Kyushu Sea Shepherd Cloud Diversity Plot Introduction (Episode 1-75) Finale

neidi 2897℃

Kyushu Sea Shepherd Cloud Episode 1 plot introduction

   Shufeng and Ye save the people and cause the genocide disaster. Lord Shufeng leads the tribe to escape

   At that time, the world was divided into Kyushu. Kyushu is a continent full of fantasy. According to the nine star regions, it is divided into Shang, Han, Ning, Zhong, Lan, Wan, Yue, Yun, and Leizhou. On this Kyushu continent, people live There are six races: humans, feather people, wingless people, Kuafu, Heluo, shark people, and Mei. In the fifteenth year of Yongning of the Daduan Dynasty of Human Race, a man in rags climbed the snow-capped mountains and through the desert in Hanzhou. After a long journey, he finally saw a pond. He threw in excitement and started drinking, but unfortunately, he choked. Fainted on the ground. At this time, a young man came on horseback. He was the future lord of Hanbei Shufeng and Ye. Seeing the man collapsed to the ground, Shufeng and Ye put him on a stretcher tied up with branches and tied him. After the horse, he pulled back to the tribe.

   Shuofeng and Ye realized that this person was not from the Hanzhou grassland. He wanted to get news of the world and Kyushu from his mouth and get to know the outside world, so he happily reported this to his grandmother Longge Danzhu. Want to take this man into his own slave. Longge Danzhu crouched down and checked the man carefully, and found that there were some strange characters on his chest, and a deep scar on his chest. Intuitively, this man was not easy, so he refused to let his son make more contact with him. Up him. Shuofeng and Ye begged again and again, Longge Danzhu asked him to take out the salt bag, pinched a pinch out of the few salt bags left in the tribe, boiled some salt water for that person, and fed it to that person. Shufeng and Ye will feed him some water after a while. Shufeng and Ye know that Ama is softhearted and are very happy, but Longge Danzhu throws him a basin of cold water, saying that if you want to keep this person, you must get His Abba agrees.

   At this time, the crowd cheered. It turned out that Shuofengda, the lord of the Shufeng Ministry, came back with people from hunting. Longge Danzhu smiled and greeted him. Shuofengda threw the prey in his hand to the people around him, and handed Longge. Danzhu carried on his shoulders and walked to the tent, and everyone behind him cheered even more.

  Shofeng is located in a remote area. In addition to the abnormal celestial phenomenon for more than ten years, snowstorms in successive June and no grass on the grassland. The living conditions of the people in the Shufeng department are extremely difficult, and they can only survive by hunting. However, because of the scarcity of forage, the horses cannot be well fed. Even if the heroes shoot large prey, they cannot catch up with them. They have to watch the prey escape from under their eyelids. Shuofengda was worried about this and decided to kill the sheep to make ends meet. However, the court collects tribute to the Shuofeng Ministry every year. The cattle and sheep on the grassland are handed over to the court except for those who starve to death. If the sheep is slaughtered and eaten, if the amount cannot be handed over to the animal, it will be a crime of rebellion, and there is a danger of extinction, so Longge Danzhu is worried.

Kyushu Sea Shepherd Cloud Stills

   The person who was rescued finally woke up, Shuofeng and Ye asked his name. He said he was Zhu Aqi. He asked Shufeng and Ye about the journey of the Black Forest. Shufeng and Ye were silent for a while, and didn’t want to mention that place, because in the Department of Shufeng, the mysterious Black Forest was a forbidden place that made everyone fear and fear. No return. Zhu Aqi said emotionally that Kyushu was about to be destroyed. He saw that everyone was crying. He had to go to the Black Forest to find a mysterious person living there in order to save the world, Shuofeng and Ye Wenyan. Shocked. He brought Zhu Aqi to his father and asked his father to send this person to him as a slave, but Shuofeng was now struggling, and the people of his tribe were almost unable to feed. Shuofengda saw that Zhu Aqi was skinny and unable to do heavy work. , Think he is a useless person, let Shuofeng and Ye throw him away.

   Zhu Aqi, at the urging of Shuofeng and Ye, told a shocking secret. He said that after the birth of Mu Yunsheng, the sixth prince of Emperor Tianqi Daduan, on the night of June 19 in the second year of Yongning, disasters in the world began. First, the winter in Hanzhou came earlier year after year, and then there was heavy rain in Yuezhou in the south. An earthquake on the coast raised small islands, and the tsunami swept the coastal states and counties, and the eastern two counties and counties, and Qianli fishing villages turned into deserted beaches. The refugees were everywhere, and hunger enveloped the entire Kyushu land. Shuofeng and Ye asked about the secret of Mu Yunsheng’s life experience. Zhu Aqi said that Mu Yunsheng’s mother was a charm. Before the words were over, Shuofengda punched Zhu Aqi’s chest and beat him up. This is the royal family. The secret of this is definitely not something ordinary people canArrogant.

