People are more terrible than ghosts! Taiwan's movie "Back to School" breaks 67.7 million Taiwan dollars at the weekend box office

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The Taiwanese horror film "Back to School Detention" was released on Friday, September 20, 2019. The box office reached NT$18 million (approximately RMB 4.13 million) on that day. It was the box office of Taiwanese films since "Meng Jia" in 2012. new record. On Saturday the 21st, the box office reached 27.5 million, breaking the Taiwanese single-day box office record. The original record was 23 million for "Sedek Bale". The total box office of "Back to School" for the three days it was released has exceeded NT$67.7 million (approximately RMB 15.56 million), which is also a new record in Taiwanese box office since 2011.

People are more terrible than ghosts! Taiwan's movie 'Back to School' breaks 67.7 million Taiwan dollars at the weekend box office - Lujuba

The Taiwanese movie "Back to School" adapted from the game of the same name was released on stage.

In 2017, the mind horror game "Back to School" was launched on the online streaming platform Steam. The theme was the history of the white terror rule in the martial law era in Taiwan. Nearly one million sets have been sold from the year to the present, and it has also opened up the popularity of the production company Red Candle Studio, and has been adapted into the novel "Back to School-Nightmare Continued". Peripheral goods such as clothes, cloth bags, jade pendants, etc. Sales are booming, and the adaptation rights of TV series and movies have been sold one after another.

It is understood that because the plot of the "Back to School" movie involves sensitive historical and political issues in Taiwan, the production staff are very careful and never mention historical events related to the plot during external publicity. Producer Li Lie even publicly stated: "This is one It’s a movie that talks about “people”.” To play down the historical factors is to avoid being “labeled” in the politically fanatical Taiwanese society and making movies unsellable, but in fact, there is definitely a lot of public relations and publicity that movies should do. More than a month before it was released, the movie "Back to School" began to be screened. It received a lot of praise from critics, writers and Internet celebrities, making the movie "become a sensation before it was shown."

The plot of "Back to School" is set in Taiwan in the 1960s. Although one of the secondary characters, "Teacher Yin", is a female, it is considered to be a tribute to the philosopher "Yin Haiguang". Yin advocated liberalism and helped Lei Zhen's "Freedom". The author of "China" was forced to leave the Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University in 1966, and the Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University was closed in 1967. Yin was also monitored by the intelligence agency and died in grief in 1969 at the age of 49. The other main character in the

movie, "Wei Zhongting", is considered to be an allusion to "Wei Tingchao". Wei was born in Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule, and the name Tingchao means "subverting the court". During the martial law era, Wei was imprisoned for advocating Taiwan independence for 17 years. After Taiwan's martial law was lifted, he joined the Democratic Progressive Party and died of myocardial infarction in 1999.

The "underground reading club", which is the focus of the movie "Back to School", is considered to be based on the "Keelung Middle School Guangming News" incident. In 1948, the head of Keelung Middle School Zhong Haodong carved steel plates in the school and invited the well-known writer Lu Heruo to publish underground The publication "Guangming Bao" spread left-leaning thoughts and reported the actual situation of the mainland civil war. In 1949, it was cracked by the Kuomintang's intelligence agency and arrested more than 40 teachers and students. Seven of them, including Zhong Haodong, were sentenced to death. It can be seen from

that although the movie "Back to School" does not talk about politics in words, none of the characters, locations, plots and events do not reveal a strong political meaning. In fact, the convenience of film production has accused fans with specific political stances of leaving negative reviews on the Internet before the film is released, which is suppressing the creation of the film. On the other hand, there have been criticisms that this is a self-directed, self-acted and acted by the producer. Fry the news.

The high popularity of the movie "Back to School" has also attracted the attention of the mainland, Taiwan and the mainland. At present, there is almost no information about "Back to School" on the Internet in mainland China. The "Back to School" entry in Baidu Encyclopedia leaves only two lines of text. . "Back to School" is no longer visible in the Hong Kong theaters' release schedule. The Monkey King Company, which is in charge of film marketing, said that at present, overseas copyrights are still under negotiation, including the Hong Kong screening rights have not been officially sold.

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