From the National People's Congress to Wudaokou of Tsinghua University, the goddess of learning who quit the central bank job and entered PwC: how bad is the life of constant challenge!

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Source of From the National People's Congress to Wudaokou of Tsinghua University, the goddess of learning who quit the central bank job and entered PwC: how bad is the life of constant challenge! - Lujuba

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From the National People's Congress to Wudaokou of Tsinghua University, she resigned from the central bank to join PricewaterhouseCoopers, started as an auditor, and is now a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers.

As a partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Zhou Xing is busy at work. When we interviewed her, she was dressed in a capable and elegant blue dress, graceful and elegant silk scarf, and flowing long hair. .

Many Tsinghua Wudaokou alumni commented on her like this: "We all call her a goddess, not because of how powerful she is, but because of her soft eyes, she reveals more calmness and skill, full of passion and dedication to career , Tenacity."


A group of schoolmasters who have a sense of mission and love

Zhou Xing after graduating from the Department of Finance of the People’s University and was admitted to the Tsinghua Wudaokou School of Finance (formerly known as the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China, founded in 1981). Zhou Xing was then Her roommate Yang Qingli also had a great influence on Zhou Xing.

In the early 1990s, after graduation, Yang Qingli had a high salary of 5,000 yuan in Shenzhen Securities Company. At that time, the average salary was only a few hundred yuan. She was planning to give up the high-paying job and go abroad to study for an MBA. She told Zhou Xing that she was going to see The wider world. At the time, Zhou Xing of

was still ignorant. She didn't know why she, who had already obtained a master's degree in the top universities, would go to see the outside world.

But these words are like a seed deeply buried in her heart, printed in her mind.

Zhou Xing had an eye surgery in the first semester and was suspended for one semester. Although enrollment was postponed for half a year, Zhou Xing completed all the courses at the crossing within one year and graduated successfully. After graduating from

, Zhou Xing went to the People’s Bank of China branch in Shenzhen for three years. Here are colleagues who have returned from studying abroad and have broad vision. They became Zhou Xing's first batch of life mentors.

Talking about this experience, she never forgets the encouragement and help given to her by teacher Wang Xiyi, senior brother Meng Xingguo and colleagues.

Three years of work experience at the central bank not only broadened Zhou Xing's horizons and exercised her work ability, but also allowed her to start thinking about life plans seriously.

At that time, she considered two ways to continue to work in the central bank, or leave the central bank to become an expert in a certain field. Between these two choices, she hesitated for a long time. When she thought about her retirement, she hoped that people would respect her because of her ability in a certain professional field. She chose the latter path without hesitation.


Leave your comfort zone

to join PricewaterhouseCoopers, starting as an auditor

When we have a direction and goal in life, we tend to be more motivated and passionate.

By chance, Zhou Xing went to the Shanghai branch of PricewaterhouseCoopers to engage in audit work after being recommended by his colleague at the time and Wudaokou senior brother Meng Xingguo.

In a brand-new working environment, Zhou Xing started from the most basic auditor. She faced many challenges in relearning accounting expertise and learning auditing skills after inter-banking, and her personal ability has also been rapidly improved by working overtime day and night.

Later, she was fortunate to introduce advanced management concepts and expert talents in the fund industry by using PwC's global resources, and assisted the fund department of the newly established Securities Regulatory Commission in holding several industry seminars. She can use her work to start the fund industry. Zhou Xing is very proud of his contribution.

During the two years in Shanghai, she experienced a lot and grew a lot, but she gradually felt that her work had encountered a bottleneck period.

At exactly this time, the company decided to send Zhou Xing to work in New York, and Yang Qingli's words seemed to echo in her ears: "I want to see the wider world outside." These words seemed to be printed in her mind. , Affecting her subtly, why not seize the opportunity now?

In this way, Zhou Xing, who flew to New York, began a new life journey.

is facing a new challenge in New York. When she first went there, she was afraid that she would not be able to integrate into the life there. Soon she discovered that this international metropolis is a melting pot, containing all kinds of accents and different skin tones. People, as long as you canStrength, you will be treated fairly. Although

's job content is a brand-new insurance field, the applicable supervision is also a unique American regulatory system and accounting standards, she has not been afraid of it, and devoted herself to new challenges without being silent because her English is not her native language, nor because She is an Asian woman and she shrinks from meetings. She believes that only when there is pressure, there will be motivation and room for growth.

She worked diligently and confidently faced various challenges. Even after she became pregnant, she still worked overtime like other employees, and took over work with her colleagues calmly on the first day of giving birth.

Because of her outstanding work, she was promoted to department manager in the second year, which was the first time among Chinese.

