Kite Episode 15 Plot Introduction

neidi 190℃

kite plot introduction

   Zheng Yao first used the plan to spread intelligence, the hairy man and the phoenix stole the chicken without losing the rice

   Zheng Yaoxian deliberately admitted that he was a kite in front of Mao Renfeng, and unabashedly revealed all his flaws one by one. Following Mao Renfeng’s words, Zheng Yaoxian analyzed the cause of Wu Fu’s death because he was known as The spontaneous pencil made by Yardley, the father of the darkroom, ignited the fire. Seeing that Zheng Yaoxian was so magnanimous, Mao Renfeng had no reason to doubt him anymore, and had no choice but to calm down the storm.

   Afterwards, Zheng Yaoxian also had lingering fears. He never expected that he was prepared to sacrifice and wanted to rescue the comrades desperately, but he was a shameful traitor. In order to preserve information and protect our party secrets, he could only be removed. . This decision made Zheng Yaoxian miserable. The organization may not know that Wu Fu had defected, and eventually he would still record the blood debt on him. At this time, Zheng Yaoxian missed Lu Hanqing even more. After so many years, if Lu Hanqing hadn't often wiped out his troubles, he would have been dead for a long time.

   Chiang Kai-shek mobilized middle school students to engage in intensive training and expand the army, in an vain attempt to hold the students in his own hands and suppress the revolutionary fire among them. This move was opposed by all walks of life, and the Eighth Route Army also issued a statement of opposition. The two girls' middle schools in Shancheng were preparing to launch a student movement to protest. This matter was learned by the military commander that Mao Ren Fengminggong and Song Xiaoan jointly suppressed female students.

   Gongshu went to apply to Song Xiaoan for the transfer of the train. Song Xiaoan kindly reminded him a few words to make him beware of Mao Renfeng going up when he was good, and pushing when he was responsible. Gongshu was also vigilant because of the temperament of crossing the river and breaking the bridge. Then ran to ask Zheng Yaoxian for instructions. Zheng Yaoxian was sitting on a cold bench because of Wu Fu's affairs. The Gong Shun saw that he was uneasy, and he complained a few words and helped him to fight the injustice. Zheng Yao first knew that his house must be bugged by now, so he took advantage of the situation. Mao Renfeng cursed. At this time, Mao Renfeng was eavesdropping. Although Zheng Yaoxian's words were ugly, he uttered his thoughts sharply. Mao Renfeng felt very embarrassed and quickly found a step for himself, threw down the monitoring device and fled with his tail pinched. .

   At this time, Zheng Yaoxian knew that he had an opportunity to pass information to Yan'an. He was a man who played cards out of common sense, but he often won by surprise. He asked Song Xiaoan to send orders, summon all the subordinates who went out to perform the task, gave them a lesson, and delegated the command of future operations to the palace concubine, so that they would all obey the palace concubine's dispatch, and he kept the curtain on the side. He became a Lafayette by following politics.

   Gongshu is also a ruthless and gloomy character. He let the people underneath confuse the troubled students secretly doing tricks, and instructed them to say that they are a member of the Central Tradition if they reveal their stuff. Song Xiaoan and Zhao Jianzhi can't help but He was taken aback.

   military commanders dressed in plain clothes mixed among the students, deliberately provoking a dispute and causing riots, and took advantage of the chaos to arrest several female students taking the lead. The palace concubine also knew that they were ordinary middle school students, but they were just a bit more radical. If iron-and-blood methods were used against them, it would be against the heavens and the people, so he proposed to scare them and release them. Zheng Yao first wanted the effect of fishing in troubled waters. When he was older, he could do it easily, so he taught the palace concubine to remember that he was a state machine and could not have a personal will. The palace concubine had to give up.

  The students of the two middle schools that can enter the trouble are both rich and noble. They have a distinguished family. Those female students are not the fiancées of a senior official’s son, or the aunts and wives of a senior official. After they were arrested, their families Wherever the family were willing to give up, they blocked the door and VIPs outside the Juntong Detention Center. The guards fired a few empty guns and couldn't stop them. Gong Shun had to follow Zheng Yaoxian's will to arrest some people, and this calmed the situation. .


   Gongshu did exactly what Zheng Yaoxian meant, he didn't understand what he was thinking. Zheng Yao first gave him a bit and asked him to look for Communist suspects among these people. Gong Shun thought that Leng Meishan, the girl who took the lead in the speech, was suspicious, so he dived into a secret investigation.

   This incident became more and more troublesome. The phone in Mao Renfeng’s office was ringing non-stop every day, and he came to Xingshi to inquire about crimes. Mao Renfeng was so scared that Mao Renfeng did not dare to answer the phone again, but even so, he still failed. After escaping, several senior military generals and tiemen involved rushed into Mao Renfeng’s office, scolded him with a dog-blood sprinkler, and moved his hands. Mao Renfeng's body was inevitably colored..

   Gong Shun was worried that the situation would be out of control, so he reminded Zheng Yaoxian that it was time to see him and put it away, but Zheng Yaoxian did not hurriedly mention him, in order to avoid the trouble of those military seniors after returning from the battlefield. , What needs to be done now is to take the opportunity to leave some records for those rich and famous ladies, the palace concubine suddenly realized when he heard the words, and quickly followed the words.

   The female students are all female dolls who have never seen the world. Where can they withstand the threats and intimidation of the military reunion, they are directly scared when they see the torture instruments, and they all rush to admit that they are the Communist Party. After Zheng Yaoxian received the report, he asked the palace concubine to carefully investigate the military background of the ladies, especially the personnel involved in the combat troops responsible for encircling northern Shaanxi. They must check to the end. As a result, the mountain city was disturbed. Everyone is in danger, but Zheng Yaoxian only has a soft spot for the troops encircling northern Shaanxi. He wants to use the division commander Li Huai.

   Due to Li Huai's suspicion of being a common communist, he was temporarily dismissed. Yan'an learned from the intercepted military unification telegram that Li Huai, the commander of the 36th Division of the Kuomintang who was guarding Luochuan, had seen the strangeness in the fact that he went to Shanxi to be dismissed, and suspected that the Kuomintang had already known that the Party Central Committee was going to move out of northern Shaanxi. The action plan and route of the army deployed troops on the only way to Shanxi, so they hurriedly sent people to investigate.

   At the same time, Yan'an learned that there was a senior espionage codenamed Kite in the military system, and wanted to get in touch with him. However, the liaison officer who contacted him on a single line was sacrificed, and all the documents that could prove his identity were in. The Long March was destroyed, and the only leader who knew his identity went to the Soviet Union to recuperate. If he wanted to contact him, he could only wait for the leader to return, so he was also anxious.

  Mao Renfeng was made up by the current situation. He was blocked in the office and didn't even dare to return home. Chiang Kai-shek even called and scolded him a lot after learning about it. Mao Renfeng was really not good at it. Under the pressure, he summoned the concubine to let him go. The palace concubine insisted that these people are the Communist Party, and if they want to let them go, he only needs to give orders. Mao Renfeng is now both afraid of letting go of the Communist Party and offending the military. He wants to pass the blame to the palace concubine and let him make a decision, but the palace concubine pushes back without a trace with a Tai Chi push hand. , Mao Renfeng is in a dilemma. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi