Three good Marvel movies to help you get rid of the confusion at the edge of the workplace and be a happy yourself

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movie is a big treasure house, containing the hard work and wisdom of countless people. To correctly understand what the director and actors want to express, you can learn a lot of knowledge that is of great benefit to life. For example, many newcomers will encounter some incurable diseases after entering the workplace. They think that they are marginalized and are very distressed. In fact, not only for newcomers in the workplace, do you sometimes have the following feelings? No one understands the inner suffering, unknowingly, is always alone, excluded from the social circle, unable to adapt to the new environment, not good at expressing emotions, etc. Although I am not a professional consultant, I still think of a few movies I have watched before from their stories. Maybe I can give some suggestions and help to improve their situation. Below I will introduce you to some of the movies. Role and see how they improve their relationships.

Three good Marvel movies to help you get rid of the confusion at the edge of the workplace and be a happy yourself - Lujuba

The most common feeling of being marginalized is that no one can understand his own inner suffering, or no one can share his secrets. There is such a friend by my side. Because of the poor financial situation in his family, he has to do many jobs at the same time in addition to his main job. He is also complained because he can’t squeeze out time to socialize, but he is afraid of being embarrassed. Dare to tell friends or colleagues the truth, which immediately reminded me of Peter Parker the spider man.

Three good Marvel movies to help you get rid of the confusion at the edge of the workplace and be a happy yourself - Lujuba

​​Spider-Man has been out for three generations. I think the first version played by Tobey Maguire presents the most marginal and helpless Peter Parker.

Three good Marvel movies to help you get rid of the confusion at the edge of the workplace and be a happy yourself - Lujuba

In the trilogy launched in 2002, Peter Parker was born out of ordinary, loyal and honest, even though he later acquired superpowers, he still chose to keep his feet on the ground and strive to maintain both identities, because he was worried that his identity would hurt those around him. , He tried his best to guard this secret. But as a result of burning candles at both ends, he often loses his energy. It is commonplace to miss appointments, be late, and be in a daze. In contrast, the new version of the Marvel Universe, which has just launched a sequel, is much luckier.

is not only the Avengers who can fight side by side, Happy and his friend Ned also know his identity. But no matter which version of Spider-Man, I have seen that when they are alone carrying the secret of identity, their hearts are very bleak, and when they are willing to open their hearts and share secrets with people who care about themselves, despite the challenges they encounter Only more stringent, but because of the understanding and support of the people who care, they become stronger.

Some people choose to keep secrets in their hearts. Like Peter Parker, they are afraid of burdening their loved ones; some people feel that even if they say it, no one cares or can help. But I think if the other party really cares about you, no matter what your secret is, they will understand your difficulties and assist you as much as possible. Even if there is no immediate help, at least you don’t need to bear this mentality by yourself. The pressure caused me to make some wrong decisions, just like Peter went to a fence to make money at the beginning.

feels that one of the biggest characteristics of a marginal person is to find that he is often alone, as if no one has the same interest as himself.

And this also reminds me of Harry Potter Gaiden, what happened to the hero Newt in "Fantastic Beasts". In this magical world, Newt is a wizard with immense enthusiasm for magical monsters, dedicated to researching and protecting these monsters that are often misunderstood as dangerous creatures. Although Newt does not hate people in the magical world or Muggles, but He always felt more comfortable with magical creatures. However, he has absolute insistence on good and evil, Newt often appears stubborn and weird in the eyes of people who don't know him, and even finds him difficult to get along with, so Newt is also used to being alone in order to save the trouble of explaining himself.

But if he meets someone who is also interested in magical creatures, he will share his feelings tirelessly. Perhaps Newt's approach may be slanted by people in a team that emphasizes gregariousness, but I think as long as it doesn't cause trouble or affect them, you don't need to worry too much about your interests being different from others.

is similar to the second feature just now. The third problem of marginalized people is that they often feel squeezed out of the social circle. Even though I have made my best efforts to show kindness, I still get rejected or treated indifferently.This situation reminds me of several characters in "Suicide Commando" in the DC Universe.

"Suicide Commando" was originally a group of people regarded as social scum, which is synonymous with crime. But because they each had some extraordinary skills, they were gathered by the government in a way of intimidation and formed a special force to perform some very dangerous tasks. For the government, they are pawns that can be sacrificed at any time, but in fact, each member will embark on the path of crime, and they still have their own unspeakable difficulties. When they gather together, they may be sympathetic to the same disease, or they may be similar. They all seem to fit in very well.

Of course, the protagonist in this movie is a "criminal" because of the setting required by the plot, but when you think about it carefully, it is easy to use labels to classify different people in this society. For example, there may be "nerds" in schools. "Or "bad student" label.

in the workplace may be classified according to academic background or job differences, and individuals who are often regarded as not belonging to a certain group will be excluded. But as the saying goes: "Different ways, don’t seek each other." If you realize that you are not welcomed by a certain group, why bother to demand the favor of others?

After all, we are not like in the movie, the power of life and death is controlled by others. If you don't want to increase the unnecessary burden, then don't bear the expectations that have nothing to do with you.

Of course, the characters in the movie are all set in the virtual world after all. To solve the problem, you must return to reality. In fact, many people’s problem is that they don’t know how to express their emotions, and even their personality is inherently restrained and calm. But not everyone has the patience to understand people with such characteristics, so they will inevitably become more and more marginalized.

Are the characteristics or reasons of marginal people in the movie I introduced today a bit similar to yours? I hope that after reviewing these movies, I can provide you with some new ideas and help to relieve the tension.

Tags: movie