The three kings of National Day movies, patriotic nostalgia PK Chinese heroes, who wins?

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The National Day holiday has come to an end, have many friends still not enough? Although November is a time for everyone to relax, but it is also a good time to be busy in many areas. Apart from anything else, theaters during the National Day ushered in a golden period. After all, there are so many days off, who doesn't watch a movie! Not only did the number of viewers explode, the box office results were also popular. And during this year’s National Day, there are many excellent movies released. Have you seen them all?

The three kings of National Day movies, patriotic nostalgia PK Chinese heroes, who wins? - Lujuba

In fact, there are three main films that are the hottest on National Day this year. One is "My Motherland and Me" directed by the famous director Chen Kaige. This film is very suitable for National Day regardless of the theme and background, and the actors can be said to be stars Brilliant, Huang Bo, Ou Hao, Zhang Yi, Zhou Dongyu, Liu Tao, Wu Jing, Ma Yili, Du Jiang, Hui Yinghong, Zhu Yilong, Ge You, Liu Haoran, Chen Feiyu, Han Dongjun, etc. starred together. Anyone is a big coffee, so many stars gather together. In this film, just this gorgeous lineup can attract many moviegoers. The film

The three kings of National Day movies, patriotic nostalgia PK Chinese heroes, who wins? - Lujuba

connects the major events since the founding of China from the perspective of seven groups of ordinary people. It makes movie viewers look back to the past as if sitting on a time machine, to watch a history of the growth of the motherland, and to witness the rise and fall of the big era with small people , Wrote a "documentary" of China, which not only evokes the memories of the older generation, but also allows some younger generations who are not very clear about the history of the motherland to have a deeper understanding of this. This is very meaningful of.

The three kings of National Day movies, patriotic nostalgia PK Chinese heroes, who wins? - Lujuba

The whole film promotes the main theme of "patriotism", based on historical events, and sublimated with patriotic sentiments. It was broadcast on the National Day of the 11th. It is considered a gift for the 70th birthday of the motherland and is very timely. No matter what the artistic quality of this film is, the patriotic theme alone is worth watching, and the box office results are definitely not to worry about.

And it is reported that the director is also striving for perfection in the filming, so as to conform to the historical facts. It is reported that Du Jiang served as the flag-raising bearer of Hong Kong in the film. The director and the prototype Zhu Taoshen in the selection and shaping of the actor is a god-like restoration. The guidance, even the looks are very similar, which shows that the film is made with care!

The other is starring Zhang Hanyu, Ou Hao, Du Jiang, Yuan Quan, Li Qin, etc., and directed by Liu Weiqiang, "Captain of China", with the theme of an air crash, according to Sichuan Airlines flight 3U8633 on May 14, 2018. The adaptation of the real events of love is also an attempt and breakthrough in the history of Chinese film, and judging from the response after the film was broadcast, this challenge is undoubtedly a success! The editor of

personally went to the cinema to watch this film, and I have to say it was very surprising! The whole process was tense and there was no urine point, and the plot was ups and downs, which made the audience exciting. The portrayal of the characters was also very successful. The captain Liu Changjian played by Zhang Hanyu was calm and rational in the face of the crisis, and his will was not shaken at all. He sticks to his duties and uses his will and extraordinary ability to lead the crew to return to the flight successfully. For everyone’s safety. The flight attendants played by Yuan Quan and others in the play actively cooperated in the face of danger, which showed the professionalism and quality of Chinese flight crews. In addition to the main characters in the play,

​​is also very useful in shaping the passengers on the flight. The various performances of ordinary people in times of crisis they represent are a portrayal of the various aspects of life and a profound expression of the film’s human nature. . In the end, Liu Changjian sang the song "I Love the Blue Sky of Motherland", which is a sublimation of the film's patriotic theme, and the film becomes more profound.

This film has shaped the accomplishments of all walks of life in China represented by the aviation industry. It is a portrayal of those professionals in ordinary positions. The protagonist of the film "Chinese Captain" Liu Changjian, he is tenacious and unyielding. Representatives of the "Chinese" who gave up. The last part of

is "The Climber" starring Wu Jing. In recent years, as a representative of Chinese filmmakers, Wu Jing has continuously brought surprises to everyone. From the "Wolf Warrior" series to "The Wandering Earth", he has grown from a small freshman. The meat actor has grown into a well-known director, and his patriotism in the film has shocked many people!

​​This time "The Climber" is based on the story of the Chinese mountaineering team successfully ascending Mount Everest on May 25, 1960, completing the first human climb to the world’s highest peak. It will show that historical feat to people again, China The mountaineering team experienced all kinds of hardships and even paid the price of their lives in that historical era with poor conditions, and finally overcame natural dangers.When they fluttered the red flag on Mount Everest, tears filled their eyes. What they represent is the spirit of "Chinese" who is constantly climbing and forging ahead. What we see in them is the great soul of "Chinese" who is strong, unyielding and hardworking.

Generally speaking, these films are all films that promote patriotic melody, but "My Motherland and Me" is the main patriotic nostalgia, "Chinese Captain" and "Climber" are the creation of Chinese heroes. . According to the box office, the overall performance of "Captain of China" is even better.

Which movie do you think is good?

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