"Call of the Wild" reveals the trailer for 11.13 classics on screen

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"Call of the Wild" releases the preview of the mainland's fixed schedule Duration: 01:57 Source: Movie Network


"The Call of the Wild" releases the trailer for the mainland China pack up

Duration: 01:57 It is recommended to turn on

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1905 Film Network News On November 2, the legendary adventure masterpiece "The Call of the Wild" announced that it will be screened on November 13 on the National Art Federation. "The Call of the Wild" is adapted from the classic world masterpiece of the same name by Jack London. It tells the story of a big dog Buck who was trafficked into the wilderness of Yukon, Canada, and since then embarked on an extraordinary polar adventure and became his own master.

"Call of the Wild" uses the most cutting-edge special effects and motion capture technology in today's film industry to let the spiritual Buck and including Harrison Ford, "big cousin" Dan Stevens, "Nebula" Karen Ji The luxurious actors and actresses including Lan and others were in the same scene, and launched a thrilling and warm adventure story in the vast ice and snow.

'Call of the Wild' reveals the trailer for 11.13 classics on screen - Lujuba
"Call of the Wild" finalized poster

One hundred years of world masterpieces reappeared on the screen. Upgraded inspirational journey

"Call of the Wild·London" created by the famous writer. Since its publication in 1903, it has been republished for 117 consecutive years and has been translated into 47 languages. This is a story about losing and leaving home, but becoming strong but gentle in the ups and downs of life. It can resonate with readers at different levels, and it has become one of the most famous representative works of American realist literature.

This film adapted from the classic novel of the same name continues the spiritual core of the original work, while at the same time it is upgraded to create a polar journey full of challenges and growth. During the gold rush of the 1890s, the pampered big dog Buck was suddenly caught Trafficked to the Yukon Lower Territory, Canada, and experienced unimaginable challenges along the way. From a new member of the postal sled team to a leader in the team, he even met John Thornton, his partner on the journey, and finally found his true position in the world. , And become your own master.

'Call of the Wild' reveals the trailer for 11.13 classics on screen - Lujuba
"Call of the Wild" stills

The top visual effects present an extreme adventure Create a realistic barker

In order to present a highly reductive bark and full of humanity, CG rendering with a highly reductive color combined with humanity Shape the protagonist. Terry & mid, a senior motion capture actor who has provided leading motion capture for "King Kong: Skull Island" and "Avengers 3: Infinity War"dot; Notari, during the filming, he landed on all fours and tried to imitate the dog's behavior pattern. He perfectly restored his confusion when he first arrived in the wilderness, his perseverance when facing challenges, and his bravery when he fought back against the brown bear. Buck described in Jack London's book with anthropomorphism.

At the same time, this film invites the Oscar winner Janusz Kaminsky to take the shot, and works with the special effects team to seamlessly connect the real and virtual shots to the rugged mountains of Yukon, Canada. , Open plains, frozen lakes, etc., one by one, showing the earth-shaking mountain avalanche, the imperative ice speed and the breathtaking polar scenery in the movie, making the audience feel like they are on the scene, exploring the Yukon with Buck This piece of "the end of the world".

'Call of the Wild' reveals the trailer for 11.13 classics on screen - Lujuba

"Call of the Wild" stills

Hollywood superstars joined in, interpretation of the world-renowned classic

as a world-renowned classic, "The Call of the Wild, Charles Gaboston" has been reproduced many times in the world by Oscar Clarke. The actor has played the most important partner of Buck's journey, John Thornton. And this new upgrade and adaptation of the new century is to invite Hollywood superstar Harrison Ford to play this vital role.

As one of Hollywood's evergreen trees, Harrison Ford has not only created many of the most iconic screen heroes in the history of film, but also has a career global box office of up to 6 billion US dollars. This time he starred in John Thornton, who was deeply hurt by life. When he met Buck, who was full of vitality, a journey of healing began.

In addition, during Buck’s polar adventure, he also encountered many more diverse roles, including the owner of the sled team, Pelau, played by Omar Hee, the leading role of the 2011 high-profile movie "Untouchable"; a noble-born gold digger Ha Er, played by "Big Cousin" Dan Stevens in "Downton Abbey"; and Hal's sister Mercedes is played by "Nebula" Karen Gillan in "Guardians of the Galaxy" , Which together form different scenery on Buck’s Adventure Road.

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