Shawshank's Redemption is a classic that can never be seen enough!

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Topic of this issue ["Shawshank's Redemption" is a classic that can never be seen enough! ]

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, many viewers will choose their favorite movies after the holiday. At this time, some netizens will find out that although "Shawshank's Redemption" is a movie from a long time ago, it is always watched. Not enough classics. "Shawshank's Redemption" has a score of 9.7 on Douban and a score of 9.5 on Maoyan, which shows how classic this show is!

Shawshank's Redemption is a classic that can never be seen enough! - LujubaShawshank's Redemption is a classic that can never be seen enough! - Lujuba

In the modern era of film and television dramas, although good-looking movies are endless, "Shawshank's Redemption" can be said to be the uncrowned king of movies. After opening "Shawshank's Redemption" by accident, I was deeply addicted to it. The plot is not procrastinated, the story structure is rigorous, and the protagonist is noble and admirable. It can be said that every detail of this movie is particularly classic and delicate. Will become a classic in the eyes of the audience!

Shawshank's Redemption is a classic that can never be seen enough! - Lujuba

In the plot, the protagonist is a young banker named Andy. Andy became the deputy governor of the bank when he was very young. This shows that Andy's intelligence and ability are outstanding, but such an outstanding Man, however, went to jail for allegedly killing his wife and her lover. Although he was mistakenly sentenced to jail, Andy was very calm. Andy's calmness is incredible to other prison inmates. After all, life-long imprisonment is the result of no one wants to bear, but Andy is calm. In fact, Andy was only calm on the surface, and was full of extreme unwillingness in his heart. After all, he didn't really kill people, so naturally he didn't want to stay in prison for a lifetime.

Andy has no evidence to prove his innocence, so he tried to get in touch with Rhett, a prestigious prisoner, and asked the other party to get a small hammer for himself. Andy gradually became confused in the prison. Helping the prison guards to launder money, evade taxes, and gradually receive courtesy among the prisoners through their interactions with Rhett. This point has to admire Andy for his extraordinary intelligence and use his knowledge to change his embarrassed status. Particularly admirable. But it was also because Andy helped the prison management to launder money. When he learned that the witness who could prove his innocence was in the same prison and was willing to prove it for himself, the witness was killed by the prison management. The reason can be imagined. Andy knows so many secrets of the prison management and has also participated in helping them launder money. Naturally, the prison management will not let such people leave the prison and have the opportunity to threaten him.

Although Andy pretended not to care on the surface, he still quietly helped the prison management to launder money, but he was also preparing for his escape from prison. He blocked the hole he dug out with a poster. The tool for digging the hole was the small hammer that everyone wondered why Andy borrowed, but Andy took advantage of this small hammer to dig a hole to freedom, and everyone fell asleep on rainy nights. At the time, he used the hole to leave the prison through the sewer.

On the night when Andy escaped from the prison, by the exit of the sewer, Andy's shout accompanied by the torrential rain can be said to be shocking. After living in prison for so long, he finally escaped from the prison. Such a shout is understandable. As a revenge for the prison management’s killing of a witness who could prove his innocence, Andy took away the money laundered for the management and exposed the chaos inside the prison. When reporters flocked to the prison management’s office, the management tried to preserve their dignity. , Chose to commit suicide to escape punishment from the law.

After Andy escaped from prison, the reunion with his best friend at the beach also rekindled Andy's hope for life. It can be said that after the whole movie, Andy's perseverance, efforts to prove his innocence, and the spirit of trying to open a path to freedom for himself, made the audience particularly admire, this drama can be used as a guide light on the road of life. , When you are confused, you can point you in the right direction. The acting skills of the actors, the dedication of the director, the carefulness of the screenwriters, and the full cooperation of the crew have presented this classic that will never be enough for the audience! What do you think of this?

Tags: movie