This domestically produced film that no one cares about, does not even have a poster, but it can kill 90% of the masterpiece.

movie 1372℃
There is a popular saying on

: Why don’t you go to heaven?

has a domestic movie that no one cares about. It's about the story of "God": "Fly"

This domestically produced film that no one cares about, does not even have a poster, but it can kill 90% of the masterpiece. - Lujuba

is incredible. I can't find the poster of this movie

Shandong, looking up the village.

There is a boy named Liu Baigang.

Since childhood, he has been different from his peers.

doesn't like to do farm work. He likes to play paper airplanes on the ridge, or open his arms and dive down on high slopes...

This domestically produced film that no one cares about, does not even have a poster, but it can kill 90% of the masterpiece. - LujubaThis domestically produced film that no one cares about, does not even have a poster, but it can kill 90% of the masterpiece. - Lujuba

I don't listen to lectures carefully in class, and I always pester the teacher to ask: Why is our village called "Head-up Village"? Teacher

said: , you kid, think of useless things!

Some people say that this child is sick...

For example, when it rains, he doesn’t hide from the rain. He looks at the mud splashing on the ground, but he can think of the poem "Womeng majestic walking mud pill"...

For example, the village After running the tap water, he ran to the well, filling his brain with the water flowing into the households along the pipe. When the faucet was turned on, the water rushed out...

he became happy by himself...

came to the village A motorcycle, he stared at the engine, he didn’t know, why the car would be able to run as soon as it caught fire and turn his hand...

He has a lot of things to ponder every day, sometimes he can figure it out, most of the time. I don't understand...

but these are not important. Just thinking about it like this makes him very interesting. When

​​is okay, he likes to climb on the wall to see the sky...

he wrote in his composition: I want to fly a plane, fly between the blue sky and white clouds, fly, fly, wherever it counts , Wherever you fly... The adults in the village of

said: , a rural child, thinks too much, it’s not a good thing...

In a blink of an eye, Liu Baigang is 25 years old and he should start a family. In the eyes of people in the village,

is still "sick in his brain" and does not want to make money to marry a wife. He is just messing around:

doesn't like to go to work in the land. He always goes to the county to buy a lot of books and come back to chew. .

's own earthen house must have a "doorbell".

He sold the old sow at home, transformed the hut in the house into a pumping toilet, and invited people everywhere to come to the toilet...

Finally one day, a childhood sweetheart, decided to break up with him...

she cried He said: Your heart is too big and you have too many ideas. I just want to live a stable life.

didn't know why, but Liu Baigang was relieved because he was dumped.

no longer worried, he began to take his inner voice seriously: builds an airplane.

This domestic film "Fly" was filmed in 2006. It was nominated for the Excellent Xia Yan Script Literature Award at the 11th China Film Huabiao Awards... Although not many people know about

, it has a high on Douban. A high score of 8.2...

is the first work of screenwriter Song Fangjin, and his proud masterpiece...

Song Fangjin once said: In this life, it is difficult to write another story like this...

Say: Everyone at insists on something, maybe others seem to be a waste of time, but he himself thinks it is important... The protagonist Liu Baigang in the film

​​has been incompatible with other people since he was a child, and when he grows up, he has no choice. Like everyone else, he enters a seemingly "normal" life paradigm, looking for ways to make money, get married, have children...

In the eyes of the people around him, he is too fanciful, too big-mouthed, too unrealistic, too It's not reliable anymore...

even laughed at him: you said these things when you were a kid, but you didn't expect to say so when you grow up so big.

In fact, Liu Baigang is neither stupid nor stupid...

He learns everything very fast, although he has not studied for a few years, he can understand those advanced books and doctoral dissertations...

A few times on the instrument, he will be able to play it, and he can also form a performance team to make extra money, and it is all right to make a small invention and small creation.

Unfortunately, but in his hometown, heHis ideas are too avant-garde, too imaginary, and too inconsistent...

Liu Baigang said: I have something more important to do than making money, and that is a career. There is such a scene in the film

. Liu Baigang is arranged for a blind date. Every girl asks the same question:

I heard that you are a doctor. What is a doctor? How much money can Dr.

make a month?

No one can talk to him, in the words of a matchmaker: Liu Baigang is not a farmer.

In order to build an airplane, Liu Baigang has thoroughly studied the "Principles of Flight", and he also made a pair of large "wings", found a high slope, fluttered the "wings", and galloped up...

tossed a few times. Not surprisingly, it ended in failure.

He had to sell the pig again and went to the city to learn skills.

Five years later, he came back, built an airplane construction shed in the village, and bought a lot of materials: iron chains, steel pipes, bearings, engines...

took the first test flight a month later. Everyone in the village came to see that the plane painted in three colors slid out tens of meters aggressively and smoked...

A math teacher in the village gave Liu Baigang an idea: You have to learn from the birds in the sky.

So, Liu Baigang collected all kinds of birds and calculated the ratio of the bird’s weight to the length of the wings...

He believed that as long as the plane can be designed according to the proportion of the birds, it can fly...

Liu Baigang just like this, test flights again and again, Failure, test flight, failure...

he doesn't know if he can succeed, he doesn't know if he will lose his life, he doesn't even know why he has to fly in the sky...

fly, as if it was his Fate.

The character Liu Baigang has a real prototype... At the end of the movie

, there are several pages of subtitles, listing the stories of civilian airplanes from all over the country...

