The 21-year longevity program has recently been discontinued, and it was once the most important viewing panacea of ​​CCTV.

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another childhood show quietly left.

is too low-key.

The finale of others, grand and sensational, evokes infinite reluctance and memories. What about


has no official announcement, no warning, and no closing statement.

Sir is like you, not reconciled.

The 21-year longevity program has recently been discontinued, and it was once the most important viewing panacea of ​​CCTV. - Lujuba

, the show that scared us from childhood to big, just ran away?


"Approach to Science"

The 21-year longevity program has recently been discontinued, and it was once the most important viewing panacea of ​​CCTV. - Lujuba

Sir deliberately did not use a formal poster. The first impression that

gave us because of "Approach to Science" was a host, an old-fashioned LCD TV.

is simple and unpretentious, and the same is true for connecting the game.

September 30, 2019.

"Approach to Science" broadcasted an issue of "Controlling Water Peanuts". The last sentence of


"One year has passed, and the experimental fields that have been infested by water peanuts have been replaced by a large number of local dominant plants. And the orange garden is about to usher in a harvest season..."

The 21-year longevity program has recently been discontinued, and it was once the most important viewing panacea of ​​CCTV. - Lujuba

△ "Go The last shot of "Near Science",

, contrasts with the "harvest season".

This is the finale of "Approach to Science". The news of

was revealed from a Weibo, @国zoological museum staff, one of the first members to participate in the recording of the program, Zhang Jinshuo, a member of the Chinese Science Writers Association. Although

​​has not been officially certified, the next issue does not appear after September 30.

Like all CCTV programs that leave us, the farewell of "Approach to Science" has no sense of ritual. It just broadcasted the last episode seriously and then disappeared.

is also good.

The sense of ceremony should belong to us.

, a program that has entered CCTV's prime time since 1998, has always been controversial. Some people say that

is the shadow of childhood; some people say that

is adult enlightenment; others say that

has opened up a new world full of curiosity and taboos...

seems to be over, and we still don’t understand it. .

Don't worry. Before defining

, let’s look back at "Approaching Science" with Sir today.

21 years of broadcasting history, unprecedented.


"Approach to Science", during the period 2005-2007, embarked on the peak of curiosity in the Chinese television industry. Every issue of

seems to reveal a great secret.

depends on the name of each episode. It is definitely the pioneer of the title party-

06.11.14. Approaching Science_The Mystery of the Golden Lake Water Monster (Part 1)

06.11.15. Approaching the Science_The Mystery of Golden Lake Water Monster (Part 2)

06 .11.16. Approaching Science _ Deciphering Night Vision People

06.11.17. Approaching Science _ The password in the mural

06.11.18. Approaching Science _ Immortal Water Longevity Soup

06.11.19. Approaching Science _ The mysterious nine cylinders and eighteen pots

06.11.20. Approaching Science_ Transparent Boy

06.11.21. Approaching Science_ "Maggots" in addition to pain

06.11.22. Approaching Science_ Can the belly speak? (Top)

06.11.23. Approaching Science _ Can the belly speak? (Below)

06.11.24. Approaching Science_Wheat Straw Gold Search

06.11.26. Approaching Science_Asphalt Horror

The show has not started, the suspense is already in place, and the dates are all aimed at your fear of the unknown.

Sometimes, an unresolved case is broadcast for several days, making you stay in front of the TV every day and itchy. When

is extreme, "Approach to Science" directly hits the supernatural.

angry wildfires, ghosts pulling lights in the middle of the night, strange noises from ghost buildings, and the sound of footsteps in the middle of the night of an ancient temple...

Its technique is also extremely horror film, how to stimulate it.

You must remember-"Walking Corpse".

About the corpse carpenter in Xiangxi.

was frightened just watching the opening. The

program group takes us back to 1950, retelling the incident of two People's Liberation Army tracking a team of corpses.

The first shot, an image of a group of people on their way.

gloomy, heavy smoke, hurryingAll of them wore hats and couldn't see their faces.

When you think, the atmosphere of horror will slowly accentuate.

ha ha.

walked along-

smoke became thicker and thicker. The background music is getting deeper and deeper. What will


When you look attentively...

suddenly broke into a darker figure on the right side of the screen.

P.s. A series of high-energy warnings ahead.

Sir was shocked by this scene when I watched it again-who can use such lens language on

's current TV show? These exquisite lens designs of

also made the audience wrap up in quilts.

"Approach to Science" is a veteran of horror filmmaking.

Look at this issue, there are big prospects everywhere.

, but they are all very particular-if

is a tree, it is usually thin and dry, conveying the breath of death; if

is a room, it must be dark and not fall, and it looks extremely gloomy when viewed from above; if

has water, there must be reflections, there must be Smoke, ethereal and ethereal... All of

makes the person in the lens even smaller, and in any case cannot get out of this mysterious atmosphere.

Through the scheduling of color, lens and ghost, the program successfully conveyed the mysterious and unpredictable mood of the unknown world.

tells the story of "the corpse chaser" again, the horror effect is twice the result with half the effort. In the

story, the decent investigative action is also very strange.

peeped secretly through the torn paper, without being upright.

