Seventy years in review: those years, the National Day gift movies we have seen

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Seventy years in review: those years, the National Day gift movies we have seen - Lujuba

reporter | Huang Yilu editor | Ding Xinran layout | Liu Xujia took this year as an example, as of October 8, the total box office of the 2019 National Day gift films "Me and My Motherland", "Captain of China", and "The Climber" has broken through 4.8 billion, surpassing the overall box office of the National Day in 2017, and also gained a very high reputation, with Douban scores of 8.0 and 7.0 points respectively, and the National Day gift film once again "has a good harvest." As a literary gift to celebrate the birthday of the Republic, the National Day gift film is not a new method that has only emerged in these years. In fact, the National Day gift blockbuster has gone through seventy years of advancing with the times along with the growth of the Republic. Counting down 60 years ago, the 1959 National Day gift film "Five Golden Flowers" also caused an upsurge of 10,000 people. This love movie tells the story of the Bai youth, A Peng and Jin Hua, after experiencing various twists and turns, and their lovers finally become married. It was shown in 46 countries and regions. At that time, only 33 countries had diplomatic relations with China. Yang Likun, who played the heroine, became the goddess of the nation by virtue of "Five Golden Flowers" and later "Ashima".

Seventy years in review: those years, the National Day gift movies we have seen - Lujuba

"Five Golden Flowers" heroine Yang Likun "Five Golden Flowers" is a comedy that reflects the life of the Bai nationality. It has a relaxed and romantic plot, singing and dancing scenes, and beautiful scenery, which fully embodies the "good content and good style." , Good sound and light" high standards. But at the same time, as a National Day movie born during the "Great Leap Forward" period, the atmosphere of the times is also subtly transplanted into the details of the movie. Under the industrial policy of "taking steel as the key link", the society has set off a vigorous "steel smelting movement for all people." In the plot of the movie, "Steel Making in the Society" has become the key plot that ultimately pushes the actor A Peng and the heroine Jin Hua to resolve the misunderstanding. The tone of the movie is also closely related to the development of the country. In the ten years since the founding of New China, society has undergone earth-shaking changes, the country's economy and social outlook have been significantly improved, the whole country is full of confidence in the future, and the working people are also full of energy. Therefore, "Five Golden Flowers" is full of high-spirited emotions. Even when the male and female protagonists have misunderstandings, when the mainline love plot reaches the bottom, the protagonist’s spirit is still full, and he soon put into full-blown labor. Among. Even if the heroine Jinhua knew the reason for the misunderstanding, she still gave priority to completing the celebration of the Bai nationality before going to her lover to solve the misunderstanding. It can be seen that in the social context of the time, love was connected with the choice of personal political path and the promotion of ideological realm. The five Jinhua and their partners in the film are not only congenial lovers, but also good partners at work. The characters in the film are all working people. There is no villain (ie, class enemy). There are only misunderstandings by chance and coincidental "onlookers" who do bad things. This is unique among the most of the movies with the theme of revolutionary history at that time. Around 1959 was one of the most harmonious periods in the history of New China between the leaders of the national film authorities and the creators. The filmmakers headed by Xia Yan formally put forward the policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend" in 1956, which will contribute to the construction of the motherland. The enthusiasm for the creation of the film, as the 10th anniversary of the National Day gift film, the number of as many as 18, this year is also called "unforgettable year" by film historians. But soon, this situation became unsustainable due to changes in the general environment, and the 1969 gift film was also bleak, and it was not improved until the reform and opening up in 1978. The loose political atmosphere once again gave film creators a high level of creative enthusiasm, and the largest new film screening in history was born.

Seventy years in review: those years, the National Day gift movies we have seen - Lujuba

The two protagonists of the film "Little Flower" Tang Guoqiang and Chen Chong In the National Day movie "Little Flower", the young director not only used a new film language, but also the life and death separation and reunion between brothers and sisters, mother and daughter, and the personal growth of Xiaohua. Under the background of the People's War, the experience of the two families reflects the theme of the times. In addition to the steadfast enthusiasm of the common characters in the past, they pay more attention to their delicate feelings and the bonds between their relatives. For example, Dr. Zhou, Xiaohua’s mother, played by Chen Chong, can see her firm belief in revolution as a proletarian fighter, and her tenderness as a mother and the yearning for her daughter. Revolutionaries are no longer the image of "fake big sky" in the past, they also have the same feelings as ordinary people and the masses, and they appear more grounded. After 10 years of time rotation, compared with the rapid progress of economic reform in 1989, the country's cultural and film management and film production system changes are obviously lagging behind. "The Founding of China""Dian" was born in a controversy. The book "He Changed the World" mentioned that director Li Qiankuan described Chiang Kai-shek as a normal person rather than a simple villain in the film in the past, which caused the censors to not allow the show unless he made Chiang Kai-shek more brutal. The director who insisted on the original presentation method was not only shelved, but he was almost accused of being "pro-Jiang". It was not until Li Qiankuan, with the help of the Politburo Standing Committee member Li Ruihuan, broadcast the film for the newly appointed General Secretary Jiang Zemin and other leaders and received support. The 160-minute movie was released. Among them, Mao Zedong and Sun Feihu shaped by Gu Yue. The figures of Chiang Kai-shek and other figures have become classics in film history. The tribute film represented by "The Founding Ceremony" reproduces the years before the founding of New China with a narrative comparable to a historical documentary. It undoubtedly played a role in establishing the concept of "the establishment of New China was hard-won" and stabilizing the current ideological trend. Its due role as a political propaganda tool. At the same time, in shaping the image of the leader, more attention is paid to the use of some lively small scenes to cooperate with the grand narrative, without excessively deifying the leader, narrowing the distance between the audience and the leader, and establishing the audience's psychological identity. Compared with the audience in 1959, many audiences in 1999 did not personally experience the initial construction of New China, let alone the prosperous years of the revolution. As for the former heroes, the new generation of young people is no longer as familiar as the older generation. For the audience in 1999, with years of sustained rapid economic development and market economic system changes, entertainment is the most important purpose for most people to watch movies, and the film industry has also begun to introduce commercial films into gift films. Attempt to produce. For example, in 1999 Feng Xiaoning directed "Yellow River Love", you can see some commercial elements: poignant transnational love stories, folklore spectacles such as eating scorpions, various scenes of war and violence, and influential star actors starring. These all reflect the film's attempts to achieve a win-win situation between art and business under the political consciousness.

