The summer ranking of bad movies, "Shanghai Fortress" can only be second, and the first Douban is as low as 2.1

movie 150℃
There are a lot of bad

films every year. According to the editor’s knowledge, in the summer files that have just passed away, there are as many as 20 films with Douban scores below 6.0. In other words, in the summer files except for "Where In addition to several conscience masterpieces such as "The Devil Boy of Zha", "Heroes of Fire", and "Sweeping Drugs 2: Heaven and Earth Showdown", they were almost wiped out, and I was honored to be listed on the annual "Rotten Movies List". Below, the author will comment on five recognized annual bad films for everyone. I believe many viewers have seen one or two.

1. "Pig Bajie·Legend"

Douban: 2.1 points

The summer ranking of bad movies, 'Shanghai Fortress' can only be second, and the first Douban is as low as 2.1 - Lujuba

Starring: Zheng Jifeng/Zeng Zhiwei/Yin Ruoxi and others

Movie review: The whole film is rotten with new features, whether it is actors, scripts, special effects, lighting, editing, etc. Worth to talk about. For example, the director holds the camera, takes a 10-second break, and then shoots when he remembers. Then put these fragments together and the movie appeared. The plot of the last 10 seconds and the next 10 seconds has nothing to do with it. In short, one star is given to Yin Ruoxi and Jia Bing, and one star is given to the background music when there is no subtitle in the last twelve minutes. Can this also be used in theaters? Not as good as small web dramas, worse than those small web dramas, only when the music is good at the end of the forced sensationalism, the rest is almost useless.

The summer ranking of bad movies, 'Shanghai Fortress' can only be second, and the first Douban is as low as 2.1 - Lujuba

2. "Shanghai Fortress"

Douban: 2.9 points

The summer ranking of bad movies, 'Shanghai Fortress' can only be second, and the first Douban is as low as 2.1 - Lujuba

Starring: Lu Han / Shu Qi / Shi Liang and others

Movie review: I did not expect that Lu Han, Shu Qi, Shi Liang and others could actually perform such a useless "rotten movie" . To be honest, the movie is so bad that I don't even bother to scold it. It’s like the online narrative said, “The window that "Wandering Earth" opened to Chinese science fiction, "Shanghai Fortress" was not only closed, but also welded to death." At the beginning of the film, a special effect of up to 18 minutes was thrown out. The audience seems to have entered the game interface, empty and illusory. As a sci-fi movie, the audience did feel the shock of the length of time, but they could not feel the quality of the sci-fi movie. Such a movie was a great failure.

3. "Kowloon Unbeaten"

Douban: 3.0 points

Starring: Zhang Jin / Anderson Silva / Zheng Jiaying and others

Movie review: Actually, Chen Guo teamed up with Zhang Jin to make a crime action film, and this is itself. It's pretty ridiculous. It turns out that the whole film is really unreliable. From the plot, to the characters, behavioral logic, character relationships, rhythm, transitions, dialogue, camera, soundtrack, and even the core of the film-the action, it collapsed. The special effects are soggy. By the way, who tells me why this film still needs special effects? At the end of the film, the boss was shot ashore by the dragon? What the hell is this? And that magical narration made me suddenly feel that I was watching a documentary. Zhang Jin, do you always roll the dice in the play?

4. "Amateur Agents"

Douban: 3.6 points

Starring: Wang Dalu / Zhang Rongrong / Milla Jovovich and others

Movie review: To be honest, the ticket is given, and I have to endure it, but It is undeniable that this film is terrible, and also terrible and distinctive. The whole film makes me irritated from the sound effects to the camera, not to mention the plot logic. There are also a batch of clips that make me even more fascinated. I haven't seen the connection of Black 2s for a long time. I was completely confused at the moment of the imagined plan (trading with Mr. X) and the reality, what and what. Especially those "laughing points" are not funny at all, but the protagonists seriously think about life and make me laugh. Even the popcorn movie can't be shot well, and I want to forcibly create tears and depth. It is a waste of time, money, and manpower. It's so bad that I can't help it.

5. "The Mystery of the Dragon Card"

Douban: 3.6 points

Starring: Jackie Chan / Arnold Schwarzenegger / Jason Fleming and others

Movie Comment: It is purely to support Jackie Chan to watch it, and the movie is arranged in theaters The rate is not very high, the movie is quite normal, and there are no bright spots. Although the eldest brother is more than 60 years old, he will never be able to return to the A plan or the humorous actions of the red fan zone. However, the fight between the eldest brother and Schwarzenegger in the movie feels purely for the sake of fighting, which has little to do with the plot and cannot add much highlight to the film. And the action scene is very watery and not yet finished, Jackie Chan also said, "You are the strongest opponent I have ever seen", and went out of the sky. It’s too insincere to circulate money. Both the plot and the special effects are 20 years ago.The level is not like a movie in 2019.

I don’t know if you have any other opinions and comments on the above five low-scoring movies? The code word is not easy, welcome to follow, like, leave a message to discuss.

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