Emergency Doctor Episode 15 Plot Introduction

neidi 475℃

Emergency Doctor Episode 15 Plot Introduction

   Liu Huimin's mother and daughter recognize each other, He Jianyi found out that she was cheated

   On this day, a simple-dressed rural aunt came to the emergency department. She repeatedly claimed that she was the mother of Jenny Dang, and she found her on the website after seeing her situation. The nurses Lin Wen, Zhang Ling, and Wu Liang asked her very rudely, saying that Dang Zhenni was an orphan and had been adopted by a well-meaning American family. She had no parents in China. The aunt asked them if she could not explain clearly. Find Jenny. Jenny Dang happened to come over at this time. The rural aunt heard that she was Jenny, and cried her nose when she hugged her. Jenny was very excited when she learned that she was her mother. Any resentment or resentment also hugged her tightly and kept calling her mother. This scene touched everyone present.

   Liu Huimin decided to do a bone marrow transplant for her daughter. Zhao Lei persuaded her to think about it. Once this step is taken, this matter will become clear to the world, and her job as the director will be completely ruined. Liu Huimin is now thinking about saving her daughter's life, but she can still take care of this. She quickly booked a number for bone marrow matching.

Zhao Yan, the patient whose spleen was removed in a car accident, suddenly developed swelling of his lower limbs and his skin temperature increased. He Jianyi was undergoing an operation. The attending doctor Liu Kai had to ask Jiang Xiaoqi to check it out. Jiang Xiaoqi said that it was a venous thrombosis after seeing the symptoms. For his performance, Liu Kai had an appointment with a color Doppler ultrasound for the veins of his lower extremities, and prescribed medicine for the nurse to teach him how to raise the affected limb to help the blood flow back.

When Zhao Yan’s aunt came to the hospital to see her nephew, she learned that her nephew had a venous thrombosis. Ten thousand did not believe it. She insisted that Zhao Yan was young and it was impossible to get a thrombus. It did not mean that the doctor who diagnosed was an intern and gave the wrong diagnosis. Liu Kai couldn't bear her yin and yang strangeness. At this moment, the patient had abdominal pain again, and Liu Kai quickly went to ask Jiang Xiaoqi and He Jianyi.

   The two directors came to the ward. After some consultation and examination, based on his history of hyperthyroidism and secondary atrial fibrillation, he diagnosed the patient as mesenteric embolism and made a series of treatment measures. The aunt didn't do it again when she heard that, she said rudely that the hospital was all for making money, and said that Jiang Xiaoqi had come back from the Pheasant University abroad. Jiang Xiaoqi turned around and left the ward when she heard that. After returning to the office, He Jianyi teased Jiang Xiaoqi and relieved her anger.

After ultrasound examination, Zhao Yan indeed had a mesenteric artery thrombosis. This situation is likely to cause large-scale necrosis of the small intestine, which is directly life-threatening. The patient’s aunt insisted that this was because the doctor was trying to cheat money and refused to operate. Seeing that her husband was in terrible pain, Yan's daughter-in-law, Sakura, repeatedly begged her aunt and asked the doctor to operate on her husband quickly, but her aunt had no choice but to agree. Jiang Xiaoqi knew that the patient's condition was very dangerous, so she offered to have an operation with He Jianyi.

During the operation, He Jianyi successfully removed the embolism, but he also found that a long section of the intestine had already been necrotic, and He Jianyi planned to remove it. However, the patient’s quality of life would be poor in the future. Therefore, Jiang Xiaoqi advocated keeping the intestinal tube for the patient's consideration, and the two held their own opinions. At this time, the patient's blood pressure began to drop, and the situation was imminent. There was no time for them to continue arguing. He Jian hesitated for a while and decided to follow Jiang Xiaoqi's opinion.

After the operation stepped down, the aunt asked He Jianyi aggressively as usual. Jiang Xiaoqi found that He Jianyi's right hand had started to spasm uncontrollably again, and quickly persuaded him to leave, patiently explaining to the family members carefully. Fan finally got the understanding and recognition of the family, Zhao Yan's mother repeatedly thanked.

   This aunt is difficult enough. Coincidentally, another family member of a diabetic patient transferred from the ICU of the foreign hospital made Liu Huimin even more speechless. This patient has a history of fifteen years. He usually has very high blood sugar and hypertension. He was in a coma when he was transferred to the hospital. Liu Huimin was diagnosed with liver abscess and ketoacidosis. However, the patient’s wife said that he had checked it on the Internet. In this case, a single injection of insulin would be sufficient, and no other treatment was needed. He also said that the doctor asked to do this examination and the examination to make money. Liu Huimin was very angry when she heard the words, scolded the old lady and asked Jonah to prepare for disposal. Jonah patiently explained the danger of the patient to the family and asked her to make a decision. Then the old lady agreed to let the doctor goSymptomatic treatment.

Haoyue learned that her mother did not dare to recognize her, so she inquired about her mother’s office and ran to take the initiative to recognize her. Liu Huimin hugged her daughter and cried. Haoyue in turn comforted her. The mother and daughter hugged her tightly. He Jianyi and Jiang Xiaoqi who were watching could not help crying.

The emergency department admitted a patient who was fighting with his wife and was stabbed into the abdomen by a fruit knife about six or seven inches long. The situation was very dangerous. He Jianyi consulted with a cardiologist and worked out a set of combined surgery. The program finally successfully saved the patient's life. After coming out of the operating room, He Jian always learned about the patient’s injury from his family, persuaded his wife, and said that the hospital had reported to the police. She had to explain the matter to the police. The family regretted it. He even said that he would never mess around again.

After work, He Jianyi happened to meet another member of the expert committee and talked to him about Zhang Lifang. It turned out that the colleague heard that attorney Mei said that everyone had signed. The person who signed the revised opinion letter did not ask to see the signature on the opinion letter because the other party was a lawyer and He Jianyi’s ex-wife. He Jianyi was furious when he remembered that attorney Mei had said this to himself. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

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