On April 25, the animated film "Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action" released its ultimate trailer and poster. In the final trailer, the "blockbuster" atmosphere is full. The opening moment when Pig Man transforms into a fighting form makes people excited and looks forward to

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The final trailer of "Pig Man: The Movie: Interstellar Action" Five Spirit Heroes unite to save the earth Duration: 01:13 Source: Movie Network

The ultimate trailer of "The Pig Man: The Movie: Interstellar Action" The Five Spirit Heroes unite to save the earth Hide

Duration: 01:13 It is recommended to open it under WIFI
On April 25, the animated film 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released its ultimate trailer and poster. In the final trailer, the 'blockbuster' atmosphere is full. The opening moment when Pig Man transforms into a fighting form makes people excited and looks forward to  - Lujuba Total 5 pictures

1905 Movie Network News On April 25, the animated film "Pigman: Interstellar Action" released the ultimate trailer and The ultimate poster. In the final trailer, the film is full of atmosphere. The opening moment when Pig Man transforms into a fighting form makes people excited and looks forward to the start of the main film.

trailer shows the complete picture of the ultimate villain for the first time. The ruler of the super-bad galaxy threatens to destroy the world. Pig Planet and the Earth encounter an unprecedented crisis. Under the leadership of Pig Man, the super-star Five Spirits tacitly combine their souls to burst out and go to the Earth to create their own. "The Sixth Note", the battle scenes of joint efforts make people's adrenaline soar. The Five Spirit Heroes shoulder the responsibility and sense of mission, and each use their own unique skills to defeat the villains, making people look forward to the battle scenes in the film.

On April 25, the animated film 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released its ultimate trailer and poster. In the final trailer, the 'blockbuster' atmosphere is full. The opening moment when Pig Man transforms into a fighting form makes people excited and looks forward to  - Lujuba

In addition, Dr. Confused also used his ultimate trick in this battle. The contrast between begging for mercy when he couldn't beat him made people laugh. It can be seen that the movie not only contains the exciting moments of condensed souls and the wonderful scenes of gorgeous eyeballs, but also There are so many laughs waiting to be unlocked. In the final poster of

, the Five Spirit Heroes soar into the sky. The city in the background is their protection, and the villain's spaceship behind them foreshadows their crisis. But the faces of each of the Five Spirit Heroes are determined and calm, and their bravery is fully displayed on the screen, making people excited. At the same time, there is an Easter egg hidden in the background. The appearance of the old version of Pig Man is also a surprise. What role will the old pig play in this story? It’s highly anticipated.

On April 25, the animated film 'Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar Action' released its ultimate trailer and poster. In the final trailer, the 'blockbuster' atmosphere is full. The opening moment when Pig Man transforms into a fighting form makes people excited and looks forward to  - Lujuba

The animated film "Pigman: The Movie: Interstellar" will be released nationwide on May 1.

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