The latest purchase price of Apple brand mobile phones has been exposed. Do you dare to enter Apple stores?

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Apple brand, a brand that once monopolized the mobile phone market in China, Although this brand is now replaced by a domestic brand in China, , this brand still has a relatively large influence in the mobile phone market in China. is not the quality of Apple's mobile phones. Good , but Apple’s mobile phone operating system is relatively good. Friends who used to use Apple mobile phones still have a special liking for Apple brand phones. Friends of these Apple fans should be grateful for domestic brands of mobile phones. The rise of branded mobile phones has restricted the pricing of mobile phones of foreign brands in China’s mobile phone market. Compared with the past, the current pricing of Apple-branded mobile phones has converged. Nevertheless, the pricing of Apple-branded mobile phones is still higher than that of domestic mobile phones. This may be a tax issue between countries. As far as the current Apple brand mobile phones are concerned, the difference between the purchase price of and the selling price of specialty stores is still relatively large , which is a price injury for Apple fans.

The latest purchase price of Apple brand mobile phones has been exposed. Do you dare to enter Apple stores? - Lujuba

The latest update of the purchase price of Apple’s new mobile phone is exposed

Today, a friend of mine from other places bought an iPhone 11 Pro MAX-64G silver mobile phone at an Apple store. The purchase price of is 7,300 yuan, but my friend bought it. The price is 8900 yuan , and the profit of a mobile phone is as high as 1,600 yuan. It is really scary to say that, who else would dare to enter such a store in the future? Anyway, I dare not enter, and I will not enter. Normally, the profit of a mobile phone purchased by an ordinary mobile phone purchasing store is about 300 yuan. Why is this Apple mobile phone store selling so expensive? The reason is the qualifications. is precisely the authorized qualification problem . For the same mobile phones, the price of ordinary mobile phone stores is definitely cheaper than that of specialty stores. When you have a purchase demand, try not to choose specialty stores.

The latest purchase price of Apple brand mobile phones has been exposed. Do you dare to enter Apple stores? - Lujuba

Apple’s latest updated mobile phone purchase price is exposed

Where is the cheapest place to buy a mobile phone? I think many people want to know this question, mobile phone shop? Specialty store? Online store? NO, not . Every city has the big business city where mobile phones are concentrated. There will be many stores selling mobile phones in big shopping malls. The price of mobile phone shops in this mall is relatively cheaper than other stores. Don’t buy the phone in the mobile phone store in this mall. Find an agent. Don’t worry, there must be an agent in every mobile phone mall. All the mobile phone stores in mobile phone mall are in the mobile phone agent in the mall. I don’t know if you have noticed that has purchased the product. After confirming the purchase of the mobile phone model in the mall, the mobile phone shop will either call someone to deliver the mobile phone or pick it up by itself. In fact, the person who delivered the goods is usually the mobile phone. Agents, the store said that going to the warehouse to pick up goods is also "false teeth". The merchants go directly to the mobile phone agent to pick up the goods you need. When buying a mobile phone, you must learn to ignore the merchant and directly find the agent. When you find an agent, you and the agent The business said that you want the model of mobile phone. If someone asks which one you are, you can just open a mobile phone shop in a certain place.

The latest purchase price of Apple brand mobile phones has been exposed. Do you dare to enter Apple stores? - Lujuba

Apple’s obsolete model phone purchase price is exposed.

Before, people bought Apple brand phones to install B. Because Apple brand phones are relatively expensive, domestic brand phones have now replaced foreign-branded phones in China’s mobile phone market. , domestic Huawei mobile phones also have expensive high-end phones , domestic OPPO and brand mobile phones also have "prestige" models , in addition, China's leading 5G network technology, domestic brand mobile phones have launched 5G dual-mode model phones, this Foreigners have not yet mastered the technology or only part of it. Friends who still use Apple-branded mobile phones are basically for true love. Another point is: before, Apple-branded mobile phones were reluctant to buy when the price was high. Now the prices are relatively cheaper. These people also want to "try new things". understanding. So I exposed the latest updated purchase price of Apple’s full range of models for your reference. Don’t be fooled by the store when you buy your favorite models. Normally, the profit of an Apple mobile phone is between 200 yuan and 400 yuan. The total price is based on the profit. Don’t think that the mobile phone in the specialty store is good. It’s wrong. The quality of the mobile phone in the specialty store is exactly the same as the mobile phone in the ordinary mobile phone store. However, the price of the mobile phone in the specialty store is much more expensive than that of the ordinary mobile phone store. Please consider carefully when entering a specialty store. I only divideEnjoy not for sale, please leave a comment below.

The original copyright of this article is copyrighted. Misappropriation without permission is prohibited. Once the rights are protected to the end, the entire network will be investigated for infringement. Original author: Wang Li Jun, author: Wang Li Jun. Finally, thank you all for your attention and reading the comments. Remember, don’t get lost if you pay attention. See you next time!

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