10 real examples, of which 8 airplanes were built The people are farmers.

The plot of Liu Baigang weighing a bird probably originated from Cao Zhengshu in Yongle County, Mianyang, Sichuan...

Cao Zhengshu didn’t know a lot of characters, and only learned machining technology at an agricultural machinery maintenance station...

He started to study aircraft construction in 1984 and I named my plane "Bee", but unfortunately, after many test flights, it couldn't get to the sky.

​​couldn't find the reason for the failure because he couldn't read the book.

Once, he saw a bird on a tree by the road frightened and flew up. He had an idea and ran to the town to buy a pigeon...

He measured the pigeon’s weight and wing area, and re-made it according to this ratio. , The result still failed...

He recently built a helicopter, many of the materials were bought from scrapyards: the fuselage is made of light aluminum tubes, the motor is a car motor, and the wheels are modified from baby carriage wheels...

He has not succeeded yet. .

Cao Zhengshu's test flight

If you have a thorough understanding of the stories of these people building airplanes, you will find that their motivations are very simple, or simple.

For example, Cao Zhengshu said: building airplanes is entertainment for me, just like other people like playing mahjong, I feel happy when I build airplanes.

​​For example, Xu Bin from Quzhou, he likes to raise birds, so he wants to fly.

In 1994, 20-year-old Xu Bin built an "ultra-light helicopter" with a diameter of 5 meters and a height of about 2 meters with the help of some mechanical processing skills he learned from his tractor factory and his father.

Next, Xu Bin spent 12 years gradually transforming it. He also bought a sports motorcycle at a high price and took out the engine inside.

Finally, in 2006, Xu Bin flew into the sky with the engine bought online, the driver's seat removed from the car, and the self-made fuselage, wings, and rotors. The flight altitude was 2 kilometers. , The duration is 25 minutes.

Xu Bin browsed through a large number of aviation books, and found a kind of aircraft called rotorcraft in foreign personal aircraft production materials. The

rotorcraft is like a giant bamboo dragonfly, except that the driving force that pushes it up is not the hand but the engine.

Now, Xu Bin is already in the rotorcraft circleThe chief engineer and chief test pilot is now.

He also sells airplanes and airplane parts, and is transforming the airplane into a pesticide-spreading agricultural airplane.

Another Chaoshan native, Su Guibin, also spent 12 years developing a native aircraft.

In this process, in addition to a large amount of money, there was more than one crash with three broken ribs...

In 2012, Su Guibin made a test flight in Ningxia. The plane climbed to an altitude of 4850 meters, which was still some distance away from the target of 5000 meters. , And the freezing temperature of minus 40 degrees and lack of oxygen forced him to give up...

Another time, his plane crashed into a telephone pole and fell, his nerves were damaged, his lower body was unconscious, and he was lying in bed for half a year.. .

Su Guibin said: There is a mountain in front of my house. I dream of flying to the mountain to see the scenery...

Now, two rotorcraft and a delta-wing light aircraft manufactured by Su Guibin have been obtained by the State Civil Aviation Administration of China. The airworthiness is approved and sold to Southeast Asian countries.

In the process of finding a way to achieve the dream of flying, most of the peasant pilots suffered from the ridicule of the people around them, the puzzlement of their family members, and the huge economic pressure.

Qian Xinmiao of Pengxing Village, Shipai Town, Huaining County, Anhui Province, was regarded by his wife as "funny" and the two often quarreled.

In the early morning of July 24 this year, he took the third plane he built and was reported by the villagers. The

traffic police personally praised Qian Xinmiao's courage, but they could only order him to dismantle the plane to eliminate safety hazards.

​​also has a very small number of people who are supported by family members...

, for example, Liu Yibing from Ningxia.

In 1990, the 18-year-old Liu Yibing accidentally saw a flying magazine and had the idea of ​​self-made airplanes.

Due to limited conditions, all parts were dug from the side. His mother took out the sheets at home as wings, and his father and him removed the engine from the tractor.

Later, he was introduced to Wuxi to buy an aero engine imported from the United States, and the test flight was successful soon.

He also took his mother and friends to fly in two.

Now, Liu Yibing has passed professional studies to become a flight instructor.

In fact, in many countries, such as the United States, it is not difficult to obtain a private pilot license and the leasing industry is relatively mature. It is not difficult for ordinary people to fly a plane.

This can explain to some extent why there are so many people in China who want to build their own airplanes.

is like what Liu Baigang said in the movie "Flying": You can't afford this thing, you can only make it yourself.

does not matter if there is no culture, curiosity can make up...

does not have enough knowledge, it does not matter, they are willing to study...

Since ancient times, there has been such a description of the life of Chinese farmers: facing the loess, back facing the sky... What it says is: When farmers are doing farm work in the field, they lower their heads, bend their waists, face the loess, and their backs face the sky...

However, in this movie, we see that there is such a group The farmer, turned his head, turned his eyes to the blue sky, but turned his back to the loess...

As a peasant "faced to the loess and back to the sky", there is nothing wrong with them. Step on the ground and live a solid life...

However, there are always some people who are uncomfortable with the status quo and are not satisfied with stepping on the ground. Their uncontrollable curiosity, they want to soar in the blue sky, and they have What's wrong?

And this movie seems to want to tell us: identity, status, knowledge, age, can't stop a person who wants to fly, dreams, is a good thing.

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