directed by the well-known Indian director Shankar, and starring India’s two leading male god actors Rajinikanta and Aksha Kumar, "Bollywood Robot 2.0: Rebirth Return" immediately stirred up a brain after its national release. Cave storm. Recently, the film studio released a special episode of the protagonist's Seventh Brother, which fully demonstrated how Rajinikanta, a 70-year-old actor, played a multi-person role to interpret the behind-the-scenes story of an alternative superhero. The professionalism and powerful acting skills are admirable.
Born in 1949, Rajinikanta has been active on the big screen for more than 40 years and is a national treasure actor in India. In "2.0", in addition to the regular characters Vathy and the seventh brother, he also plays the cool brother of the seventh brother. In the second part, after Vasi was "hijacked" by the bird monster, the bird monster often showed the face of Vasi. Therefore, Rajinikanta needs to show both good and evil like the incarnation of the doctor. Similar to this, the seven brothers have completely different personalities in the 1.0 and 2.0 stages. The former is docile and the latter is naughty. They are really two roles. Together, Rajinikanta needs to present five states of three characters in the same film, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of performance.
Unlike Hollywood superheroes, Indian superheroes have their own "opening attributes". For Rajinikanta, the most challenging aspect is the character creation of the seventh superheroes. In the special episode, you can see Rajinikanta doing his own work on the set. In addition to having to endure the painful process of his seventh brother's inversion, various action scenes are personally dressed and very dedicated. In order to play the role of Seventh Brother, a versatile robot, Rajni Kanta not only has to show a sense of mechanics in his gestures, complete difficult combat moves, but also follow the trend and show off the devil dance with a group of young actors. It's hard to believe that he was nearly 70 years old when filming.
The brain-opening high-burning battle, the ever-changing operation of the gods, the jaw-dropping way of opening Indian movies, and the unique visual experience. Currently, "Bollywood Robot 2.0" is being shown nationwide.