Liang Jing sponsored venture capital, "Not Ending" Pingyao won the best director

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Liang Jing sponsored venture capital, 'Not Ending' Pingyao won the best director - Lujuba total 18

1905 Film Network News On October 16, the Pingyao Night of the 4th Pingyao International Film Festival was held in Xiaochengzhichun Cinema. That night, filmmakers such as Jia Zhangke, Zhao Tao, Liang Jing, Wei Chen, and members of the jury of this year's film festival Liao Fan, Zhang Yi, Wanma Caidan, Cheng Er, Liang Ming and others attended the event. At the same time, director Zhang Yang's newly created short film "You Are Far Away" also premiered here.

Liang Jing sponsored venture capital, 'Not Ending' Pingyao won the best director - Lujuba
Zhang Yi

It is worth noting that this Pingyao International Film Festival specially established the award-the "2020 Award". The award will be awarded every 10 years and is selected by 50 spectators from all walks of life. In the end, Guan Hu and the crew of "Yu Bai" won the "2020 Award". The audience representatives said that "Yu Bai" has carried the banner of the recovery of the Chinese film market. It is the most unignorable movie in 2020, and it is also innovative The Chinese language war movie.

In addition, the venture capital unit of the Pingyao International Film Festival has also awarded corresponding awards. Out of support for good works, Liang Jing, a member of this year's venture capital jury, said that the three judges have never forgotten one of the works, and hope to sponsor this work by themselves. The film festival founder Jia Zhangke immediately agreed, and said, "If you want to invest, I can pay half!" In the end, with the success of the two, the film project "Chunk" became an unexpected surprise in the venture capital awards that night.

Liang Jing sponsored venture capital, 'Not Ending' Pingyao won the best director - Lujuba
Liang Jing

Pingyao International Film Festival set up "Hidden Dragon" and "Crouching Tiger" respectively. The former commends the first or second work of a Chinese-speaking director, while the latter is awarded to non-Chinese-language films.

Fei Mu's son, Fei Mingyi, attended the event and awarded Fei Mu the best film with honor to the movie "Mom and Seven Days." This film is a very personal work of director Li Dongmei. She commemorated her late mother with very restrained emotions. She went on stage and said that she had only started making movies at the age of 31. The whole process was very difficult. "If my mother is still there, I hope to share it together." Honors and accreditations. Zhou You and Liu Yase won the best actor and best actress of this year with "Wild Horse Mane" and "Wild Café" respectively. Zhou You said, "If there is no movie, I don't know what I am doing now. I really like the profession of actor very, very much, and hope to do it for a lifetime."

Liang Jing sponsored venture capital, 'Not Ending' Pingyao won the best director - Lujuba
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The Russian film "The Whaling Boy" captured Roberto Luo's Sirini honors the best film; Roberto Rossellini honors the best director by the director of "Oasis" Ivan Ikic won.

The complete list of honors of the 4th Pingyao International Film Festival:

Fei Mu honors best film: "Mom and Seven Days"

Fei Mu Honorary Best Director: Wang Jing, "Endless"

Fei Mu Honor Jury Honor: "Hannan Summer"

Fei Mu Honor Best Actor: Zhou You "Wild Horse Split Mane"

Fei Mu Honorary Best Actress: Liu Yase, "Wild Café"

Youth Jury Honor: "Split Stream" Yang Pingdao

Fans Choice Honor: "Split Stream" Yang Pingdao

Roberto Rossellini Honors Best Picture: "The Whaling Boy"

Roberto Rossellini Honor · Best Director: Ivan Ikic "Oasis"

Roberto Rossellini Honor · Jury Honor: "The Balance by Uko"

Roberto Rossellini honor and special recognition: "Aisha"

Chinese film overseas contribution honor: Ren Zhonglun

2020 Award: Guan Hu and the crew of "Eight Hundred"

Venture Capital Unit All honors are as follows:

is developing Movie Honors·Special Recognition: "Southwestern People"

Developing Film Honor·Infinite Freedom Award: "Street Children"

Developing Film Honor·Add Wing Plan Award: "Pearl"

Developing Movie Honor·Upward Judging Award: "Stone Epic"

developing film honor·Jilierlu Best Director Award: "Evolution"

developing film honor·Huayi Brothers Best Film Award: "Deep Space"

Pingyao Venture Capital · Warm Current Type Innovation Award: "Murderers"

Pingyao Venture Capital · Shun Fei Electric Commercial Potential Award: "Become Chris"

Pingyao Venture Capital · Taiyang Chuanhe Humanistic Spirit Award: "Good Wish in the World"

Pingyao Venture Capital · Shigu Creative Award: " Hezhou"

Pingyao Venture Capital·Liang Jing Special Sponsor: "Spring Difficulties"

Pingyao Venture Capital·Momo Qingyun script: "I looked up and found two identical clouds"

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