"Say Good Don't Cry": Jay Chou's nostalgic card and "outdated" gender concept

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Reporter | Lin Ziren


"The World of Thought" column is a fixed column that the interface culture pushes every Monday. We will select 1 or 2 cultural/ideological topics that were hotly discussed in the last week to show everyone the various controversies and opinions focused on this conflict. In this week's "Thinking World", we are concerned about the confirmation of the prototype murderer of Jay Chou's new song "Say Good Not Cry" and the Korean movie "Memories of Murder".

"Say No To Cry": Will the nostalgia of the post 8090s bring Jay Chou back to the top of the music scene?

At 11 o'clock in the evening on September 16, Jay Chou's latest single "Say Good or Not Cry" went live. The new song was screened on major social media within 24 hours of being online, sales broke records repeatedly, and an online music platform server even crashed. The hot sales of the single and the high degree of discussion reflect the fact that Jay Chou is still "the king of Chinese pop music".

Actually, although Jay Chou’s speed of singing has declined in recent years, he, as a cultural phenomenon, continues to influence popular culture with the support of a huge base of fans. In the previous July, the unintentional question of a young music fan, "Why Jay Chou didn’t need to do data?" detonated the "super topic" battle between Jay Chou fans after 8090 and fans of traffic star Cai Xukun on social media, in mainstream media and various official microblogs. With his support, Jay Chou's image of "the benchmark of the times" seems to be more vivid. To a large extent, the record-breaking sales of Jay Chou's latest single is also a continuation of the Zhou Cai dispute in July.

However, it is worth noting that "Say Good or Not to Cry" does not seem to be a popular and acclaimed work. As of September 22, this single was scored 5.8 points by 43,000 people on Douban. Among them, 15.9% of Douban users only gave a one-star rating. The short comment with the highest number of likes said: "When Jay Chou also We are really old when we sell our feelings instead of talents." One of the selling points of

'Say Good Don't Cry': Jay Chou's nostalgic card and 'outdated' gender concept - Lujuba

"Say Good or Not Cry" is the invitation to Mayday’s Ashin to work with

how Jay Chou’s "time benchmark" image was established ? In the 2000s when he was in full swing, this was a hotly debated issue by cultural critics. Wang Xiaofeng, the former senior chief writer and writer of Sanlian Life Weekly, affirmed that Jay Chou has invented a new way of speaking and rap and subverted the established rules of the Chinese music scene. At the same time, he also analyzed the reasons for his stand out from the perspective of the development of the times and the mental state of Chinese society. Wang Xiaofeng pointed out in the book "Only the masses, no culture: Rebelling against a mediocre era": Jay Chou is different from the music elders such as Luo Dayou, Li Zongsheng, Huang Shujun, and Cui Jian. It is not like they are dedicated to interpreting the times and criticizing reality through lyrics. A humanistic, life and social value consistent with the times. Jay Chou (and his creative partner and writer Fang Wenshan) represent the thinking mode of a new generation of young people: they no longer follow the standards and value system of their predecessors, but use dazzling fashion to fill in the lack of meaning, and thus become a new generation Symbol of the era. The core of the

symbol of this era is "cool". Wang Xiaofeng wrote:

"'Cool' can be used to explain everything that people can't explain clearly today.'Cool' dispels the heavy side of the predecessors' thoughts. This also makes it difficult for people to learn from Jay Chou's music or Fang Wenshan's Find heavy and profound content in the lyrics. Jay Chou’s music is very mixed, and Fang Wenshan’s lyrics cover a wide range of topics. These seemingly chaotic contents are finally connected with'cool'. Fang Wenshan’s lyrics make Jay Chou become It’s even cooler. His seemingly introductory lyrics actually explain to us the aesthetic habits of young people in this era."

