The big screen experience the lethal pleasure of extreme escape, this disaster film should not be missed!

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The big screen experience the lethal pleasure of extreme escape, this disaster film should not be missed! - Lujuba

No matter how innovative the film market is, disaster films always occupy an important place with their unique magic. With explosive scenes, realistic special effects, and profound topics,

breaks through in a variety of genres.

The big screen experience the lethal pleasure of extreme escape, this disaster film should not be missed! - Lujuba

In "The Day After Acquired", the greenhouse effect breaks the meteorological balance, and the melting of the glaciers at the poles floods the entire earth, giving people an experience of the ice age of thousands of miles of ice.

The big screen experience the lethal pleasure of extreme escape, this disaster film should not be missed! - Lujuba

In "2012", the north and south poles are reversed, the land sinks to the bottom of the sea, and the 10,000-inclined high-rise building collapses in an instant, and a disaster of extinction comes.

Accompanied by thrilling special effects, disaster films infinitely amplify human fears and explore the abyss of human nature.

Whether it is climate change, plague virus, or volcanic tsunami, comets hit the earth...all the creators’ brains were opened up on the screen.

relies on one post-apocalyptic scene after another, creating a tense and exciting apocalyptic atmosphere.

The big screen experience the lethal pleasure of extreme escape, this disaster film should not be missed! - Lujuba

makes people stand tall and cold while watching the movie, which greatly satisfies the audience's curiosity.

has just created the preeminent position of disaster films that will last forever.

On October 25, another imported disaster movie will be introduced to the mainland.

launched a poisonous gas offensive on the mainland screen, staged a haze on all sides-"Breathe".

is similar to disaster films such as "The Day After Day" and "2012". The story of "Breath" is also grafted on the conventional proposition of getting along with nature:

Overdraft of the natural environment has a limit. Beyond this limit, mankind will meet Come back to bite and cause irreparable and devastating damage. The story background of

is set in an elevated modern society. Many children in

society can suffer from a congenital strange disease-

cannot directly breathe the outside air, and must stay in a dust-free airtight cabin and breathe filtered air. Sarah, the daughter of

, ​​is one of the patients. Unfortunately,

followed. A sudden shock of

triggered an unprecedented disaster.

was accompanied by shaking, a kind of smog from underground, began to spread throughout the city.

smoke contains a lot of poisonous gas, and those who inhale it will die in a short time.

The smoke is rolling in, like a bamboo, with a great visual impact. With its extremely high fatality rate,

slaughtered a large number of residents in a short period of time. Nearly two thirds of the people in

died in the smoke.

Smoke passed, and corpses were everywhere.

is everywhere in the shadow of death. All the survivors of

took refuge from heights.

can only escape in a short period of time by hiding in high places.

In an instant, everyone was forced into a desperate situation: there was no water, no electricity, no food, no news... The civilized society that

worked so hard at this time fell apart and fell into a deadlock.

was originally a happy family of three, who could only survive the disaster. The male protagonist

is constantly in danger, trying to lead his family out of danger.

In the disaster scene, director Robbie successfully showed the scene of the fog invading the city in a thrilling manner. The realistic and shocking visual effects helped "Breath" win the Canadian Film and Television Awards and the Quebec Film and Television Awards for Best Visual Effects.

is different from the physical disaster objects that destroyed the world in previous disaster films. The smoke in "Breathe", as an intangible object, is even better in terms of elusiveness and unpredictability.

is in the smoke, the audience is always with the protagonist, hanging their hearts high, worrying that unpredictable unknown objects will suddenly burst out of the smoke.

threats are everywhere, and fear is deep in the bones.

often amplifies crises and panics several times in unexpected ways.

The smog permeating the city is visually similar to a combination of sandstorm and haze.

Watching the film, Chinese audiences can easily travel in one second, reminiscent of the haze we have been suffering from. The feeling of

is simply not too "kind"!

reminds the audience of the fear of being dominated by smog in every minute.

An immersive sense of suffocation permeates all aspects of the film. The suffocation of

, ​​in the final analysis, is mainly due to the innovation in the subject matter of the filmSex.

"Breath" introduces the most popular horror elements of the five senses (olfactory, sight, touch, taste, and hearing) and participated in the creation of the film. The sudden smoke of

not only blocks people's sight (vision), but also restricts people's breathing (smell). Starting from human organs,

brings oppressive fear to mankind by squeezing the living space, thereby pushing mankind into desperation step by step.

is exposed to smoke, breathe and die.

This horrific technique of depriving the five senses can create a more empathetic and immersive viewing experience for the audience, giving the audience a stronger sense of fear and suffocation.

movies with similar themes have emerged in recent years.

"The Mist" is visually restricted, making the protagonist mistakenly believe that there is nowhere to go, creating a sad ending that is irreparable.

"A Quiet Place" made a fuss about the sound, creating a terrifying monster that hunts for food through the sound, making humans die when they speak.

"Blindfolded Your Eyes" is also rooted in vision, closing the windows of the soul, allowing mankind to grope and survive in perilous dangers.

"Perfect Feeling" is even more decisive, directly using a large-scale virus to make humans lose their five senses and slowly collapse.

undertakes this kind of mantle, "Breathe" continues the horror effect shown in the above-mentioned movies, and further creates a doomsday crisis, fermenting the mood of collapse in despair.

In the face of disasters, the shining points and dark sides of human nature burst out one after another.

uses emotions as narrative clues and advances it layer by layer, pushing the story to its climax. The protagonist of

is trying his best to continuously challenge the limits of mankind in order to keep the family alive.

shows the love and hope that mankind has released during the desperate situation. The warmth of

makes "Breathe" wrapped in a warm color under the gray tone of the disaster film.

until the end, through an unexpected hardcore reversal, the topicality of the whole film has been raised to a higher level.

can be called a touch of magic!

Friends who like to watch disaster movies, please do not miss this movie!

When the film is released on October 25, let's call friends and run drugs online!

Tags: movie