Live streaming with cargo overturned! Wang Han, Li Xueqin and Li Jiaqi were named by China Consumers Association

neidi 2434℃

Live streaming with cargo overturned! Wang Han, Li Xueqin and Li Jiaqi were named by China Consumers Association - Lujuba

Li Jiaqi

Live streaming with cargo overturned! Wang Han, Li Xueqin and Li Jiaqi were named by China Consumers Association - Lujuba

Wang Han

China News Network reported on November 21 that incarnation of the "nunchaku" in 2020 "Double 11" has turned men and women into "native eaters" and consumer rights. Information flooded in.

On November 20, the China Consumers Association released the "Double 11" consumer rights protection public opinion analysis report. Through the online big data public opinion analysis of the relevant consumer rights protection situation from October 20 to November 15, it found that this year's "Double 11" promotion activities During the period, the negative consumer information was mainly concentrated in two aspects: live broadcast of goods and unreasonable rules, and named Wang Han and Li Xueqin live broadcast of goods "overturned" and Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room "not allowed to change after buying." According to the China Consumers Association, during the monitoring period, a total of 334,083 pieces of negative information related to “live streaming with goods” were collected. The “slots” were mainly concentrated on the suspected use of celebrities with goods. Single fraud, low after-sales service satisfaction and poor experience.

"On the one hand, the falsification of'influence' indicators such as boasting of the number of viewers and'water injection' of sales data has formed an industry chain. On the other hand, competition in the industry such as malicious scalping, fancy kicks, and false reports has also polluted. Live broadcast ecology.” The China Consumers Association said, for example, Wang Han’s live broadcast of goods overturned suspected cloud and Li Xueqin personally experienced live broadcast of goods fraud. According to media reports, screenshots of Moments circulating on the Internet show that on November 6th, Wang Han’s "Shunde special live broadcast", after a merchant paid a start-up fee of 100,000 yuan, 1,323 units were sold that day, and 1,012 units were refunded. The refund rate was as high as 76.4%. And other merchants have similar experiences, leading to shops receiving false transaction warnings on the platform.

In response to Wang Han’s suspected “swiping orders” behavior, Wang Han’s contracting party Yinhe Zhongxing responded that “this is false”. The platform is currently investigating, and the specific source of the attack has not been identified. On the 17th, the whistleblower Bai Tao issued a statement saying that the rumors of Wang Han's fraudulent shipment were false and untrue. According to media reports, on the evening of November 11th, popular talk show actors Li Xueqin and Yang Tianzhen participated in a live broadcast event on a certain platform. Most of the people interacting with her were fake robot fans. A staff member who participated in the live broadcast said that of the 3.11 million viewers at the end of the day, less than 110,000 were real, and the rest of the audience was spent on spending money, and the "fans" in the comment area cordially interacted with Li Xueqin. Most of the comments are made by machines.

In addition, the China Consumers Association said that although live streaming is very popular, a considerable number of businesses that only focus on gathering traffic and expanding sales do not actually have a corresponding after-sales service system. At the same time, the responsibilities between the merchants and the anchors are not clear, and when they encounter after-sales problems, they "kick the ball" with each other, which in turn causes consumers to watch and complain.

Some consumers have posted on Weibo: "What is the operation of Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room? The first time I roll over, I just sell it, regardless of after-sales? What does it mean to not let me exchange after buying? What to grab in the live broadcast room? The cost is so big After the robbing was over, the quality problem appeared. The sentence asked me to return the product and not let me exchange it? How dare I buy something in the live broadcast room?"

The routine is too complicated and the calculations are too deep. "Wool" people are repeatedly "cut leek". It is shown that during the monitoring period, a total of 915,029 pieces of negative information related to promotion rules were collected, and the relevant public opinion was concentrated in three aspects: e-commerce selectively pushed coupons and accurately completed; if you do not combine the final payment, you cannot use full discount coupons and do not pay the final payment. "Hard rules" such as non-refundable, the final payment must stay in the early morning, and no refund on Double 11; such as calculation full reduction, allowance, red envelope, combined purchase and other gameplay comparable to math test questions.

According to media reports, on October 16, when Ms. Han from Beijing used her mobile phone to shop on an e-commerce platform, she mistakenly used another mobile phone to check out, but unexpectedly discovered that the same product from the same merchant has been registered for 12 years. , The premium member account that is frequently used and has a total consumption of nearly 260,000 yuan is 25 yuan more expensive than the ordinary account that has been registered for more than 5 years, is rarely used, and has a total consumption of more than 2,400 yuan.

Another consumer posted on Weibo, “I forgot to pay the final payment together. I don’t know how much I have lost. I may save the fruit next month.”

Gao Jiesi has also become the object of netizens scrambling to complain. "There is a discount for two purchases, but the purchase is limited to one? What kind of confusing behavior is this? Is the blatant false propaganda okay for Double Eleven?" For this reason, the China Consumers Association said that this year’s "Double 11" public opinion data has been released intensively There are three signals: First, "big data, unfair and unreasonable pricing, refusal to trade, and choice of two" hidden in the "gray area" of the network economy in various forms will face clear definitions by laws and regulations, Effective accountability.

Second, whether the old routines that rely solely on traffic thinking to dominate promotion, or the so-called new gameplay designed based on “social algorithms”, they will all face deconstructive changes, and the industry’s consumer ecology may be reshaped.

Third, new technologies and new formats represented by "social algorithms" and live streaming products. In the face of the choice of consumer behavior with feet voting, the speed of "self-revolution" and iterative updates may accelerate.

China Consumers Association reminds that all kinds of entities must take real measures to strictly control the quality of goods, abandon those preferential promotion routines that have seriously deviated from the spirit of open sharing on the Internet, and soberly grasp the opening of a new era of consumption, consumption formats and ecological reconstruction A good opportunity. At the same time, consumers should gradually mature in the continuous enrichment of shopping experience and consumption experience.

(responsible editor: Li Si_NBJ11322)

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