's interrogation of people also suddenly appeared from the darkness, like a ghost.

carefully look at the animation above.

they held guns in their hands, they pointed at the sleeping stranger as soon as they showed up, holding his head... Why did

show people in terror, because they are also in terror.

This is Xiangxi in 1950. It has just been liberated, and various dark forces are fishing in troubled waters. Even if the two People's Liberation Army are investigating the case outside, they have to be careful.

did not find it.

"Approach to Science" is serious about curiosity. The atmosphere of

is better than we imagined; the topic design of

combines various elements such as times, politics and environment.

childhood shadow, well-deserved reputation.

△ It’s also restless when revealing the secret, often inserting a frame of skeletons to scare people


"Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?!"

"However, things are not that simple..."

"Why XXXX Repeatedly hit by black hands? Why is XXX frequently stolen? XXXX, who did it? XXXX, is it a man or a ghost? What is hidden behind XXX? "

In addition to the title party, "Approach to Science" is also rich in bad streets." Golden sentence".

Monsters and ghosts, emperors and gods, rural stories.

is too vulgar.

has nothing to do with science.

Why is a CCTV popular science program on a path of no return?

This starts with a CCTV employee who has just entered the workplace.

"Approach to Science" was broadcast in 1998, and it was a "serious program" focusing on science at the beginning.

even a program, and invited 6 Nobel Prize winners to discuss the future scientific development together.

△ "Approach to Science" former host Zhang Tengyue

tall, right? Pure science, right? The ratings of

are terrible. The idea of ​​

continued until 2003, when the program was almost eliminated, because no one liked to watch the scientific truth of rants.

transformation is the only way out.

In 2004, a CCTV employee named Zhang Guofei competed for employment as the producer of "Approaching Science".

He brought a whole new point of view:

What we do is TV shows, not scientific research. The function of

TV is to entertain, entertain and disseminate information. The function of education is far less direct than that of school. Therefore, the form of preaching is not feasible.

First of all, pay close attention to the story of the show.

He once introduced his admiration to the story to a reporter-

talked about the master of magicDavid Copperfield.

He believes that the reason why David's magic is famous all over the world is not only because of his superb skills, but also because of Copperfield's first-rate storytelling ability.

Once, before performing the trapeze, David Copperfield said an opening statement:

"I had a dream when I was a child, that is to fly in the sky." The audience at

suddenly resonated: Yes, when I was a child, too miss you.

△ David Copperfield's

narrative is the magic weapon identified by Zhang Guofei.

Sure enough, after his revision, "Approach to Science" from a bleak show that was almost eliminated, became the king of ratings.

is not only in the air time, but also aroused discussions among thousands of lights gathered in front of the TV.

Later, a unique "approach to science culture" was formed on the Internet.

, for example, ridiculed "Approach to Science".

Simple tutorial: "Snoring" is not called "snoring", it is called "the horror sound in the middle of the night"; "neuropathy" is not called "neuropathy", it is called "soul out of the body" or "zombie possession". The full text requires extensive use of sentences such as "However, an unexpected thing happened" and "It is far from this simple...".

and online novels borrowed from "Approach to Science", used the column as the background of the story, and made up their own "fan stories"... How attractive is

? For example,


"Strange Sounds in Ancient Temples". After

was broadcast that year, it ranked first in Sina Technology News.

Narrative, suspense, hook, step by step, feed you down. At the beginning of

, you will be introduced to the protagonist of the story: Longxing Talking Temple, a security guard who has been working for 17 years wants to resign.

Because he has heard footsteps in the temple at around two o'clock in the middle of the night several times.

Here, the show combines flashback techniques to introduce his fear to you in the form of situational restoration.

△ The lens also uses the first person

. Through the context, the program introduces the internal and external geography of the Longxing Talking Temple, shaping its size and seclusion, and setting up the background of fear.

Next, don't waste a second.

came second, and the third party immediately appeared.

recounted the experience of "footsteps" again, increasing its credibility.

pay attention to the narrative here:

they reported this situation to the curator Xia Xiangjun, but they did not expect that curator Xia also told them about one of their experiences...

step by step-

I have heard.

eh, have you heard that too?

Let's talk to the leader. what? Even the leader has heard it!

At this time you still want to escape the story, there is no way.

Next, the show will introduce the true protagonist of the story-an ancient corpse displayed in the

ancient temple.

invited the curator to describe the state of the male corpse: "When we opened the inner coffin, the male corpse was like a real person asleep. His skin is also yellow in color; the elasticity of his body is the same as that of a real person; and The limbs and fingers can still move slightly."

No one said the connection between the footsteps and the ancient corpse.

But at this moment, you have already shrunk in the sofa and clenched the remote control automatically.

hate it.

I hate it, it's amazing.

You may never realize the subtlety of the script.

starts from the psychology of small characters, then introduces the background of the story, then introduces multi-party flashbacks, and finally releases a terrifying big move...

has rhythm, order, ups and downs, and bursts.

