They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with

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They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

1. Tommy Lee Jones: In reality, it is as serious as in the movie. Tommy Lee Jones and former US Vice President Albert Gore were classmates of Harvard University. Jones often plays charming and reliable roles in movies, but also Often plays a serious tough guy, just like him in reality. It is said that he was once recognized as a star by the waiter during the meal, and he was so angry that he asked the restaurant supervisor to fire him.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

2. Chevy Chase: A (talented) nightmare. Chevy Chase was a cool comedian representative in the 1970s, but when he returned to the show host from acting movies, he once got on the bar with comedian Bill Murray, and was so angry that Bill Murray yelled "Go to him Chevy Chase of X, a mediocre man without talent."

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

3. Jennifer Lopez: The big queen. Jennifer Lopez’s big-name attitude is well known. She is particularly obsessed with white, and she often asks the crew to set up her lounge in all white. She asks the catering staff to provide Cuban dishes wherever she goes, and is often found after serving the dishes. Did not move a bite.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

4. Jonah Hill: Constantly boasting. Jonah Hill was complained about how pitiful he was often in interviews, and every time he described himself as the most difficult challenge of "transforming from comedian to serious actor" in Hollywood.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

5. Sandra Bullock: an actor through and through. Sandra Bullock once yelled with anger when a fan in a wheelchair asked for an autograph. She told the media: "I'm a bitch. I'm a bad and evil bitch, but I'm also a good actor, I can pretend to be nice."

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

6. Billy Bob Thornton: Overzealous during the interview. When Billy Bob Thornton was interviewed for the release of an album by his band The Boxmasters, he specifically asked reporters not to ask questions about acting, but when asked about music, he talked about acting.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

7. Jared Leto: A nightmare on the set. The so-called method acting is to internalize the character's behavior pattern into daily life and make oneself become that role completely. Famous method actors in film history include Marlon Brando, Robert Dini Logi, Daniel Day Lewis, etc. They are unique The way of interpretation has indeed received high repercussions. But Jarritto's method of acting is not only too much, it does not help the performance in the film at all.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

8. Michael Pitt: Before and after the screen are all weird. Michael Pitt played an impressive role as a perverted murderer in the director Michael Hanneck's classic thriller "Happy Heart", and his recent performance is the ninth (also a weird) of the movie version of "Ghost in the Shell". A foreign film and television reporter revealed that the similarity between Michael Pitt and his freak character was much higher than the audience expected. Because he actually smoked marijuana during the interview.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

9. Miles Teller: "Help me cut the food!" An actor who did not want to be named revealed to the foreign media "Esquire" that he had witnessed Miles dining in a restaurant while being interviewed by reporters, and constantly praised that he was "looking" What a good-looking", he even asked the reporter to cut the food for him!

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

10. Shia LaBeouf: Are you sure you are just acting? Remember that Jacques Phoenix once announced his withdrawal from the actor road ten years ago and became a rapper? A year later, with the release of the documentary "I'm Still Here", everyone was surprised that he had put one in. Wakun's weird behavior for a year was just an experiment: to what extent is the public willing to worship idols ( Of course he returned to normal immediately after the movie was released).

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

11. Catherine Heigl: Notoriously difficult to do. She has become popular with "Intern", "Good Pregnancy" and "The Secret of 27 Dresses". She is often exploded on the set and is very difficult to do. She has also bombarded the director after the movie was released. bad".

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

12. Mike Myers: Not just a "fat" bastard. Many people have forgotten that McMyers used to have "really funny" periods, such as the "Anti-Wisdom Multi-Star" series and the "Ace Powers" series. Now he is not only not funny at all, he is also in the movieThe scene is difficult, and the director grabs a seat.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

13. Gwyneth Paltrow: Pretentious and non-human fireworks. In addition to filming, Gwyneth Paltrow often portrays herself as a master of life, telling fans how to eat and take care of her appearance, but she seems to have forgotten that not everyone is like her.

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

14. Bruce Willis: You will collapse when you work with him. Bruce Willie had a fight with the screenwriter because a scene in "The Ultimate Detective 4" was "too funny" because he thought the series should be serious from beginning to end. The director Kevin Smith, who performed with him (also directed Bruce Willie's "Police is Busy"," said that working with him will "destroy your soul."

They are unstoppable in the movie, but in reality they are super difficult to get along with - Lujuba

15. Sean Connery: It's okay to hit a woman. Sean Connery will always be the Pound in everyone's mind (Pat Xie, Pierce Brosnan is not Pound), but his treatment of women during the performance of 007 seems to be a bit controversial. He once said to the scene of beating women in the film "I don't think there is anything wrong with hitting women," and said that "it is reasonable to reward girls for slaps." When the problem was dug up 20 years later, he said, "My opinion has not changed."

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