In the name of the people episode 31-32 plot introduction

neidi 2610℃

In the name of the people, episode 31 plot introduction

  Action Sharp Sword will be implemented soon. Wei Caixia confides the truth

   In Luzhou, Li Dakang and Gao Yuliang had different political opinions. As soon as Li Dakang took office, he overthrew all previous urban planning, which caused Gao Yuliang a headache. Gao Yuliang even thought that as long as Li Dakang could be taken away, he was willing to pay a price. At this time, Zhao Ruilong came to Luzhou, but his project was clearly rejected by Li Dakang. The arrival of Zhao Ruilong gave Gao Yuliang a good opportunity to approach Zhao Lichun. Gao Yuliang once said casually that as long as Zhao Lichun can transfer Li Dakang from Luzhou, he can approve the two projects of Zhao Ruilong. Unexpectedly, this joke turned out to be true, and Zhao Lichun actually listened to what the baby son said. After the incident, Gao Yuliang was not happy at all. He felt scared. He had no idea that Game of Thrones could be played like this. In addition to these, Zhao Ruilong told Gao Yuliang that he could be admitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and this became a reality a year later. Since then, Gao Yuliang's ideals and beliefs have completely collapsed, and his love-hate relationship with Zhao Lichun is hard to tell.

   Zhao Lichun once said that he has two daughters and one son in his entire life. As long as Zhao Ruilong succeeds in his career, he can be considered as an explanation. This implies Zhao Lichun's indulgence towards his son, but now the anti-corruption wind is blowing very hard, Wu Huifang suggested that Gao Yuliang must report Zhao Ruilong's actions to Zhao Lichun. Gao Yuliang is also interested in this, and is preparing to let Qi Tongwei go to Beijing to report to Zhao Lichun.

   On the other side, Sha Ruijin instructed to do a review of the business activities of the Zhao family's children in Handong Province, and let Yi Xuexue find out from the Food City. In any case, the government must ultimately return justice to society and give the people an explanation.

   Gao Xiaoqin understands that now she, Qi Tongwei, Gao Yuliang, and the Zhao family are all in the same boat. Once someone has an accident, no one can run away. Qi Tongwei agreed with her. Qi Tongwei said that even if he can't reach the vice-provincial level, he must never lose his position as the director of public security, otherwise everyone will be unlucky. Gao Xiaoqin and Qi Tongwei were having a good chat, and Liang Lu called. Liang Lu told Qi Tongwei that his old brother brought two people to his home and asked Qi Tongwei to settle a gang rape case.

   When Qi Tongwei returned home, she found that Liang Lu had driven away the Qi family relatives. Liang Lu was actually good intentions. Now it was the time of anti-corruption high pressure. She was worried that Qi Tongwei had an accident before doing so. But Qi Tongwei didn't appreciate it at all. He called his relatives and asked them to prepare 200,000 for the victim's family. Qi Tongwei from the Municipal Public Security Bureau also said hello.

   Hou Liangping suspected that Wei Caixia had concealed something, after all, she didn't mention a word about the most critical account book when she asked. Early that morning, Hou Liangping could land on Wei Caixia's residential area. After questioning, Wei Caixia again stated that she did not understand the account book. In the past ten years, she and Liu Jiaxing have had their own separate affairs. Gao Xiaoqin and the others took care of what happened to Liu Jiaxing. It was not until they sent the cremation notice that Wei Caixia knew that her husband had died. This Liu Xie derailed after half a year of marriage with Wei Caixia, and then kept changing lovers. The couple lived like passers-by. Liu Qingxia is dead, and Wei Caixia is not only not sad, but also can't close her mouth with a smile because of the 2 million pension. When Liu Jiaxing was alive, Wei Caixia secretly rented a room next to the house where Liu Jiaxing and her lover Xiao Wang lived together, monitoring and recording the conversation between the two, wondering how much Liu Jiaxing had. During the monitoring process, Wei Caixia learned a lot of the secrets of the Shanshui Group, so as soon as Gao Xiaoqin arrived, she understood that Liu Jiaxing was murdered, but she and Liu Jiaxing were like enemies with another 2 million, so they didn't want to go to report. Finally, Wei Caixia gave the recording to Hou Liangping.

   At the same time, the people who followed Hou Liangping informed the extent of Hou Liangping's movements. The degree is combined with Zhao Ruilong. Zhao Ruilong arranged to do it. Now Wei Caixia has been targeted, and the problem has become very troublesome. After thinking about it, Zhao Ruilong hurriedly contacted Gao Xiaoqin for an interview. Gao Xiaoqin asked Zhao Ruilong to rest assured that the account book had been burned, and no one could explain the death of Liu Xingqing.

   In the procuratorate, Ji Changming instructed that Operation Sharp Sword will be implemented immediately, and Lu may also prepare to take people to the Shanshui Group to close the accounts, but Gao Xiaoqin stayed still without conclusive evidence. Although Hou Liangping was unwilling, he still followed the instructions. Hou Liangping jokingly asked Ji Changming if he had been to Shanshui Manor and if he had ever sang wit with Gao Xiaoqin. Ji Changming suddenly heard the overtones, and angrily said to Hou Liangping that if Hou Liangping suspected him, he could report him, and Hou Liangping waved his hand again and again.