However, according to the self-media person "Meng Da understands", now looking back and looking at Jay Chou’s early days In his works, you will find that he also has his own unique and extensive humanistic care, such as "Beating on All Sides" which criticizes gossip news, "Dad and I'm Back" which exposes domestic violence, "Snail" which tells the dream of young people, and memories of childhood childhood "Daoxiang" of life. In addition, the most commendable thing about Jay Chou is his unconstrained imagination. Many of his works have a strong sense of picture and a variety of styles that lead the audience to shuttle in different time and space. "The Lady" is a'repentant husband-in-law'. The sorrow of "Mi Fenghou", "Sword Horse Dan" is the fusion of East and West, "In the Name of the Father" is the godfather's heavy killing, "Shanghai 1943" brings you back to the scene of World War II, "William Castle" is long With the fangs of a vampire, a girl with a flying skirt on "Prague Square", a dusty diary opened by "Peninsula Iron Box"." With so many jewels in front of

, it is no wonder that Jay Chou's old fans will not cry for "Say Good or Not" satisfaction. "Meng University understands" believes that Jay Chou's pattern in recent years has become smaller and smaller, and the song radius has become narrower. "Say good or not to cry" continues "Waiting for your get out of class", "confession balloon", "If you don't love me, I will fall down" and "Say good The guava little love song cycle of "Cry", from which it is no longer difficult to find the new ideas and in-depth thinking of his early works. We cannot say that Jay Chou, who is in his 40s, has become a "greasy middle-aged uncle"-after all, what he sings in his works is still a young man's heart-but his problem is also here: after having a prosperous life and a happy family, Has Jay Chou, who has entered middle age, lost his desire to express and no longer has sensitive curiosity about society and the outside world? After focusing on the young people's love and love, is Jay Chou already famous? This question of

is not to accuse middle-aged people of nostalgia-as we age, each of us will be nostalgic, but nostalgia has different levels. The public account "Iris" points out that it is also nostalgia. Song Dongye’s nostalgia is not pretending to be tender, but the grandeur of the middle-aged person who looks back on the past after Qianfan ("I know that the brilliance that has been blown will also laugh with youth" "Anhe Bridge"); Luo Dayou’s nostalgia is thinking about the impact of the changes of the times on individuals and looking forward to the future ("Every life who comes to the world is looking forward to it, because the world we change will be their future", "Future Master") . ""Say Good Not to Cry" is the most superficial kind of nostalgia. This does not mean that youth is superficial, but that it only peels off the most ostentatious layer of youth, and uses the most lustful words to try This kind of fairy tale narrative has become a common story, and the creator of this song/story has already walked out of this fairy tale and clearly knows that it is not true."

'Say Good Don't Cry': Jay Chou's nostalgic card and 'outdated' gender concept - Lujuba

In addition, for female fans, "Said The values ​​expressed in "Do Not Cry" are also embarrassing. The single MV tells the story: a tea shop girl bought a camera of more than 200,000 yen for the photographer's boyfriend to save money, and helped him apply to a foreign art college and sent him to study abroad. Therefore, the two are separated. The girl has been staying in the original place to distribute flyers and sell milk tea. The hero who has returned from school finds the heroine, and the girl embraces him in tears. Douban’s long review with the highest number of likes published a criticism on the topic of “The Three Senses of Rotten”: “The one that allows you to continuously improve or try to climb upward is the most beautiful love; let yourself be drawn into the endless quagmire of life. The abyss, it’s not love, it’s a ghost’s obsession!" Hou Hongbin, a media person in the

'Say Good Don't Cry': Jay Chou's nostalgic card and 'outdated' gender concept - Lujuba

"Say Good or Not to Cry" MV

, published an article on his personal public account, and pointed out that this kind of beautiful and charming narrative of giving infinitely to the sweetheart, without complaint or regret, is actually It is a long-standing creative motif in China. The story outlines of "Wang Kui" and "Zhao Zhennu" in the Southern Opera of Song and Yuan Dynasties are exactly the same: the down-and-out scholar who went to the exam was rescued by a woman, but after the scholar flew into the sky, he threw the former mountain alliance and each other behind his head and turned his face to deny others, and finally turned his back because of his own grievance. The report was retributed.