Every experience in life is a valuable asset. After returning to China, Zhou Xing took over the financial work of preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022.

At the Olympic bid in Lausanne, facing more than 100 members of the International Olympic Committee, Zhou Xing, who is confident and mature, speaks fluent foreign language, and presents calmly as a member of the delegation together with Vice Premier Liu Yandong and Mayor Wang Anshun. Looking at the financial budget results of the 2022 Winter Olympics and dealing with various financial budget issues from the IOC members and the news media, Zhou Xingjiu, who was on the streets of New York, dressed in a suit and hurried to work with a coffee This appeared in my mind.

From the National People's Congress to Wudaokou of Tsinghua University, the goddess of learning who quit the central bank job and entered PwC: how bad is the life of constant challenge! - Lujuba


is full of curiosity and love for life

Zhou Xing often shares her insights about life with everyone in the circle of friends, and her love for life is revealed between the lines. Even if she works late at night, she can be very optimistic and enthusiastic. Full work life. Friends of

laughed and said that she "every day is full of positive energy." Talking about how to maintain this state, Zhou Xing shared her experience with everyone.

First, challenging work will give people the motivation to move forward and will make every day of life full of novelty.

At PricewaterhouseCoopers, every day you meet different people, encounter new challenges and pressures. You never know what will be waiting for you in the next moment. This ignorance of the future is full of energy. And when the people around you are full of positive energy, you will involuntarily be infected by them.

Second, when Zhou Xing was in the United States, he woke up at six o'clock every day to go swimming, and then went to work. After returning home, he often went to exercise. Now he is even more obsessed with Tai Chi. .

Exercising can not only maintain the exuberant experience, but also a good way to reduce stress.

Third, there is a motivation to be inspired.

brings value to others and makes Zhou Xing very fulfilling, which is also a motivation for her to be inspired.

fourth, stay curious.

Curiosity is human nature, curiosity makes you have a desire to explore society and life, and it will make you full of infinite love for life.

fifth, continuous improvement.

Zhou Xing believes that anxiety often stems from lack of progress. Continuous progress makes us feel that life is advancing, is developing in a better direction, and we will feel the infinite beauty of life as we move forward.


builds the confidence of women in the workplace,

balances work and family relations

Zhou Xing is a successful business lady who has given some lectures and trainings on female leadership.

However, we cannot deny that gender discrimination still exists in today's workplace, especially childbearing will reduce working hours.

However, Zhou Xing pointed out that shortening working hours does not mean a decline in work performance. Women must have confidence in themselves and let others see this.

Zhou Xing once assisted a client's IPO on the road show the day before the birth, and gave birth to a baby the next day. Colleagues all jokingly told her that the child should be named "Roadshow". The body of

has not been affected at all, of course, the premise of this is that the body is good enough. In addition, Zhou Xing believes that companies with gender discrimination are short-sighted and will reduce their competitiveness in the future, because different genders will produce different opinions and perspectives, and companies can think and solve problems in multiple dimensions..

Zhou Xing has a happy family, the husband of an ophthalmologist, two cute and smart children, his sister likes to read and play the piano, and his younger brother likes to research and design robots.

mentioned the education of children. Zhou Xing said that she does not have any special education methods. She believes that children are not her own private property. The role of parents for children should be companionship and support, giving him the best environment for them to go. Free growth.

It is not correct for parents to force their children to follow the path they think is correct.

In this world, there is no only successful life, so there is no only training mode. The purpose of parents to educate their children is to develop their children's nature more, so that the children grow up better, rather than blindly comparing.


Message to younger generations-find interest and work hard

Zhou Xing advises you not to be too utilitarian when looking for a job. The opportunities are always endless and there are many roads to success. When

does not have much utilitarianism, we can focus on our own interests and practice internal skills while young.

Wudaokou has provided me with the best educational resources and learning environment. While I am still on campus, I will read more and learn more. I will always be able to use it in the future.

When you have an inner drive, you will not feel hard. If you are in a job you like, or if you think what you do is valuable and meaningful, then you will feel that no matter how hard you work, it is worth it.

Internal drive, not external drive will make you more motivated.

In addition, Zhou Xing suggests that everyone should not underestimate transactional work. This kind of work can well exercise the ability to deal with the world and the management ability, which is often referred to as "soft skills". And as positions rise, this kind of "softskills" will become more important.

The sunset outside is beautiful, and our interview has come to an end. For two hours, we can feel alumni Zhou Xing who is full of positive energy. I wish her to keep her passion for life and dedication to her career!

Contact editor, please add: changanjiexuezhe (Chang'an Street school girl Minmin Temoor)

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