"De-violence" exposes the promotion song MV, rap champion bursts to perform the confrontation between police and bandit

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"De-violence" release promotion song MV Duration: 02:28 Source: Movie Network


"De-violence" release promotion song MV pack up

Duration: 02:28 It is recommended to turn on

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1905 movie news strong showdown, hardcore hip-hop! Recently, Wang Qianyuan, Daniel Wu, Chun Xia, and Wei Shiya starring in the police movie "Stop Violence" released the promotion song "Delta" MV, jointly presented by the "Rap New Generation" champion lazy and popular contestant Sundae who has multiple topic songs Singing, the two personally sing, write lyrics and compose music, presenting the confrontation between good and evil from the perspective of police and bandit respectively, and present the story of the first gangster in the mainland in the 1990s with the downfall of the first gangster in front of the audience more intuitively. The lyrics also strongly express the climax storyline of Wang Qianyuan and Wu Yanzu in the film's desperate showdown.

'De-violence' exposes the promotion song MV, rap champion bursts to perform the confrontation between police and bandit - Lujuba

is the only police movie this year. This film has an unprecedented violent crime theme in the 90s. It brings the smashing cases of bank looting, money transport truck robbery, and shooting people on the screen for the first time, making up for the demand for this type of film. At the same time, it pays tribute to the police spirit of fighting to the death and defending the people to the death. The movie "Stop Violence" will be officially released on November 20, and will be screened ahead of schedule in some cities on November 14 and 15.

'De-violence' exposes the promotion song MV, rap champion bursts to perform the confrontation between police and bandit - Lujuba

Rap champion is lazy and then cooperates with the "hot search physique" sundae

young attitude burns up the style of cops and clashes

The only new generation of gangsters in the "Lazy Rap" film "Lazy Rapper of the Year" has invited more topical contestants Sundae, who frequently goes out of the circle, created a promotional song tailored for the film. This is also the second cooperation between the two after "Lazy Dog Generation". In the show, "Lazy Dog Generation" was called by netizens the fairy stage that should not be buried. This time, the promotion song "Delta", which they composed and sang, not only continued the explosive genre of "Lazy Dog", but the background of the confrontation between the police and the robber made this song full of gunpowder.

The 20-year-old lazy is 00, his lyrics are vivid and attitude, hardcore RAP has a kind of anger that belongs to young people alone. The 24-year-old Sundae not only uses rhymes to write his heartfelt voice, but also uses rap to speak for the society, practicing his social responsibility as a rapper. His songs always resonate with netizens. The Lazy Sundae in "Duel" uses the perspective of the police and the bandit respectively, focusing on the violent crimes in the 1990s, using hard-core lyrics to show the social environment at that time, the murder of the gangsters and the killing of the police. . In the lyrics of

'De-violence' exposes the promotion song MV, rap champion bursts to perform the confrontation between police and bandit - Lujuba

, "cold air, what I want, you can easily take it away and you can't find me." It is full of clamor. The gangster Zhang Yan repeatedly shouted that criminal police Zhong Cheng "You can't catch me" regarded crime as a game. , Does not pay attention to the police at all, even like the lyrics sing “ I will take the initiative to provide some clues, dial the number to tell the time and place, and be sure to "play the police between the palms of the hands.

" Crush the brothers around me and use blood to fill my hunger. The city is full of wind and rain. I will be wanted if I don’t care." It also showed the incisive and incisive behavior of the rampant criminals who robbed money and murdered people. The police did not show any weakness, "to endure the pain that ordinary people dare not think, the police badge gives me a mission to make me solemn", every time The police are all in danger of being injured or even sacrificed, but the lyrics of "Looking for clues will not retreat, and never let go until the last moment of struggle" also demonstrates their belief in swearing to kill the gangsters.

'De-violence' exposes the promotion song MV, rap champion bursts to perform the confrontation between police and bandit - Lujuba

The police film premiered in the 1990s. The major case of the mainland

will be released on 14-15 this weekend.

will be released on November 20 and will be screened in some cities on the 14th and 15th this weekend. As this year The only police genre film, the unprecedented story of the first gangster in the mainland in the 90s, and the true restoration of the times by the crew. Old-fashioned submachine guns, Santana old-fashioned cars, old version of RMB, and practiced by Wang Qianyuan and Wu Yanzu The muscles of the 90s reminded the young and long audience of the uneasy realities of the 90s, and they thought the movie had a taste of the 90s. Witnesses of that era said, "Don't dare to go out when it gets dark", "Railway Station 2 Kilometers are very dangerous. Some people searched and grabbed money there, and hit them if they didn’t give it.” At that time, the guns and ammunition were not completely banned and nourished a group of desperadoes who killed people without blinking. Many horrific crimes occurred, which caused social security. Great negative impact.

"De-violence" puts on the screen for the first time the terrible serial robbery in the mainland in the 1990s. It really traces that period of history. The gangster Zhang Yan, played by Daniel Wu, shot and killed citizens in broad daylight. The amount of robbery was huge and provoked the police. , Let the audience send out the emotion of "I really dare to shoot "De-violence", this kind of movie is too emotional", and Zhong Cheng, played by Wang Qianyuan, led the police team to kill and let the audience directly feel the people The hardship of the police in handling the case, and cherish the current stable and peaceful happy life.

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