"Country Face" Kang Hui platform, premiered at the National Library of China, what on earth did this movie make?

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The National Day movie started to get hot in late September. No, the full lineup of "My Motherland and Me" held on September 19 surprised me.

will not mention the 7 famous guides and 54 super celebrities that come with it. It is very strong if the host of the press conference invited Kang Hui of News Network and set the location at the National Library.

'Country Face' Kang Hui platform, premiered at the National Library of China, what on earth did this movie make? - Lujuba

The beauty of the stage is tranceful, which makes people travel to CCTV's father's "National Treasure".

is in this battle. There is no doubt that "My Motherland and Me" is one of the most anticipated movies on National Day!

"My Motherland and Me"

'Country Face' Kang Hui platform, premiered at the National Library of China, what on earth did this movie make? - Lujuba

We have to be curious, we can put the premiere at the National Library, and also invited the teacher Kang Hui platform, what is the basis of this movie? Since

is here, let's talk about the lineup of this festival.

The "Meeting the Waves into the Sea" Ceremony held in the movie "My Motherland and Me" not only featured the "Country Face" Kanghui platform, but also seven famous guides Chen Kaige, Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xue Xiaolu, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, and Wen Muye Leading the strong assembly of the Chinese Film Dream Team, and 54 celebrities who participated in the film.

Huang Bo, Hu Jun, Zhang Yi, Zhang Jiayi, Ren Suxi, Wu Jing, Ma Yili, Hui Yinghong, Ren Dahua, Zhu Yilong, Ge You, Song Jia, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Liu Haoran...

'Country Face' Kang Hui platform, premiered at the National Library of China, what on earth did this movie make? - Lujuba

just enumerate some actors, including national treasure-level actresses and new generations The acting role is enough to see the strong cast, no wonder you have to move the "national face" Kang Hui platform!

"My Motherland and Me" has selected 7 particularly important historical moments in the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China through 7 excellent domestic directors as gifts for the motherland by filmmakers.

In order to celebrate the mother’s birthday in advance, the film was filed on the mainland until it was released on September 30, followed by a release in Hong Kong on October 1.

is not only that, but also on October 1st, the movie "My Motherland and Me" will be launched simultaneously in over 40 countries including the United States, Canada and New Zealand.

is launched simultaneously in Hong Kong and overseas. This all-star line-up film reflects its original intention in this way: national memory, historical moments, head-on collision.

And these short twelve words, as Director Guan Hu said at the premiere, are the original intentions of their seven directors, and they are also a main line throughout the film.

2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Since the beginning of the year, various activities with the theme of "Me and My Motherland" have emerged one after another. Discussions on the topic of "Small Things Witnessing Big History" have sparked an upsurge of discussion among the people.

In the past 70 years, people of different ages have different memories, large and small historical moments, and more than 15 million people have told stories of their own national history witnesses.

For example, the food stamps in the 1950s, the honor certificate of going to the countryside in the 1960s, the married third in the 1970s, the color TV and fans in the 1980s, and the big brother pager in the 90s.

Obviously, "My Country and Me" has become the largest IP in 2019.

At the ceremony, the directors of each unit in the film also brought witnesses to the history of the country and the unit they directed.

has the first national flag raised by the chairman at the founding ceremony, the countdown to Hong Kong's return to sovereignty, the signature commemorative volleyball for the women's volleyball championship in 1984, and the hand-cranked generator used by Mr. Deng Jiaxian, two bombs and one star.

At the same time, the main creators of each unit also listed the memorabilia and big figures of the year that they interpreted the story.

But unlike these touching stories at the premiere, the protagonist of the film is not these big people, but the small people who are related to these historical events.

​​For example, in "Encounter" directed by Zhang Yibai, Zhang Yi plays Gao Yuan, an atomic bomb scientist.

He has been secretly participating in the research of the atomic bomb. Most of the time, he wears a mask and a full-body protective suit, which is as ordinary as all the people involved in the work at that time. In the film

, the final atomic bomb test was successful. On the occasion of the national celebration, Zhang Jiayi, who played Gao Yuan’s superior, had this line: I don’t even know his name. What

is talking about is lofty, but he is also himself. The role of Zhang Jiayi in the

movie does not even have a name, but only three characters "Director Chen".

Similarly, in the "Hello, Beijing" unit directed by Ning Hao and starring Ge You, which is based on the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008, Mr. Zhang, played by Ge You, is just an ordinary employee of the unit and unexpectedly won Tickets for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

is here, he is not a VIP person, after all, there are thousands of people in the audience, he is just one of them.

And this is the true theme of the film, using ordinary people to witness the great history of the angle, telling the story of every ordinary person in it at the turning point of history.

's historical moments under the perspectives of so many different people, of course, they will experience different emotions. The seven units of the

film, that is, the seven main stories, contain rich and different emotions.

is as big as patriotic feelings, as small as personal inner feelings, like family and friendship love, and even the complicated feelings of all people who have changed because of this.

in the historical moment version of the trailer released on September 18th, it is a one-time combination of these emotions to dump us.

seems to depict the strong patriotic feelings of ordinary characters in the background of the big history in the units of "Return", "Eve" and "Hello Beijing".

