jiaan, who is the representative of the younger generation here. Being young and energetic is also the hope of this single-parent family. Perhaps, the lack of family affection made him a kind of rebellious psychology, but the life experience of relying on his mother since childhood made him cherish his relatives more.

, from an ordinary background, received the most basic civilian education. Facing the big test of life, he would encounter some confusion in life. Fortunately, he is obedient and will not be contaminated with bad social habits. Normal academic performance, full of confusion about the future, can only be accepted in games and doing nothingThe arrangement of fate.

Bao Qijing's mother, sister, is a strong housewife who has worked hard to raise her son. In order to maintain this seemingly unfortunate family, she can only do her best to create a good growth environment for her son through work in exchange for a meager income. She can be regarded as a good wife and mother. She is kind and a person with a strong heart.

has experienced too many hardships in life, let her understand the importance of home and children. Faced with a complicated society in daily life, it is inevitable that all kinds of contradictions and problems will appear. She chose not to complain about fate, and worked diligently to maintain this incomplete home.

ATV senior actor Chen Liyun plays Liang Huan, a widowed grandmother who sells fruit for a living when she is young. She has no children under her knees. She has nowhere to settle in the city center. When she is old, she has to return to her homeland to spend her old age. With a meager pension and a simple life, life is full of a little helplessness. Behind the three protagonists of

, they represent a huge number of special groups, and they are also typical representatives of the three generations of old, middle and young people in modern society. Beyond the category of family affection, it is rare to experience a positive and healthy attitude towards life in the process of helping others.

Youth with nowhere to put, middle-aged people full of anxiety, helpless old age, these are the real portrayals of life, with warmth in the ordinary

​​There are many eating scenes in the film, especially simple dinners and widows of single-parent families The daily meals of the elderly are impressive. In the cozy home, the mother and son are eating dinner. Two sets of chopsticks, one meat and one vegetable, form a simple and flavorful dining scene.

has no complaints, no big fish, there seems to be something discussing between the mother and son. Here, it is the son's beautiful yearning for the future, and at the same time feeling the youth that is nowhere to be placed in confusion. Elder Liang Huan’s daily meals, a meal that cycles between hot and cold, is her usual way of eating.

For the kind elderly and enthusiastic middle-aged women, the daily greetings have become a kind of simple greetings. The mutual help and support is a manifestation of human kindness and beauty. At the same time, the status quo of poor families will cause inner anxiety, and it is also an urgent psychological manifestation of changing the status quo.

For the elderly living alone, the helpless old age makes her feel the crisis of death, the deteriorating body and the sense of loneliness in her heart, make these elderly people feel unaccompanied and panic about taking care of the funeral. Life is full of helplessness and bitterness everywhere, which makes it appear real.

​​Before night falls, the outlines of row upon row of residential buildings are faintly visible. The densely packed windows and balconies make people feel a sense of intensive fear. Isn't a large part of a person's life fighting for this shelter? Everyone has a sense of crisis. The world and the warmth of human emotions in ordinary life make people feel the warmth and beauty of ordinary life.

face the suffering of life with an optimistic and open-minded attitude. It is important to realize the true meaning of life in real life.

Facing ordinary life and facing unfair destiny, many people choose to abandon themselves or complain everywhere. The fate of most ordinary people is doomed from the moment they are born. Since the status quo cannot be changed, but the attitude can be changed, this is an optimistic state of mind.

Life is short and fate is impermanent. In ordinary life, only efforts to adapt, do not waste time, leave less regrets, and face the difficulties of life with an optimistic attitude of smiling, will have a different life experience. The real life is cruel, plain and moving. It is more about finding a right position in the real life journey and realizing one's life value. The

movie "Day and Night in Tianshuiwei" expresses the director's positive and optimistic attitude by describing the daily life of ordinary people, and shows the hardships and sufferings of special groups that are not paid attention to in an atmosphere full of local culture. The rare true feelings are displayed in the plain, behind which is the expression of calmness and kindness.

Tags: movie