   At this time, someone came to report that the Mu Ru clan’s iron cavalry came, and Longge Danzhu quickly covered Zhu Aqi under the lambskin. I don’t know that the people of Mu Ru’s family saw Zhu Aqi as soon as they came in. Shuofeng and Ye tried to stop them, but they were blocked by a long sword. Shuofengda hurriedly interceded, Shuofeng and Ye. Only then took his life back.

   Mu Ru Iron Cavalry is the existence of the Daduan Dynasty second only to the royal family. It controls the life and death of the Kyushu tribe. Therefore, Shuo Fengda can only kneel on the ground and beg humblely. Those people have asked him and learned that Zhu Aqi did not reveal a word. He tied Zhu Aqi to a wooden frame and burned to death. In order to punish Shuofengbu for harboring fugitives and confiscating their clan properties, Shuofengda dared not say a word except kowtow repeatedly.

  The fat cows and sheep of Shukazebu were taken away, and the women were crying, complaining that Shufeng and Ye had brought devastating disasters to the whole family. Shufeng and Ye Wenyan were very sad, and he wanted to go full of anger. He snatched the sheep from the tribe, but was stopped by his father and taught him a lesson.

   Hokuriku was a whole before, and it was divided into eight tribes. Longge was an archer, Shufeng and Helan were cavalry, Kusu was an infantry, Suqin was an engineer, Danyao was a occultist, and he knew horse language. Horse trainer, Sodatong trade, in charge of money and food. Three hundred years ago, the most powerful member of the Kuafu tribe, the giant who lived in the bitter cold Shangzhou, came to attack the human race and wanted to plunder their land. The ancestors of Beilu rose up to resist and finally repelled the powerful enemy, but he was also defeated. The war broke down the most elite fighters. The two surnames Mu Yun and Mu Ru took advantage of the vacancy and defeated them. The eight tribes scattered all over the grassland and gradually became enemies. The men of the eight tribes were in their respective territories. The foreign ministers have to fight to the death. There are blood feuds between the various ministries, and they do not communicate with each other. Shuofeng’s ancestors wanted to unite Babu, but they were driven from the central part of Beilu to the northern corner by other tribes. Shuofengda told his son about these past events and told him not to try his best, because the hope of the entire tribe rested on him, Shuofeng and Ye Wenyan nodded sensibly.

   In three days, the court will come to collect tribute animals, but after being confiscated by Mu Rutieqi, the Shufeng Department has almost nothing left. The court cannot collect cattle and sheep. The Shufeng Department is also a dead end, so Shufengda decided to leave. From Hanbei to the south, to the source of the Huta River in central Hanzhou, looking for a fertile valley that used to belong to his tribe that was full of sunshine in all seasons. The people of the tribe were attracted by the beautiful scene he described, and everyone was full of yearning, but I heard that the place is now the territory of the fast-qin gale. Everyone is a little worried, but the left and the right are all dead. It is better to rise and seek change. So everyone responded.

   Shuo Fengda asked Dan Zhu to cook all the food in the clan, and let the clan people eat a full. The next day, he took the clan for a long distance and went to the south. The clan people were reluctant to give up, Satan His grandfather asked his grandson to paint his face with four tattoos, and he stayed in place to cheer for the people.

   I don't know how long it has been. On this day, Shuofeng people saw a group of men fighting around a family of three in the forest. The family was very brave, and they had not failed after fighting the enemy for a long time. The people on the grassland admire the strong and brave people. Shuofengda was moved by the family. After watching for a long time, he rushed into the battle group alone and helped the family wipe out all the enemies.

The man headed by

   is called Helan Dao. He is the leader of the Helan tribe. His son is Helan Tieyuan and his daughter is Helan Tieduo. Feeling of Shuofengda's life-saving grace, Helan Dao was blood-saving as an alliance, and under the name of Helan tribe, he became brothers with Shuofeng, and followed them to the south.

   Shuofengda and Helan brothers and sisters often ate and lived together, hunted together, and played very happily. A month later, they had already approached the territory of Suqin Gale. On this day, when the three of them were trying to shoot arrows, they accidentally found a camp, and they hurried back to report Shuofengda. After Shuofengda led an investigation, he knew that this was the camp of Suqin people. He found that those people had drunk. Decided to slaughter the entire tribe while they were asleep in the early morning. This is the first time Shuofeng and Ye have fought. Just before they set off, Shuofengda gave him a tomahawk made of Kuafu’s leg bones, a token of the lord of the Shuofeng tribe, which is tantamount to giving him the important task of the entire tribe. Gave it to him.

  When the dawn was shining, the men of the Shuofeng tribe rushed into the camp of the Suqin tribe. The unsuspecting Suqin tribe was panicked and unable to resist, all of them were killed.Next, Su Qin Ziyan, the daughter of the leader who went to fetch water by the stream, escaped. She turned her head and saw the bloody scene on the camp, she was shocked, dropped the bucket and ran back... Original plot, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi