Cameron’s new film character image is exposed, and facial details have been changed 5000 times

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Cameron’s new film character image is exposed, and facial details have been changed 5000 times - Lujuba

coincides with the 30th anniversary of "Empire" magazine, "The King of Movies" Cameron brought his "pro-daughter" "Alita: Battle Angel" on the cover of the 30th anniversary magazine to celebrate his birthday.

Kashen just recommended "Daughter" on the set of "Avatar 2" not long ago, and this time he took Alita on the cover of the magazine, which is enough to see Kashen's "doting" on her. On the exposed cover image of

, ​​Dr. Yide and Zapan are also holding weapons behind them. Alita looks forward resolutely, and the "Nuclear Girl" starts the battle mode.

Cameron’s new film character image is exposed, and facial details have been changed 5000 times - Lujuba

At the same time, "Empire" magazine also exposed two new stills. The bounty hunter Zapan's mechanical body details were exposed for the first time, but Alita's strong "wall dong" was tragically exposed. Alita's combat effectiveness is evident.

The big half-human, semi-mechanical man with a height of nearly 3 meters is named Gruishka, with a hideous face, raised his fist, and the battle between Steel City and Sky City is about to start.

Kashen is highly involved in "Alita: Battle Angel", not only as the producer, but also personally re-adapted the script based on the manga "Gunmeng" by the Japanese manga artist Yuki Kishito. The story of

takes place in the 26th century. A cyborg-mechanical girl's remains was picked up by Dr. Ide and reborn as Alita.

Cameron’s new film character image is exposed, and facial details have been changed 5000 times - Lujuba

Alita, who has lost her memory, accidentally discovered that she has a super fighting ability. After that, she grew up rapidly in constant battle as if she was on the hook, starting an epic adventure of exploring the mystery of her life experience. The original

not only has charming plots, characters and wonderful fighting, but also has a grand and rich world view and theme. It is a recognized science fiction comic classic.

In order to reproduce this science fiction universe and its rich spiritual core, Kashen not only spent 20 years meticulously polishing it, but also entrusted the 186-page script and more than a thousand pages of notes written by him to director Robert Rodriguez.

At the same time, the film invited the top special effects team to escort "Alita: Battle Angel".

Weta Studio, the visual effects team that participated in the production of "Avatar", has continuously made breakthroughs in its top technology in order to make Alita appear in the best state on the big screen. In a recent interview with

, ​​producer Jon Landau and the visual effects team Weta Studio shared the creation process of the film's beautiful visual effects.

If Hollywood has taught us anything in the past 30 years, it is to always believe in James Cameron!

, ​​the godfather of science fiction movies, is shocking at every turning point in film history. This time, "A universe" and "Alita: Battle Angel" will become a highlight in the history of science fiction movies.

Just looking at the characterization in the trailer, it can be called accurate to every detail of expression. Producer Jon Landau gave an example. In order to pursue the best effect, it is not enough to just make the eyes. It must be perfectly integrated with the iris and the various areas of the head. Only the mouth and jaw area are used. Hundreds of hours of research.

senior visual effects director Joe Lightry also shared the creation process of Alita's facial details. The face of Alita on the screen has been updated and reconstructed up to 5000 times. The team produced the fusion of each part of the facial features. With 200 designs, that means that there were 200 Alitas competing for the only chance to "debut". Through the testing and control of static and dynamic changes, skin texture response to light and other links, people can truly feel the all-round beauty of the battle angel.

animation director Mike Cosens said that in order to understand how the internal and external structures of the human face work, he also consulted a professional plastic surgeon. Therefore, the shaping of the face is not only the depiction of each part, but also the balance of the entire area through every detail.

"Alita: Battle Angel" will be released in North America on February 14, 2019, bringing together the Kashen "Visual Effects Task Force" Weta Studio to escort it, and it took Kashen 20 years of hard work to create " "Nuclear Girl", what kind of science fiction universe and grand and advanced worldview will it bring to us? Curiosity is overwhelming, waiting for the release date!

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