The real prototype adaptation of the search and rescue dog Ding Dong "The Wandering Dog of the Faithful" will be released on August 20

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is a joint production of China and Thailand. The first domestic movie "The Stray Dog" featuring search and rescue dogs will be released nationwide on August 20. Directed by the famous Thai director Sangkai Vidurang, the film starring young actors Ying Haoming, Fu Fengnan, Wang Jingchen, Wang Shuo, etc., tells the touching story of the retired search and rescue dog Dingdang exhausting his life to find the first trainer.

The real prototype adaptation of the search and rescue dog Ding Dong 'The Wandering Dog of the Faithful' will be released on August 20 - Lujuba

​​The movie "The Stray Dog" is the first domestic film about the emotions between a firefighter and a search and rescue dog. It tells the firefighter Yang Qi retired due to injury during a rescue, but he was helplessly separated from his partner search and rescue dog "Ding Dang". Later, "Ding Dong", who was also retired due to injuries, was accidentally lost and exhausted his whole life to find Yang Qi's touching story.

The real prototype adaptation of the search and rescue dog Ding Dong 'The Wandering Dog of the Faithful' will be released on August 20 - Lujuba

​​The realistic prototype of the search and rescue dog "Ding Dong" in "Loyal Dog Wanderings" is the featful search and rescue dog of the Chengdu Fire Search and Rescue Dog Squadron from Dujiangyan City-Ding Dong. It has participated in disaster relief such as the Ya'an earthquake and Maoxian landslide. It used to search and rescue for 10 hours during the Ya'an earthquake and successfully found a pregnant mother. It also became a special guest on CCTV with a photo of "search and rescue dogs hanging across the river to save people". . The name of the protagonist Yang Qi comes from the real instructor of "Ding Dong"-Wu Qi. Wu Qi and his comrades in arms were also invited to appear in the film with a friendly character. They bravely went retrograde in the past disasters, dedicated their youth to the protection of prosperity and beauty, and are the loveliest people's heroes.

The real prototype adaptation of the search and rescue dog Ding Dong 'The Wandering Dog of the Faithful' will be released on August 20 - Lujuba

​​starring Ying Haoming (the masterpiece "Gu Jian Qi Tan") In order to play a good role as a firefighter and show the most realistic appearance of a fire fighter, he conducted military training before shooting and ate, lived and trained with the firefighters during the shooting period. , Ying Haoming bluntly said that this is his "most profound and memorable shooting experience", "shooting with dogs is also more interesting." Thanks to the support of the local fire department and other departments, the main creative team can take live shots at the dog training base, and invite trainers and search and rescue dogs to participate in the performance, restoring the most authentic search and rescue dog training scenes. Producer Ming Qiucheng said frankly: "It took nearly five years from preparation to filming, post-production and release of "The Wandering Dog". The background music alone was repeated several times, just to present the best to the audience. The work of "

The real prototype adaptation of the search and rescue dog Ding Dong 'The Wandering Dog of the Faithful' will be released on August 20 - Lujuba

" film "Loyal Dog Wandering" was produced by Beijing Jiale Film Co., Ltd., Horgos Film Union Cultural Media Co., Ltd., Chongqing Stepian Film Co., Ltd., Foshan Full Film Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Jin Jointly produced by Zhong Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., it will be screened nationwide on August 20.

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