High IQ sci-fi crime movie [Minority Report] Will there be crime in the future with a prophet

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has fantasized about the future world and what the world will be like at that time. The answer is yes. It is undoubtedly full of science and technology, and people's lives will be more comfortable and stable.

High IQ sci-fi crime movie [Minority Report] Will there be crime in the future with a prophet - Lujuba

"Minority Report"

At any time, crime is always an important factor affecting social stability and prosperity. How to prevent crime in the future world, today's science fiction and crime high-quality film "Minority Report" allows you to look forward to the future.

Movie situation

"Minority Report" is a science fiction film produced 17 years ago. No matter the production or the film's excitement is still not inferior to the current blockbuster, the brain-burning plot setting in the film and the advanced concepts proposed in the future are extremely It is possible to achieve, I have to say, it is a really pragmatic and good film. Director

High IQ sci-fi crime movie [Minority Report] Will there be crime in the future with a prophet - Lujuba

: As an American Jew, it is not surprising that Steven Spielberg can make such a suspenseful blockbuster. His masterpieces "Jurassic Park" (1993) and "Jaws" (1975) can all be Said it is a well-known movie.

High IQ sci-fi crime movie [Minority Report] Will there be crime in the future with a prophet - Lujuba

Steven Spielberg

starring: Tom Cruise (playing Jon), a famous American movie star, an actor considered by the industry to have no talent for acting, but relying on his own diligence and hard work to win the 21st American Critics chose to be nominated for the Best Actor in the Movie Awards (2016). He can be said to be an inspirational actor who has performed well in "Mission Impossible 5: Mysterious Nation" and "Edge of Tomorrow".

Tom Cruise

starring: Max von Sudoff (playing Lamar, a presiding judge) Swedish senior actor, born in 1929, the 43rd (2017) Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards Lifetime Achievement Award. Masterpieces: "Star Wars 7: The Force Awakens", "Game of Thrones" Season 6.

Max von Sudoff

story background

The story took place in 2054, at that time technology was already very advanced, and could already control the future. By that time, the number of murders in the United States was reduced by 90%, because the criminals' criminal behavior was stopped before the crime.

This is entirely attributed to the Crime Prevention Bureau in the film. I have to say that this Crime Prevention Bureau is a company that is not directly affiliated with the government. The management of the United States is really awesome.

How does the Crime Prevention Bureau prevent crime? This is due to the three "prophets" in the game. In the past, characters that seemed to be only available in magical dramas appeared in this sci-fi drama, but they acted reasonably.


There are three "Prophets", two brothers and a girl, but the girl's foresight ability is better, and the girl becomes the key to the film. All three of them are test-tube babies from experiments, possessing superhuman predictive abilities. The Crime Prevention Bureau used means to put the three "prophets" in a semi-sleepy state, and then used computers to show the images in their minds to find the culprit of the upcoming murder. All the criminals in

were arrested before committing the crime, so naturally no murder occurred.

movie plot

actor Jon, is the commander of the Crime Prevention Bureau, has a high IQ and strong execution ability. However, he is a prestigious person with his own bitterness behind him. His son disappeared when he was 6 years old, and his wife divorced him, and his life was in a mess. Lost, he can only rely on the pleasure brought by drugs, replaying the videos of his son and his wife again and again for my comfort.

Jon buys drugs

3D video projection

Once when Jon was looking at the crime prevention bureau for an upcoming murder, the scene of his own murder appeared on the screen, and the man he wanted to kill was Leo Crow, but he He didn't know this person at all. At this time, the assistant next to him also saw this picture. The assistant asked him to escape. In panic, Jon had to escape.

Jon escaped the first hunt. Even if he saw the prophet’s predictions, he couldn’t convince him that he would kill. So Jon approached the creator of the "Prophet" and asked if anyone could fake the restricted prediction. Jon firmly believed in himself. It was framed.