Since then, "Approaching Science" is like a small book, like a stall of literature, relying on the ups and downs of the story, it has grabbed the people's attention and gained a firm foothold in the dunya.

However, something unexpected happened. The good times are not long.

audience, began to bad reviews. The media began to be dissatisfied.

In 2006, he was named and criticized by "People's Daily Online". The words used by

are completely unrelenting-

, a national television station, has turned a scientific program that was originally a public welfare program into a curious program, which is very shameless. Like a tabloid newspaper or a local small TV station, it is completely dependent on the ratings, caress about it, has no tolerance, and is constantly attractedThe audience's eyes were complacent. Does such a show have the courage to claim to be "a banner of Chinese TV science"? Faced with such a bad TV ecology, when will we see the "good-looking popular science programs" produced by ourselves?

"Approach to Science" has gone farther and farther from the road of making stories, and also farther and farther from "science".

Popular science has become a tasteless story.

For example, in this issue of "Walking Corpse", the final explanation is not science, but folklore.

The corpse slayer will remove the deceased’s hands, feet, and head, and use straw to pierce a very delicate scarecrow, or wrap him with local palm bark, treat it on the spot, and then carry it on his body. Cover with clothes.

"Strange Sounds in Ancient Temples" this issue also invited wood scientists and psychologists to answer:

footsteps are only the sound caused by the expansion and change of the old wood between wet and dry weather... many people I heard it all because of subconscious hints.

But the explanation is too sloppy and hard to convince people.

This was also the most criticized question on the show at the time-

was too focused on the creation of horror and suspense, but the answer to the suspense was quickly announced.


"Approaching Science" is reduced to a sand sculpture.

"Haunted House in Mountain Village":

has been an uninhabited house for many years always glowing, and will disappear as soon as a person approaches. Later, it turned out that it was the reflected light on the glass...

"ghost pulls the light in the middle of the night": The light in the new house of

always lights up inexplicably, and it is often in the middle of the night, making people panic. Investigation result: the light switch is broken...

"wild fire":

ordinary houses caught fire more than 80 times in just 5 days. They all said they had encountered a wild fire, and they were sent guards and experiments. Truth: This little daughter was arson.

"Ghosts in the middle of the night": The village of

always makes inexplicable ghost calls in the middle of the night. Everyone suffers from insomnia, and secrets about wild beasts are heard.

guess what beast?

Answer: A fat man who snores loudly...

Even so, Zhang Guofei still refuses to admit defeat, and directly refutes:

As for the question of mystery, I think it is attractive first. For our TV show, I hope first. It can attract people; second, it can inspire people; third, it can infect people. This is the most ideal, but the premise is to attract people, whether it is to inspire or infect people. If it is not attractive, you have something to say and no one wants to listen.

even, he insisted on practicing his own "topic weight".

judged that a subject matter is not worth shooting, they once had a set of quantitative standards. The total score of

is 10, and the elements are measured by 4, 3, 2 and 1:

4 points, which is the "saliency of the topic", depending on whether the story is attractive;

3 points, which is "the twists and turns of the story";

2 points , Is "the possibility and impact of visual presentation";

1 points, is "the authority to be able to carry out scientific interpretation".


"Story" is placed first, and "science" is placed lowest. Zhang Tengyue, the host of

who left the show, still followed the policy of "down-to-earth" and ran into the "Tucao Conference" last year.

​​Of course, the program is ultimately no match for the pressure of public opinion.

Since 2009, the program has returned to popular science, and the ratings have gradually dropped.

Until now, the show has been stopped.

seems to verify the producer's saying: If it is not attractive, no one wants to listen.

Many people say that the significance of "Approach to Science" is that it clears away folk ignorance and superstition.


But in Sir's mind, its greatest significance lies in the courage of

to pull the supreme ideas of science, technology, and reason into the folk and dust. The dynamic principle of the

spacecraft is science.

Little skills in life are also science.

breaks the grand-sounding elite consciousness, it makes all living beings equal before science. Similar programs like

will not disappear.

click to open the b station where young people gather nowadays, in the "Interesting Science and Humanities" section, videos with the "Science" tag, sorted by the number of views, get the following top six:The first video of

is a simulation of the universe development in the next billion years; the second place of

is how many fake texts there are in elementary school Chinese textbooks; the third and fourth places of

are the spread of opinions on the plagiarism incident of the flower porridge;

fifth place, "Why Japanese girls have such big breasts"; sixth place, 5 swimming pools that must be tried once in a lifetime. If

is to be defined according to strict "science popularization" standards, only the first of the top six videos can barely be considered.

And they, like "Approach to Science", stimulate readers' curiosity and fear of the unknown in the form of grounding.

This is why Sir said at the beginning of the article:

’s broadcast history is also the history of your growth.

-When we are young, we will be stimulated by novelty and become fanatical about data; when

matures, we know what we want, and then we take the initiative to learn knowledge and broaden our horizons.

The end of "Approaching Science" is not the end. The

program guides us to "close" science.

But only we can truly "enter" science.

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