The classic drama "Texas Patrol" will restart the protagonist of "Evil Force"...

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The classic drama 'Texas Patrol' will restart the protagonist of 'Evil Force'... - Lujuba

Jared Padalecki

1905 movie news According to a number of foreign media reports, the "Supernatural" series starring Judd Padalecki will star in the restart version of the classic series "Texas Patrol".

CBS is currently producing a new version of the classic series "Texas Patrol", and Jared Padalecki will star and participate in the production. The series focuses on the story of the protagonist Walker after returning from his undercover career for many years. As the widower and the father of two children, Walker will fight crime with a new partner who is a rare female police officer in history.

The classic drama 'Texas Patrol' will restart the protagonist of 'Evil Force'... - Lujuba

The first season of the original "Texas Patrol" was launched in 1993, and 8 seasons were produced throughout the 1990s. As the project progresses, Jared Padalecki can make his career a very smooth transition. The final season (season 15) of his starring "Evil Force" will be broadcast on CW this year.

The broadcasting rights of the new "Texas Patrol" are still in competition, and both CW and CBS may win the copyright.

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