"Even in ancient times, it was known that women used up everything and invested in men to repay them. They were waiting for you to share the glory and wealth together after you succeeded, and even to receive a fateful wife. If you accept someone for life Hou Hongbin believes that the ancient women put all their life hopes on men because of the limitations of the times, but in the 21st century, they want to turn their faces and refuse to admit it. That is a bad rule. Today, women no longer need to rely on men to obtain the value of life, and to praise women for “love” indefinitely paying without asking for return is not only in the interests of women, but also against human nature.

Taiwanese opera "Wang Kui loses Guiying"

In January 2018, the song "Sunny Day" from Jay Chou's 2003 album "Ye Huimei" has exceeded 2 million reviews on NetEase Cloud Music. Netease's digital reading analysis of hot words found that "nostalgia" is one of the emotions most often aroused by netizens when they listen to Jay Chou's songs. Fans listened to Jay Chou's old songs repeatedly while urging "Jay Chou" to release new songs and new albums. However, Jay Chou seems to no longer have a strong creative enthusiasm. Even if he carries the nostalgic mentality of the post-80s 90s, it is difficult to return to the peak of the music scene-of course, we are not talking about traffic here.

The murderer of the prototype of "Memories of Murder" confirms: The technique of capturing prisoners has improved, but can we feel at ease?

On September 18, the South Korean police announced that through DNA comparison, the suspect in the "Hwaseong serial murder case" had been confirmed. According to reports, the murderer Lee, now 50 years old, was sentenced to life for murdering and abandoning the body of his wife’s sister after rape in 1994.Imprisonment, he is currently serving his sentence in Busan Prison, and his modus operandi and corpse abandonment are similar to the Hwaseong serial homicide, so he received much attention in the year he was arrested.

The "Hwaseong serial murder case" was the worst unsuccessful case in South Korea at the end of the last century. From September 15, 1986 to April 3, 1991, 10 women were victimized and only one survived. The age of the victims ranged from 13 to 71 years old. Most of the assaults involved kidnapping, rape, and strangulation. South Korean police searched 20,000 suspects, identified 570 sets of DNA, 180 hairs, and 40,116 fingerprints, but they still failed to capture the suspect during the prosecution period as of April 2, 2006. The

case has caused great repercussions in Korean society and has been adapted into the movie "Memories of Murder" and the TV series "Signal". In the movie "Memories of Murder", the detective Park Doo-man, played by Song Kanghao, runs with all his colleagues, but to no avail. At the end of the film-17 years after the first case occurred-Park Doo Man, who had long since turned into a businessman, returned to the scene of the crime and learned that the murderer was still alive. He had come back to see him. He was a very ordinary person. Many viewers were deeply impressed by Park Doo-man's contemplative eyes looking directly at the camera. In reality, the South Korean police have always been concerned about the murderer’s impunity. He Shengjun, who was the leader of the investigation team at the scene of a serial homicide, wrote in "A Letter to the Murderer" when he retired:

"Among us, some of us have fallen down because of overwork, and have so far been half-failed; still Someone was punished heavily for interrogating the suspect to death. During this period, we had no clue, but you did not rush to commit the crime again as if mocking us. After the case was put on hold, I sent thousands more people in. The cell also has prestige and status, but what can it do? I have never put the handcuffs on your hands. Now, I am about to retire, but there are younger generations, everyone will not let you go."

"Memories of Murder" stills

In the movie, the suspect’s sample was sent to the United States for DNA comparison, but the waiting time was too long, and the result was not very helpful to the case. In reality, the breakthrough of DNA technology finally brought hope for the South Korean police to solve the case. The National Research Institute of Scientific Research of South Korea discovered from the criminal database that the DNA of a prisoner surnamed Lee was exactly the same as the DNA sampled on the clothes of the victims of the 5th, 7th, and 9th incidents of the Hwaseong serial homicide, so the real murderer was identified .

