Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line

starnews 2198℃

In an instant, Zheng Shuang's affairs had been around for half a year, and the public gradually stopped paying too much attention to this matter.

However, Zheng Shuang, who is his own family, has not given up the motive to come back continuously, and is constantly rushing to test.

At dawn on July 1, Zheng Shuang reposted CCTV news to congratulate the 100th anniversary of the Weibo, wishing the party’s 100th birthday and happiness.

It is worth mentioning that at the time when Zheng Shuang and Zhang Heng were arguing, in the chatting record exposed by Zhang Heng, Zheng Shuang was still trying to get rid of those stars who took the sky-high rewards, calling for grievances for them, and He kept saying "The star is giving X back the pot."

pointed at the dog when he was okay, and when he was wrecked, he hurriedly first sincerely wished first, this pretentious posture, righteous and Lingran words, it is really very difficult for people to match her with her secret appearance.

can’t help asking, Shuangzi, how many faces do you have?

The banned artists refused to stop, nothing more than to make money, so even Zheng Shuang, who was previously exposed to a daily salary of 2.08 million, could not bear the banned "loneliness" and repeatedly challenged the bottom line of the masses.

Some time ago, under the social news "Sudden death of a man in two hours after joining the job" revealed by @observer.com some time ago, Zheng Shuang also publicly posted his own comment with his account:

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

and the fans were also peaceful, reposting and commenting. Li continued to support Zheng Shuang, as if surrogacy, abandonment and other absurd things had never happened. A few days after

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

was banned, Zheng Shuang was successively declared a new identity "Youth Action Charity Ambassador". No wonder fans are so emboldened.

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

The reason why fans wait so desperately for bad artists is partly because Zheng Shuang keeps hinting.

Not long ago, there was also the news that Zheng Shuang's mood improved in the United States, so that fans should be calm and restless. After she finished the lawsuit, she "returned triumphantly", continued filming, and embraced her tens of millions of fans.

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

is difficult to understand, what kind of guidance such a bad artist can bring her fans, and what kind of bad influence fans will have after following such an artist for a long time.

can only say that not everyone is worthy of standing on the public stage, some people should be blocked, it is good to block.


Remember the hip-hop singer PGone?

PGone can be regarded as a typical representative who burst into popularity overnight and fell to the bottom of the valley overnight.

He has the strength and strong stage performance, and finally won the title of " China has hip hop ". In just a few months, he has millions of fans, and countless teenagers envy and pursue his "true temperament".

was subsequently derailed in marriage with the married husband Li Xiaolu , and at the same time a lot of black materials were turned out, and people were stunned:

stepped on the opponent during the competition;

​​consumed the deceased singer Yao Beina in the song. Respect; the words in the song "Christmas Eve" by

​​are even more suspected of instigating young people to take drugs and publicly insulting women;

​​was later even dug out that he has a history of drug use;


, ​​but only a few mainstream media In pain.

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

However, in the face of all kinds of real hammers, his fans not only did not take off their fans, they also blindly whitewashed him, and even publicly criticized the official media.

In order to protect their "idols," these children did not recognize them and ignorantly smeared the official media. Ziguangge was scolded as a "ditch oil restaurant."

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

We can see that PGone, as the "idol" of the youth group, has a huge influence, and his behavior has brought serious negative effects on those children who regard him as an idol.

Li Dan once said: "Our generation of young people’s greatest belief is not money, but idols. Many young people believe in idols just like they believe in God, and do everything right."

"The endorsement product will be bought regardless of whether it is insulting to China or not; as long as it is done by an "idol", it will unconditionally support it even if it violates the law. If you say

, ​​just because you like this person, you can have no moral bottom line, you can die for it, and you can care about nothing.

this is really terrible.


What are you boycotting?

The words and deeds of public figures are exemplary to the public. If every bad artist returns without incident after the storm, then more people will follow this type of incident,

This seems to be a crime by default and no bottom line. Isn’t this the most terrifying thing about the rationality of the social tolerance and the gradual decline in social tolerance?

Luo Zhixiang comeback fans cheer for him;

Zheng Shuang’s fans all over the net beating the drums and complaining, defending everywhere;

Ke Zhendong’s movie was re-released after 3z

zz0, 7zzz0, his fans were criticized by him. "No comeback, how do you let him live?"

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

To some extent, they are disintegrating the positive values ​​of society.

The impetuous era requires more faith.

We should leave the opportunity to conscientious and good artists, otherwise it will cause sorrow for the entire industry, and ultimately the audience will pay for it.

Speaking of last, we are resisting bad artists, what exactly are we resisting? Is

to the extent that even its name is blocked by the takeaway platform, and does not deserve to have the right to own the name?

Zheng Shuang officially returns to make money and millions of fans support: inferior artists, don’t challenge our bottom line - Lujuba

We resist the comeback of inferior artists, or appear again in public for the purpose of profit.

rather than boycotting their basic rights as citizens, let alone something that has nothing to do with them.

Because their bad deeds have caused a bad influence on the society and distorted the values ​​of many people, we should resist.

Separating problems from people is to treat them correctly and rationally.

Your so-called confusion is just watching yourself sinking

Tags: starnews