   Then, Ji Changming called everyone to a meeting. Ji Changming tells everyone &ldquoThe "No. 116" case has achieved breakthrough results and is ready to be closed. Each team immediately took action to detain the suspects involved in the "No. 116" case: Liu Xinjian, Chen Qingquan, Xu Lianshan, Wang Guorui.

In the name of the people Episode 32 plot introduction

   Liu Xinjian was arrested for ambivalent, Qi and Zhao planned to kill Hou Liangping

   Early in the morning, Liang Lu angrily came to Gao Yuliang to report the problem. Liang Lu asked Gao Yuliang to take charge of Qi Tongwei. She said Qi Tongwei had come to the brink of crime. Over the years, Qi Tongwei has arranged all relatives who are unable to beat his family into the public security system. In the Luzhou gang rape case, he also paid money to mediate the withdrawal of the case. Upon hearing this, Gao Yuliang immediately contacted Director Chen of the Luzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau and told him that no matter what Qi Tongwei ordered, he must act in accordance with the law and cannot violate the law. Gao Yuliang guessed that he might have been harmed by Qi Tongwei. Tian Guofu had openly said that Qi Tongwei was not suitable for the deputy provincial level. Does this mean that the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has seized Qi Tongwei's handle? If something happened to Qi Tongwei, Gao Yuliang would be unable to argue.

  Lu can also come to Shanshui Manor to close the account, Gao Xiaoqin has already prepared everything. The staff were handing over, and Gao Xiaoqin invited Lu to go out together. Lu could also bluntly and asked Gao Xiaoqin why he was so deeply involved in the world when he was younger than himself. Gao Xiaoqin said that she was an ordinary citizen, and she was able to have today, step by step, and she was proud of herself. Gao Xiaoqin believed that as long as he had the ability to create miracles, Lu Ye said that whether the miracle was created by power or ability has yet to be verified. Chen Qingquan was arrested in Shanshui Manor. Instead of being afraid, Gao Xiaoqin felt that this was a security omission that every hotel would have, which is not surprising. Speaking of the more than 1,000 workers who are about to be laid off at the Dafeng Factory, Gao Xiaoqin said that they were the responsibility of the profiteer Cai Chenggong and had nothing to do with the Shanshui Group. As for Liu Feiqing's death, Gao Xiaoqin was also full of lies.

   On the other side, Hou Liangping and Liu Xinjian were in a stalemate. Liu Xinjian sat by the window and threatened to jump off the building, not wanting to go with Hou Liangping. Before coming, Hou Liangping had already ascertained Liu Xinjian's background and background. Liu Xinjian's grandma and grandfather were all excellent Communists. Hou Liangping used the aggressive method to question how Liu Xinjian would face his dead elders if he jumped down. The difference between Liu Xinjian and his excellent grandfather was that he had lost his faith. After hearing this, Liu Xinjian jumped off the window sill to refute Hou Liangping excitedly. He recited the Communist Manifesto aloud by the window. The comrade who had been ambushing at this time threw Liu Xinjian down and caught him.

   What Liu Xinjian didn't know was that in the opposite building, Zhao Ruilong had actually arranged a sniper, but the bullet missed and saved his life.

   Liu Xinjian was arrested, Gao Xiaoqin was afraid. Qi Tongwei persuaded her to believe in Liu Xinjian. Liu Xinjian understands what he has done and will save time for herself and them. Qi Tongwei knew that Liu Xinjian could not be saved, but as long as Zhao Lichun did not fall, there was still room for maneuver. At this time, Zhao Ruilong, who was also worried, also called. Zhao Ruilong and Qi Tongwei discussed how to get rid of Liu Xinjian. There are too many secrets in Liu Xinjian's stomach. If it is breached, the consequences will be disastrous. As long as the two of them are put together, Liu Xinjian must be held first, and Zhao Ruilong asked Qi Tongwei to bring a message to Liu Xinjian. As long as he can keep his mouth shut, his share will not be lost. Now their biggest enemy is Hou Liangping. Qi Tongwei is going to make Hou Liangping an appointment to Shanshui Manor and make two-handed preparations, either let Hou Liangping agree to their terms, or let him shut up forever.


   arraignment, Liu Xinjian stated that people have been accusing him all these years, with the purpose of opening a gap in him and causing trouble to Zhao Lichun. Liu Xinjian kept mentioning Zhao Lichun, but as to who Hou Liangping cared about told him that Ding Yizhen opened a gold mine in Africa, Liu Xinjian had been hesitant and refused to tell the truth. Seeing that Liu Xinjian didn't explain it, Hou Liangping asked about the 700 million that had been invested in Shanshui Manor. Liu Xinjian said that it was normal investment and everything was legal.

  The employees of the original wind factory were busy making 5,000 sets of security uniforms. Zheng Shengli found the job. But the government often comes to close the factories, and the workers' work efficiency cannot be improved. The government staff knew that the workers were in trouble, but they had to go back for business, and the problem was very difficult to deal with. Zheng Shengli proposed that the gate be sealed in the future, but the workers were left with windows. Government officials agreed with this method and required the workers to go to work at night. In this way, the two sides reached a reunification. Ma Wenming sees Zheng Shengli's human intelligence and high emotional intelligence, and wants him to be the chairman of the new wind factory. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!)

Tags: neidi