The Oscar statuette deserves its name, a movie with a supporting role halo greater than the protagonist.

movie 1911℃

today talk about a 2008 Oscar best film "Old Nowhere", Javier Baden also won the Oscar for best supporting actor by playing the cold killer Anton in the film.

The Oscar statuette deserves its name, a movie with a supporting role halo greater than the protagonist. - Lujuba

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Anton has the charm that eclipses all the protagonists. People who have watched "Old Nowhere" may not remember the cowboy who desperately resisted the underworld chase for money, or remember the painstaking effort. The old policeman who failed to capture the murderer can even forget that he has watched "Old Nowhere".

But, he must remember the creepy killer Anton with a mushroom head and a strange weapon. The picture of

The Oscar statuette deserves its name, a movie with a supporting role halo greater than the protagonist. - Lujuba

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. The Western Wilderness at the beginning of the movie makes us understand that this is a crazy and desolate story, but his madness is far more than everyone expected, and his desolation also makes the defense line that we prepared in our hearts instantly collapse. invisible.

The Oscar statuette deserves its name, a movie with a supporting role halo greater than the protagonist. - Lujuba

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Anton was arrested on the road from the very beginning. Looking at him with a slightly stupid mushroom hair style, one can’t help but think that this may be just a dumb thief with bad words, or even a little pitiful. .

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but soon the police was strangled to death by this "stupid thief". The killer's calmness even made people doubt whether his tame arrest was premeditated. The picture of

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. Then, he killed the driver on the side of the road and let the store owner pass by throwing a coin. At one time, it was suspected that he was just killing people indiscriminately. The picture of

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. Soon another story line of the film unfolded. A veteran Moss found a gang fire while hunting. With the experience of soldiers and hunters, he quickly thought of the cause of the incident and the direction of the fugitives. The picture of

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. In the end, he found the box of dollars that caused the fire merger from under the corpse of a tree with little effort. Of course, the cowboy of the Wild West is not a gentleman. Facing the temptation of huge wealth, he chose to fly away with the money. The picture of

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. That night, the killer Anton also came to the scene. It turned out that he was the one who was hired by the gang to retrieve the box of money. After getting all the clues, he did not hesitate to kill the "employer" who came with him. They.

Those gangsters who were eager to find the missing dollar thought they had found one of the fiercest hounds, but they missed it. This was a greedy and cunning wolf. The picture of

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. Then, the third important person of the whole story also appeared. It was Bell, an old local policeman. He started to pay attention to the incident due to the gang fire and the killing of police officers. The picture of

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. With the appearance of important figures one after another, the suspenseful atmosphere of the film is gradually reflected. Anton chases and kills Moss, Moss flees Anton, Bell chases Anton and protects Moss.

When Moss ran to a motel to escape Anton's pursuit, he did a lot of smart moves. For example, two rooms were reserved, and the box of money was cleverly hidden in the ventilation duct. The picture of

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. This also caused Anton to mistakenly enter another room where several gangs lived. In this way, two people who had never met each other at all began a mentality, resourcefulness, and force through a wall. Competition. This segment is simply the essence of the whole film, without any fist-to-fighting and special effects of breaking the earth, but it makes people watch it heartily.

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After Moss fled the motel in a panic to find the next place to stay, we knew that Anton would be able to find him again with the tracker. The

situation is unfair to Moss. If Moss is killed by a killer in this way, the film will definitely be labeled as boring.

Therefore, the hero's achievements are largely due to how terrifying the villains he defeated, and vice versa. The picture of

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. So when Anton wanders outside the door and Moss discovers the secret of the tracker, we will feel that the story is getting more and more exciting. This is a duel between two masters, not what it seems to be. The situation is one-sided.

In the subsequent shootout, both of them were indeed injured. One had to temporarily give up the hunt to find a place to bandage his wounds, and the other had to throw the money he had earned for his life under the bridge, pretending to be a drunkard and escaped the border checkpoint. The picture of

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. At this time, the old policeman Bell is finally getting closer and closer to the truth, but the clues he obtained are the most disorderly among everyone, which also causes his every step of guessing to be later than the development of the situation. some.

In the end, Moss decided to take his wife and family away with the money, and it was precisely because of this decision that his desperately hidden trace was discovered by the gang, and finally shot to death at the meeting point. The picture of

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. If the gap between him and Anton is said to be, it is not in force and intelligence, but in his weakness. In addition to protecting himself, he has many people and things worthy of his protection. This may be the reason why many people regard him as a "good person" because he is closer to us.

When he kills, he thinks more about "Why should I kill him", while Anton thinks "Why don't I kill him" when he encounters people who hinder him. The ending of the

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has also been criticized. The protagonist died tragically, the killer was at large, and the police lamented that the world was so cold and wanted to retire. Maybe we are accustomed to the standard ending of hero victory, and we can't accept this kind of dark humorous ending. But none of these allow us to deny that this is a good movie.

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