"The Final Moment" was selected into the movie party class and was praised as "the most exciting...

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looks back to the past and observes reality Party members: the most exciting lesson

In addition to "zero distance" to experience the three-dimensional and true leader image, the film ends for the first time on the big screen in color HD version The video of the Founding Ceremony restored the collective memories of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, and surprised the audience. Everyone said that even if they only watched this video, they were "worth the price", "like suddenly sitting on a time-space shuttle and returning 70 years ago". When seeing the spirited figures of the founders of the Republic on the tower and the happy smiles on the faces of the people who are about to usher in a bright life, the audience seems to be immersed in the scene, returning to the witness of the rise of the Chinese nation. Decisive moment. The movie

, which shows the glorious history of the founding of New China, also taught a meaningful lesson for party members of all ages. year 1991Li Xujiu, who retired from the Beijing Film Company, believes that the film party class combines "watching" and "speaking". "The Final Moment" has "story and characters", which can more intuitively help party members understand the party's history. , To realize the original intention, and stimulate the sense of mission of party members. A young party member said that she still has a lot of room for improvement in her thoughts. The stories of the figures who walked forward for the faith and dedicated to the country in "Decisive Moment" were very exciting and gave her a further understanding of history and leaders. Realize, "This film is very suitable for party members to watch. It can not only expand knowledge, but also help enhance party spirit and enhance national pride."

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