"Yellow River Endless Love" tells the story of the relationship between the Eighth Route Army An Jie and the American soldier Owen. The cartoon "Bao Lian Lan" is one of the gift films of 99 years. It is not only the pinnacle work of Shanghai Art Film Studio, but also A peak of domestic animation. Popular movie stars such as Jiang Wen, Tranquility, Chen Peisi, Xu Fan have participated in the dubbing. From today's point of view, its behind-the-scenes dubbing cast can be called the dazzling stars. After entering the new century, the trend of large-scale use of star actors in National Day gift films has become more obvious. A total of 172 stars participated in the 2009 "The Founding of a Nation". When it was released, finding out the games of the stars in the movie even became an important reason for attracting audiences to the cinema. As another benchmark for the main melody movie in the new era, "The Founding of a Country" through the participation of a large number of celebrities, using celebrity effect and box office appeal, brought commercialism to an unprecedented peak. With such a magnificent lineup, the film has won more than 400 million box office. Behind the box office and star lineup is a great change in the domestic film system. Counting down the National Day gift films of the previous decades, they were all produced by film studios such as Beijing, Shanghai, and August 1st. "Long Shadow" appeared frequently in "Five Golden Flowers", and it could even be regarded as the earliest production. Studio "Advertising". In order to adapt to the aesthetic habits of modern people, "The Founding of a Nation" is more delicate and exposed in emotional expression than the documentary style "Founding Ceremony". The plot has also been artistically processed and rationally imagined in historical facts, creating a more obvious drama Conflict in order to achieve attractive and vivid effects. For example, after the People's Liberation Army liberated Shanghai, the film deliberately arranged the plot of Soong Ching Ling walking out of the house after dawn. She saw rows of People's Liberation Army who had just finished fighting and were lying on the ground. She was impressed by the PLA's strict military discipline and the spirit of not disturbing civilians. The scene seen from Soong Ching Ling’s subjective perspective and the close-up close-up of Soong Ching Ling’s expression, coupled with the sensational music, not only created a positive image of the Communist Party’s army, but also paved the way for Soong Ching Ling’s promise to go to Peking to participate in the Political Consultative Conference. The movie-watching habits of viewers who have been influenced by TV dramas for a long time and pay more attention to drama and detail. On the other hand, with the diversification of the audience’s cognition and evaluation criteria for the characters, the film uniquely arranged for Jiang Jingguo played by Chen Kun to rectify the Shanghai economy but before the internal corruption of the four major families. The plot of helpless frustration. Regardless of Chen Kun's own beauty, this is indeed a breakthrough presentation of the flat characters in the past. Contact Jiang Jingguo himself to promote Taiwan’s economyThe achievement of developing into the four little dragons in Asia, this unclear plot arrangement has shaped the different screen image of Chiang Ching-kuo as the background board of Chiang Kai-shek in previous films. In 2019, as the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation takes root in the hearts of the people, China's national identity and patriotic enthusiasm have been reinterpreted. From the 2008 Olympic Games to the Women's Volleyball World Cup today, the Chinese people ten years later are more confident and can deeply feel the influence of the country's rise. Stories like "My Motherland and Me" that focus on the inseparable relationship between ordinary people and the country under the big events of the big era have become the choice of more and more National Day movies. With the presentation of such a story, the audience feels not only the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people from generation to generation, but also how the people's destiny converges with the country's destiny and the current of the times, thus cherishing today's life even more. Seventy years of vicissitudes have changed. What has changed is the form of expression of the tribute films, and what has not changed is the hymn to the motherland. References: [1]Zhong Dafeng. A 60-year tour of the National Day gift film (1949~2009)[J].Film Art,2009(05):5-13.[2]尹辉. Research on the National Day gift film in 2009[D] .Shandong Normal University, 2011.

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