The 27th episode of the flower blooming and the moon is full

neidi 1367℃

That year the flower blooms and the moon is full, episode 27 plot introduction

  Zhou Ying burned down the poppy seedlings with a fire, Zheng sued his daughter-in-law

Zhou Ying took a few apprentices and Chun Xing to help manage Desao's funeral. She asked Chun Xing to find one of her clothes at home for Desao to put on, and Wang Shijun bought a bite in the city. The coffin will enshrine Desao. It wasn't until three hours later that Old Dee swayed home from the Great Smokehouse. He lifted the cloth on his wife's face and took a look, before hiding his face and ran out. After a while, an apprentice exclaimed: Old German jumped into the well! Everyone hurried out and rescued Old German with all his hands, but he was already powerless.

At first, Zhou Ying saw how old German loved his wife, she was starving to death, and she had to give her a bowl of porridge quickly. She accidentally stabbed her hand while working, and he was nervous to die, but Now, in order to take a puff of smoke, he even ignored his wife's life. This shocked Zhou Ying's heart and made her truly realize the danger of opium.

In order to prevent the poppies she planted from harming others, Zhou Ying grabbed the torch in Chun Xing’s hand and hurried to the only fifty acres of land in the Wu family, and burned the poppies. clean. Zhao Baishi, who was practicing swordsmanship in the county yard, saw it, and hurried to the scene. After inquiring, he learned that Zhou Ying had set the fire by herself. She was very surprised. Zhou Ying said that she had not realized the harm of opium before. Opium has lost two lives, so I can't let it harm people anymore, so I can't keep it for a moment. Zhao Baishi didn't expect Zhou Ying, a weak woman to be so bloody, and couldn't help but look at her with admiration. Zhou Ying said to Zhao Baishi that although she is a small man, she still bears the responsibility of her husband. If there is a ban on opium in the future, she must participate in it. Zhao Baishi nodded approvingly.

The poppy seedlings were destroyed, and Zhou Ying began to plan to find other ways to survive. After thinking about it, she didn’t know what to do. Later, under Wang Shijun’s reminder, she decided to buy cotton from a cotton farmer, but after asking Xiao Wu, she learned There are almost 10,000 mu of cotton fields in the Guanzhong area. According to last year's cotton price, I would pawn all those 50 mu of land, which is still two thousand silver. After thinking about it, she suddenly thought that Wu Wei had given Madam Wu the two thousand taels of silver when she bought the pawn shop, so she ran to discuss with Madam Wu, and first borrowed her two thousand taels of silver to save the emergency. After Madam Wu listened to it. Worried that she would compensate her for the coffin cost, she refused to give her anything, and tentatively told Zhou Ying that the Wujia East Courtyard was not the original one. If she wanted to leave, she would never stop her. Zhou Ying said categorically that she didn't leave when the Eastern Hospital was rich, and she will not leave anymore. Mrs. Wu was secretly relieved when she heard this.

   Zhou Ying went back to the other courtyard and found out the treasures he had smuggled in the Wu's East Courtyard from the fourth room of the old man, and let Fulai take it for her, but the remaining money still made her helpless. Later, Zhou Ying persuaded Madam Zhang and asked her to steal the two thousand taels of silver notes that Mrs. Wu had hidden away, and gave them to Wang Shijun Xiaowu and others, so that he could spend the money quickly. So as not to be asked to go back by Mrs. Wu.

   Mrs. Wu soon discovered that her bank note was missing. Zhang Ma, as Zhou Ying had previously ordered, put all the responsibility on her head, and Mrs. Wu went to the county office to sue Zhou Ying with a paper complaint. Zhou Ying came to the lobby and confessed to Zhao Baishi’s interrogation, and assured Mrs. Wu that when the cotton was collected, she would even return her two thousand four hundred taels of silver with the profit, and the fifty acres of land would also be returned. Asking Zhao Baishi to hold her as a testimony, Zhao Baishi was furious when she heard the words, saying that she had stolen silver and had no respect, and must be severely punished, and ordered someone to drag her down and hit the three big boards after she finished speaking. Mrs. Wu hurriedly stated that she wanted to withdraw the lawsuit, but Zhao Baishi still hit Zhou Ying's three big boards in accordance with the law where she turned her back in court, and Mrs. Wu felt both distressed and regretful.

When the three boards came down, Zhou Ying was beaten up and unable to move. Zhao Baishi wanted to admonish more, but was stopped by Zhou Ying. She thanked Zhao Baishi for the beating herself, saying that she would be her mother-in-law. The hatred in my heart turned into distress, and I can stretch my hands and feet to do a big job, and it is worthwhile to make a comeback in exchange for the East Courtyard. After speaking, Zhou Ying greeted Wang Shijun and Jiang Fuqi to lift themselves back with the stool.

   After returning home, Chun Xing gaveZhou Ying took the medicine and complained distressedly about Mrs. Wu, saying that when Wu Pin died, the child was gone. She had no affiliation with the East Hospital anymore and could have gone far. Zhou Ying said that his wife is Wu Pin’s mother, and this home is Wu Pin’s home, and she has to guard it for him. Upon hearing this, Chun Xing couldn't help but sigh Zhou Ying's deep love for Wu Pin.

   Shen Sihai wanted Shen Xingyi to be the second shopkeeper of the medicinal material shop, but Shen Xingyi said that unless he agreed to add Dragon's blood to the quarters plaster, Shen Sihai refused to agree, and the father and son had a big fight. But father and son are father and son, how could Shen Sihai be willing to embarrass himself, the only remaining son, and later appointed him as the second treasurer of the cotton industry.

Because of Hu Yongmei's plea, Hu Zhicun was released under Du Mingli's operation. He returned to Jingyang in ragged clothes with a wooden stick. After knocking on the door of his home, Jia Ding did not recognize it for a while, and he waited until he was up and down. After looking at him several times, he realized that he was the owner of the house, and quickly helped him into the house. Hu Zhicun seemed to be frightened. The whole person was trembling. Hu Yongmei asked him how he was in these days, but Hu Zhicun refused to say anything. He learned that the east courtyard of Wu's family had broken down, and Hu Zhicun was ashamed and regretful. Hu Yongmei suggested that he wanted to host Du Mingli at home. Hu Zhicun was surprised when he heard that. He heard his daughter say that Du Mingli had saved him. He was anxious and angrily blocked and warned her not to let Du Mingli step into Hu's house. Hu Yongmei felt very Surprisingly, Hu Zhicun quickly asked why this was happening, but Hu Zhicun refused to say anything. He just told Hu Yongmei to remember her words. Hu Yongmei didn't know what she said. Seeing her father panicking, she seemed very scared, so he nodded and agreed. (Original plot of Lujuba, please indicate the source for reprinting!) To

Tags: neidi