When the flagpole engineer's assistant played by Ou Hao collects red silk cloth from neighbors on the roof day and night, when Huang Bo, the flagpole engineer risked his life to climb the 100-meter-high flagpole repair parts

when Hui Yinghong played the security officer At 0:00 on July 1, 1997, he shouted out the change of the cap badge

, as a citizen played by Ge You, Mr. Zhang, in the car, ordered a song "My Motherland and Me" to himself and everyone, and then hummed along. At every moment of

, we in front of the screen can be deeply moved and feel the passion and blood pouring in our hearts.

However, in the units of "Encounter", "Winning the Championship" and "Convoy", more attention is paid to the inner feelings of the protagonist of the film than the big patriotic feelings.

has the girlfriends Gao Yuan played by Zhang Yi and Gao Yuan played by Ren Suxi in "Encounter". They recognize each other in the crowd, but they are quickly dispersed. After

, across the crowd, Ren Suxi held the newspaper and shouted at Zhang Yi excitedly. Zhang Yi took off his mask and revealed a pure smile. The two people presented the most beautiful encounter with the least amount of meeting.

also had the complex emotions of tears on Ren Suxi's face when the atomic bomb research and development incident was declassified many years later, and the people who participated in the research and development got their name.

is also in "Convoy", the female pilot played by Song Jia, as an excellent female pilot, she struggled and weighed between the "93 Military Parade" and her boyfriend.

finally decided to follow his childhood dream and came to a beautiful battle eagle array. In the film

​​there is also "Day Meteor" directed by Chen Kaige, who shows multiple emotions.

Prior to this, we knew that Shenzhou 11 successfully landed, or that the landing site was in central Inner Mongolia, but we didn’t know that this place was called "Siziwangqi".

"Daytime Meteor" shows us that there is still such a place on this prairie, this place has people who return home, some returnees, and people who help the poor. I also know this land because of God Ten Once again reborn. The whole movie of

tells about 7 historical events in seven parts, spanning from 1949 to 2017. Whether it is a single trailer or a combined version, the texture of the film is beyond doubt. First of all, because of the large time span, the creation of a sense of age is especially important. The

film has achieved the greatest degree of restoration from the movie's scene settings, screen tones, and character details, and it really has the texture of a news documentary.

Guan Hu's "Eve", up to Tiananmen Square, the chairman's position, down to the street scene, old objects from the old era, and even Huang Bo's clothes are almost restored one by one.

took even more effort in "Day Meteor" directed by Chen Kaige.

In order to truly restore the important historical moment of Shenzhou 11 landing, Director Chen invited the astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong of Shenzhou 11 to participate in the filming. The

crew made real props, not only special vehicles, return cabin parachutes are realThe spacesuits of the two astronauts in the series were also worn back then.

In addition, Director Chen also called up more than a hundred Gobi Desert work vehicles, prop vehicles and military vehicles, and built a crew on the Gobi.

, again, the directors of each unit are very careful in casting roles.

At the premiere, in the "Return" unit, Kang Hui compared the photos of the actors Gao Yalin and Du Jiang with the story prototype on the spot. It can be said that from the body shape to the demeanor, both groups have achieved more than 80% Similarity.

and Huang Bo jokingly said at the premiere that the director wanted to find a small person, and it happened that among the actors he knew, only he looked up to the standard of a small person.

is nothing more than trying to convey a message. Each director in this film only considers one point when choosing a role, which is to fit the role.

Finally, every actor who appeared in the film was surprised.

From movie actor, national treasure level actors to new generation acting representatives, there are many celebrities participating in the film, and they also have fresh meat.

But as mentioned above, they exist for the role.

So whether it is Tian Zhuangzhuang, Ge You, Huang Bo, Zhang Yi, Song Jia, Wu Jing, or Du Jiang, Zhu Yilong, Liu Haoran, Chen Feiyu, everyone who participated in the performance has dedicated their best acting skills, even the fledgling children, act They are all infectious.

For example, this "Little Wu Jing" who missed confession to the girl she liked because of setting up an antenna for everyone, turned his head back, tears flew out of his eyes, it can be called a god acting.

​​At the premiere scene, Huang Bo also talked about the engineer he played, from the original unfamiliar to the end, even the accent deliberately changed, can you say that he did not work hard?

After all, this is a character that is not well known to the public. In order to restore the incident, being familiar with the character, a little sculpting, and understanding his background story is the most basic to integrate into the character.

is not the only one who has worked hard for Huang Bo. Zhang Yi, in order to perform the changes in the body shape of the research personnel in the atomic bomb research and development group, lost 15 kilograms in 10 days and overfulfilled the task of "5 kilograms" proposed by the director.

and in "Return", Du Jiang, Zhu Yilong and others received training in accordance with the requirements of the guard of honor in order to restore the demeanor of the flag bearer. The time was short and the intensity was high. Only then did they have the final heroic scene.

​​has said so much. For the film, what is really moving is not only the film’s all-star lineup, the fine scenes and pictures, but also because the movies with the main theme of the theme have begun to become civilians.

starts from "small objects witnessing the great history", focusing on the stories of ordinary people, and empathizing with the big ones, let us see what is the real "convergence of waves".

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