The sister chapter of "Forrest Gump"! The plot is terrible, but it is based on real people

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film is based on the incident of Iranian exile Mean Karimi Naseri in 1989. He disembarked at the first terminal of Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, France. However, because he did not have any refugee documents, although the French authorities agreed to stay at the airport, he was not allowed to leave the terminal building. Although Naseri received refugee documents in 1996 and was free to leave, he still did not want to leave.

The sister chapter of 'Forrest Gump'! The plot is terrible, but it is based on real people - Lujuba

It is said that the degree of creation of "Happiness Terminal" is still quite different from the original incident. Let me just say that this Lang exile, Mean Karimi Nasseri, is definitely not favored by beautiful women, and not so much. Many highlight events and the kind of popularity of Tom Hanks. In

The sister chapter of 'Forrest Gump'! The plot is terrible, but it is based on real people - Lujuba

, Tom Hanks plays Victor Navorsky, a citizen of Crolia (fictional place name). On his way to New York, a revolutionary civil war broke out in his country. . Because the new government was not recognized by the United States, Victor did not flee his country, and he was trapped in the airport indefinitely.

The sister chapter of 'Forrest Gump'! The plot is terrible, but it is based on real people - Lujuba

Next is Victor's infinite waiting journey. For most of the time, Victor submits documents every day, but they are rejected. Soon, he became a regular employee (carpenter/bricklayer) at JFK Airport, bringing together the families of the workers in the airport terminal.

plays the villain Stanley Tucci (in fact, he is not a villain), he plays the security chief Frank Dixon. As one might expect, Tuzi did a great job in his role, he managed to act despicably but still cute. The airport in

was built in a large hangar in California, and it took 200 craftsmen 20 weeks to complete it. The three-story building is an all-steel structure with a total of 60,000 square feet of granite floor. There are 4 electric escalators in the airport, and escalators are specially installed in the studio for filming.

Victor played well by Hanks. Before watching, I was skeptical of him acting in this kind of play. After all, Hanks is very good at playing ordinary people in the United States. Is he capable of playing an ordinary person in the world? I even think Tom Hanks has performed Forrest Gump in this show.

However, there are still some performances that are wasted. The first one is Catherine Zeta-Jones, the super easygoing stewardess Amelia Warren. She was just a rallying point for JFK airport employees, cheering for Victor when he sought a relationship. In the end, if it weren't for Hollywood's obvious requirement to have an interest in love in 95% of movies, Miss Zeta Jones might be left on the floor of the editing room without any impact on the movie. The director of

Spielberg did a great job because he made a post-911 film that tells the story of a foreigner at an American airport without involving terrorism or airport anxiety. This shows that although Spielberg is not necessarily the big man between him and Michael Moore, he is a better person.

Although there are some traces of the United States after 9/11 that are unavoidable, such as Frank working in the Department of Homeland Security and airport security personnel are also very nervous, this movie is likely to happen more than ten years ago. Most of the movie

​​is a series of moments that make people feel good, easy, interspersed with enough effort to make things interesting. If it were in the hands of anyone other than Spielberg or Hanks, this movie would probably be scrapped. It is worth seeing


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