"Sanlian Life Weekly" pointed out that in recent years, DNA information has become a powerful tool for analyzing criminal cases, and the police of various countries have cracked many outstanding cases through this technical means. In 2016, the serial homicide case in Baiyin City, Gansu Province, China was solved 28 years later, and it also passed DNA testing. In the United States, forensic genealogy based on genetic databases is booming. In April 2018, the U.S. police cracked an unsolved case through the genetic database for more than 40 years: 73-year-old retired police officer Joseph James D’Angelo ( Joseph James DeAngelo) was found to be a "Golden State Killer" who committed a series of rape and murder in California from 1976 to 1986.

According to media reports, the rapid development of forensic genealogy is closely related to the expansion of the genetic database. It is particularly worth noting that the amount of data required by this technology is unexpectedly small. Studies have pointed out that the data contained in the US GEDmatch database only accounts for about 0.5% of the adult population in the United States, but once its data volume rises to 2%, more than 90% of European Americans can pass the three-representation or blood relationship in the database. Closer relatives are locked. Of course, the privacy and moral hazard of this technology is also being questioned and discussed by the public.

In any case, the advancement of DNA technology and other criminal investigation methods means that the probability of suspects getting away with impunity is greatly reduced. The article in China News Weekly believes that although this is a good thing for the personal safety of ordinary citizens, it is not for literary creation. For sure-serial killers, classical detective-style literary works will gradually go down the stage of history, and movies like "Memories of Murder" will probably become extinct. This can be seen from the crime movies released in recent years: "The so-called crime movies in recent years, such as "Heart Labyrinth", "Scorching Sun", "Breaking Silent", "Treading Blood to Seek Plums", etc., describe the length of the case itself. They are all quite limited, and most of them use cases to discuss social issues and human nature. In terms of narrative techniques, they also like to disrupt time and guide the audience from differentThe perspective accepts information. The author of

believes that the changes in narrative techniques actually illustrate the fact that when the story must be told by disrupting time and space and visual order, it shows that the case itself is straightforward. "In this era, it is best for ordinary people. The era is also the worst era for criminals. Because a crime must leave a trace, leaving a trace is equivalent to being caught. No one should try to challenge criminal science and technology with their little cleverness gained from reading novels, just like don't try to compare the pi with a computer. "

However, it is worth noting that the identity of the prototype murderer of "Memories of Murder" does not mean that this horror story has a bright ending. Because the "Hwaseong serial murder case" has passed the prosecution period, if it were not because the murderer had already He has been sentenced to life imprisonment for other cases, and he will not face any legal sanctions. The last time the Korean public questioned a legal issue was at the beginning of this year: in the "Sowon case", the 8-year-old girl Naying was sexually assaulted, causing her genitals and Zhao Doushun, who suffered permanent damage to internal organs, was sentenced to only 12 years in prison by the court. He will be released from prison in 2020. His reduction of sentence for “drunkenness” was strongly protested by the Korean people.

Weibo Female Public Welfare V The “Orange Umbrella” article pointed out that, in addition to the “Hwaseong serial murder case” and “Suwon case” that shocked the entire South Korea, sexual violence and sexual crimes against women are actually commonplace, which has brought great influence to Korean women. There is a great sense of insecurity. Among young women in South Korea, there are even more and more supporters of the "4B Movement", namely, boycotting society, boycotting sex, boycotting marriage, and boycotting childbirth. The article cited a report from the Korean Institute of Criminology. A survey pointed out that among 2,000 Korean men, 1593 (79.7%) had physically or psychologically abused their girlfriends, 37.9% admitted that they had committed sexual harassment, 36.6% admitted that they had used violence, and about 100 said they had assaulted their girlfriends. It may leave them with scars. In addition, secret shooting of sex videos is also a widespread problem in South Korea. In 2017 alone, the police received more than 6,400 illegal video recording cases.

"Most of these violent acts stem from deep-rooted South Korea Patriarchy, the men who grow up in this cultural soil do not know or admit that their actions are sexual violence or sexual crimes. "From this point of view, just a notorious serial murderer being brought to justice does not erase the fear in women's hearts.

​​"Memories of Murder" stills

Tags: movie