​​Jon learned from the creator that there are high or low abilities of the "prophet". The female prophet in the Crime Prevention Bureau has the strongest ability. When the three prophets have different dreams, there will be a "minority report". The report will be sealed in the prophetIn the body, and there are probably some innocent people among the people Jon has caught in the past.

Previously, Jon asked Lamar for help when escaping, but to no avail, asked the founder whether Lamar knew about the "Minority Report". The answer was yes, and Jon didn't think much.

In order to prove his innocence, Jon decided to enter the crime prevention center to check the female prophet’s dream to learn more about the situation. However, its guards are tightly guarded and need to scan the eyeballs to enter. Jon is wanted and cannot enter at all. The

automatic tracking robot also scans the eyeballs to determine the identity of the person, so Jon underwent an eye change operation and also performed a facelift.

Jon sneaked into the crime prevention center, but was found when viewing the video, and rushed away with the prophet.

Jon took the female prophet to find a hacker and looked at the picture in the prophet’s mind. However, he did not find a minority report about his own killing, so the fact that Jon killed himself must happen.

​​With the help of the prophet, Jon cleverly avoided the rounds of the Crime Prevention Bureau time and time again. He was eager to know the result and brought the prophet to the room where he predicted the murder. He never wanted to see the pictures of the many children on the bed. The son's picture is in it.

At this time, the man who was predicted to be killed appeared. Jon subdued him and interrogated him. He learned that his son was not dead and had grown up. The man in front of him confessed that he did not kill, but was just victimized. Instructed that by letting himself die under Jon's hand, his family could get a sum of money.

Jon finally decided to arrest him instead of killing him, but the man competed with Jon for a gun and shot himself out of the window. This time, Jon was arguing that he didn't work well every day, and he called the ground to be unwilling.

At the same time, the person who succeeded Jon from the Crime Prevention Center discovered the secret of Lamar, the presiding judge. Lamar had killed someone. Since the Prophet was also taken away, Lamar solved him with a decisive shot and continued to bury the secret.

Jon had nowhere to go, so he contacted his ex-wife. He never wanted his ex-wife to call Lamar, hoping that Lamar could help Jon. Who knew it was a team of crime prevention soldiers who captured Jon. The truth about Lamar's frame of Jon also began to gradually be revealed. The female prophet was also brought back to the crime prevention center, but the female prophet kept showing up fragments of Lamar’s murder.

Seeing here must be many people have doubts, why is Lamar's murder not foreseen? Why did Lamar frame Jon?

In fact, Lamar knows the operational capabilities of the three prophets. He hires people to kill the people he wants to kill, then organizes people to capture the hired killer, and then kills the target himself. As for why Lamar framed Jon, it was mainly because he was afraid that Jon was too smart and learned the secret of his murder from the prophet.

The two male prophets had limited abilities, so they could only see the scene before the killing. After Lamar, they pretended to be a killer. The technicians thought that the following was the echo of the previous clip, so naturally cut out the video, thinking that the man was killed by the killer, and the woman The prophet could predict the real murderer, but because of the different predictions of several prophets, the prediction report that Lamar was the murderer was sealed in the female prophet as a "minority report".

Lamar, who was at the banquet, did not expect that the scene of his murder would be released to the public.

Finally, Jon, who was framed by Lamar, was released and appeared at the banquet. The two met on the balcony.

At this time, the Prophet predicted that Lamar would shoot Jon. If he kills Jon, he must commit a crime. On the other hand, apart from Lamar himself, the creator of the Prophet, and Jon, no one knows that the Prophet will make a mistake. If he does not kill Jon, the Prophet will make a mistake. The single-handed crime prevention bureau system will not be trusted by the public.

How did Lamar decide in the end? Still leave a suspense for everyone. As far as the plot of the film itself is concerned,

is relatively complete, and leaves the audience with many topics to discuss.

Can crimes in the future really be prevented as in the film? In fact, technology alone cannot guarantee 100%. The key lies in the human heart. Without criminal thoughts and desires, the society will be harmonious and stable.

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