Youth Record Episode 13 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 1194℃

Youth Record Episode 13 Diversity Plot Introduction

Hae-hyo learns that his fans are cheating Hye Joon-jung and his feelings are cold

   The rain outside is still pattering, Haixiao sends Zhenhe home, and Zhenhe invites him into the house out of politeness. Haixiao was a little bit happy when he came to Zhenhe's house for the first time. The two sat chatting together, and Zhenhe apologized to Haixiao, saying that he was too impatient to call him today. Hae-xiao is a little sad, but still hides his emotions, saying that because Zhenhe is Huijun's girlfriend, he is willing to help. At this moment, Huijun called and explained to Xiang Zhenhe why he did not receive the call in time. Zhenhe heard Huijun's explanation and suddenly became clear. Hae-hyo couldn't help feeling sour when he saw Zhenhe and Hyejun's affection.

   In the new drama, Hui Jun and Chen Shuyu play a pair of lovers, and the two have a lot of heat-relieving roles. In order to increase the ratings, the crew took the opportunity to speculate on the scandal, and the major media were also enthusiastic about it. There was a lot of news about this matter, and the editor-in-chief hurriedly asked Jin Xiuman to follow up with Huijun and Chen Shuyu. However, Jin Xiuman refused to give up the opportunity to report on Huijun exclusively, so she had to show her own killers-the photos of Huijun and Zhenhe. However, the editor-in-chief felt that the photos were not convincing, and worried that they would not attract everyone's attention. Huijun came to look for Zhenhe when he came back from a business trip, but before the two had a few words, Huijun received a call and hurried to work.

   Kim Jong Woo proposed that he wanted to open a studio, saying that now Hye-joon has become a star. Although Hae-hyo has stopped moving, he still has the strength. Only he is still unknown. Li Jinmei laughed when she heard it, and accidentally said that her son was the ugly duckling among the three friends, which caused Jin Zhengyu to be frustrated. However, Jin Changman expressed that he fully supported his son's work, and told him if he needed anything. After all, Si Yingnan got it. Originally, Jin Changman asked Si Yingnan to heal his injuries at home and go to work alone, but Si Yingnan felt uncomfortable, so he came to the door. But Jin Changman bluntly said that Si Yingnan only needs to rest at home with peace of mind, and Huijun's work is enough to provide for their family. But Si Yingnan saw that Huijun's scandals were flying in the sky, and felt that he could not drag him down.

   After investigation, Park Dowa confirmed that Hae-hyo's fans had cheated. Lee Tae-soo persuaded him not to keep on the matter, but Pu Dao-he was not reconciled. Since he had grasped the opponent's handle, he could not let it go easily. Li Tae-soo has never given up fighting for the position of Hyejun's agent. He learned from Kim Soo-man that Hye-jun might be in love with Jeong-he, and hurriedly went to Li Min-jae. Li Tae-soo bluntly confessed that he had close photos of Hyejun and Jeongwa, and hinted that her contract with Hyejun was about to expire. Although Li Min was surprised when he heard the news, he still believed in Huijun's character. Li Tae-soo wanted to start with Huijun's family, so he came to Si Jingjun, tried his best to please him, and wanted him to persuade Huijun.

   Haixiao was very upset when he learned about the things his mother did. It happened that Zhenhe called and gave him some comfort. Huijun did not hesitate to renew his contract with Li Min. As soon as he got home, Si Jingjun came over to serve as Li Taixiu's lobbyist. As soon as Huijun guessed it, he knew that Si Jingjun had benefited from Li Tae-soo, but Si Jingjun denied it, and the two began to argue.

   Haixiao became angry when he saw Jin Yiying when he went home, and accused Jin Yiying of those behaviors that made him unable to look up outside, and called Zhenhe upset. Zhenhe hurried to accompany him silently, but he went out too quickly but forgot to bring his mobile phone, so that he did not receive Huijun's message. Si Yingnan insisted on going to work, and Jin Changman had to find Si Mingji to persuade Si Yingnan. Si Mingji was too embarrassed to say it directly, and then asked Si Yingnan to send himself to the show as an excuse to let him rest.

   Seeing Huijun come to find himself, Li Tae-soo thought he had changed his mind, but he was here to inquire. Huijun pressed Li Tae-soo if he gave Si Jingjun any benefits, and Li Tae-soo admitted, but she also said that Si Jingjun did not accept his benefits. Huijun made it clear that he couldn't cooperate with him, and then turned away. Li Min was looking for Zhiya to act as Huijun's attorney. Zhiya quickly found someone who was verbal about Huijun on the Internet, but he didn't expect that the other party was Si Jingjun.

   Since being accused by Haixiao last time, Jin Yiying has been depressed every day and can't eat enough. Hina was worried about her body, so she asked Han Aishu to persuade her. Han Aishu is bitter, Jin Yiying slowly let go. Zhiya brought Si Jingjun and Li Min to apologize. Si Jingjun said that he was wronged too. He was just fighting with those who defamed Huijun on the Internet, but he was caught and held on to him. At this point, he told Li Minzai and Zhiya not to tell Huijun about this.

   Lee Minzhi promised to cooperate with Zhenhe and explained that Haixiao had worked hard in the middle. Zhenhe was very grateful and called Haixiao to express his gratitude. It happened that Huijun was right next to Hae-xiao. He couldn't help being jealous when he heard the conversation between him and Zhenhe. Huijun hurriedly called Zhenhe, but the other party hung up on the pretext of catching the bus. Zhenhe came home very late, but Huijun had been waiting at the door. Zhenhe was worried about being photographed by a paparazzi, so she persuaded Huijun not to come over easily in the future. Huijun felt that her relationship with Zhenhe had changed, and she was very sad. The Internet broke out that Charlie called Huijun the last time he was alive, and this matter was brought up to talk about it. Li Tae-soo quickly called Huijun and said that he could help him settle the matter.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo