Douban scored 9.0 for "Parasites", after watching this movie four times, I understand these three in-depth questions!

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Douban scored 9.0 for 'Parasites', after watching this movie four times, I understand these three in-depth questions! - Lujuba

When you are still immersed in the plot of the "Nezha" movie, when you are still shouting "My life is up to me, I can't help it!", a South Korean movie is like lightning, smashing into the entire movie world.

The film "Parasite" led by director Bong Joon Ho won the first Palme d'Or in the history of Korean film at the 72nd Cannes Film Festival. The film

, ​​released in South Korea, ranked first in the box office for 12 consecutive days, with a cumulative total of 10 million viewers. This achievement in South Korea is equivalent to 1 out of every 5 Koreans who have seen this movie. The

Douban scored 9.0 for 'Parasites', after watching this movie four times, I understand these three in-depth questions! - Lujuba

film tells the story of a low-level family, how to parasitize it into the upper-class family. In the process of contact, people of the two classes had strange frictions. At the end of the story, both families made sacrifices for their actions.

After brushing this film four times, I summarized the three points that the film wanted to express. These points are the exploration of Korean society and the world, as well as the deepest exposure of human nature.

(the following content involves the plot)

Douban scored 9.0 for 'Parasites', after watching this movie four times, I understand these three in-depth questions! - Lujuba

1, what is the measure of the good and evil of human nature?

In the film, the four members of the lower-class family are doing different jobs in an upper-class family. The father is the president’s driver, the mother is the housekeeper of the villa, the son is the tutor of the second-year high school girl, and the daughter is the art teacher of the president’s youngest son.

These positions, except for the son’s tutoring job, were introduced by friends, and the rest were obtained by the family using methods to frame or deceive others. This approach can be described as evil.

Why do they do this? Because of poverty. I was so poor that I had no food to eat, so I could only live in the basement. The phone was shut down because it could not be renewed. Even the WIFI had to be used in other people's homes.

They showed kindness when they met people from the bottom. Open the door in the heavy rain and let the former housekeeper into the villa. Driver Yin, who was framed by them, his father worried about whether he could find another good job. When all the battles were over, the hidden father buried the dead former housekeeper in the garden for tree burial.

People who have watched this film may say that they have such an ending, and they deserve it completely. What the director of wants to tell is the helplessness of these people at the bottom, after being forced by life, they turn good into evil a little bit. But they have not completely deteriorated, and still retain the good side. Such a portrayal makes the characters in the movie more three-dimensional and closer to the real social status quo.

The poor have two-faced personalities, and the rich are no exception. The president and his wife of laughed at the male driver about the smell (the smell will be discussed in detail in the next section), which is also a manifestation of evil. But the president's wife easily believed the family's lie and moved out the so-called "chain of trust". This absurd thing boils down to good. In the film

, ​​the mother of a poor family once said that "is not rich but also kind, but money is so kind." "Money is an iron, ironing everything out." may use money to solve some problems. So it looks kinder. But the poor are not. They don’t have money, sometimes they don’t care about good, but they have to fight for money.

The good and evil of human nature cannot be divided by the rich and the poor, but should be distinguished according to people's inner mind. One thought becomes a devil, and one thought becomes a Buddha. The Buddha represents good, and the devil represents evil. The difference between a Buddha and a demon is that the Buddha has no hatred, but the demons have hatred. In this film, no matter rich or poor, people have a hatred.

2, what do stones and smells represent in the movie?

The son of a lower-class family was introduced by his friends to the upper-class family to teach English. At the same time, received a stone from a friend. It is said that this stone can bring good luck to the family, and it is also called "the stone comes to work".

waited until the film, a heavy rain hit the city, this home living in the basement was flooded by rain. The father can only pick up a few seemingly valuable items from the house in the flood, and the daughter sits on the toilet to prevent the dark and dirty water from gushing upward. But the son went to find this stone and picked it up.

was in the refuge, the father asked his son why he should hold this stone tightly. son said, "It's always sticking"Follow me" . After talking, hold the stone tighter. What is this stone? Why is the son not willing to let it go?

This stone is the evil thought that goes deep into the family. will choose to parasite because of evil thoughts. In this upper-class family, and when the owner is out camping, he regards the villa as his own home and dreams of being able to be in-laws with the owner's family. At the end of the

film, the son put the stone in the clear water. He plans to take the next step to the sky. Based on his own ability, he worked hard to make money and return to the right path.

In addition to the stone as a clue, there is another smell. The youngest son of the president of found that people from the lower-level family all exude a smell. At first they thought it was the smell of laundry detergent, and they discussed using different laundry detergents for laundry. Later, they realized that it was a smell that only people who take the subway can leave on their bodies.

rich people have money, and at the same time Owning several private cars, and poor people, who have no money to pay for vehicles and gas, can only squeeze the subway. , then this smell is the taste of the poor. There are several details in the

film, how the rich dislike this. Poor sour taste. First, the president and his wife mentioned this unpleasant smell in the conversation. Then the wife put her foot on the back of the car's front seat, but disliked the smell of the driver's host, and covered it with her hand. Nose. Immediately afterwards, the president held the nose tightly when he took away the car keys with this smell from the battlefield of the poor.

is the guide of this smell, pushing the film to the most Orgasm-the male lead killed the president with a knife. The smell of contains an inferiority complex from the bottom people. This mentality, coupled with the inability to understand the hatred of the rich, caused the male lead to kill passionately The reason.

3. Should the various performances of the rich be spurned?

Many people with a hatred of the rich will take it for granted that rich families have suffered such misfortune. After all, their behavior shows that they It is not a family that can tolerate others. In the

film, the president once said that his male lead driver is always on the verge of overstepping. This behavior makes him very unhappy. The so-called overstep is the male lead driver. When driving, talk to the president. And the subject matter in the conversation involves the private life of the president.

In the eyes of the president, you are the driver I hired over. We are only in an employment relationship, not friends. I am such a big man. How can the upper-level president of the company be friends with a lower-level driver? The term

parasitism is explained in Sogou Encyclopedia as two kinds of creatures living together, one benefit, the other suffer, the latter provides nutrients and In the place of residence, this kind of biological relationship is called parasitism. The family of four male protagonists is parasitic in the president’s house and lives on the expenses earned from the president’s house. Since

is parasitic, the president is the victim One side. Who has ever seen damage to his life , And still be able to welcome people with a smile. What

shows in the film is a small level, from the big level of human nature. Everyone in has the instinct to be critical of others, and they are able to see the shortcomings of others, and sometimes make speculations, make irresponsible remarks, and even get into trouble. The character

does not exist only in the wealthy class, but in every class. The same poor people sometimes look down on the poor. In the movie

, ​​a man always likes to pee next to the semi-basement window of the man’s house after being drunk. The original male lead was poor and cowardly, and he didn't want to talk to such a drunkard. Later, they received a generous salary and were confident, trying to awaken the drunk with water. The daughter also recorded this segment with her mobile phone as a pastime. These behaviors are actually a kind of venting psychology, with a playful vent.

In our real life, we most often come into contact with people who have the same ability and financial resources as ourselves. In our own circle, we will also have the idea of ​​being hostile to those in the circle, and will laugh at Li Si with Zhang San, and in turn laugh at Zhang San's clothes with Li Si.

Managing your own words, deeds and morals is much more noble than judging others wantonly. The description of various details in the

article is very good. Before and after the film, there are bugs surrounding the poor, indicating that this is a species that only the bottom people have. The ghost discovered by the president’s youngest son is actually the former housekeeper, the husband hiding in the basement. SocietyMrs. Changhe used the ex-driver's girlfriend's underwear to make fun, to show that the seemingly decent upper-class people also have bad fun. After watching this film,

understood these truths. Now, do you know why the son in the lower-class family has a friend from a well-off college student?

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