The epidemic does not hinder online “cloud life” so that overseas Chinese are not alone in fighting the epidemic

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[European Times] The new crown pneumonia epidemic is still spreading around the world, and the current anti-epidemic prevention and control measures in various countries are still based on suspension of work and school, and home-based epidemic prevention. The epidemic has blocked the distance between people, but it has not been able to block friendship. Especially at present, the overseas Chinese who stayed abroad have attracted the attention of their ancestral (home) countries. The country provides a variety of help and services to overseas Chinese through different online methods; The overseas Chinese have also gradually adapted and started to live their special lives colorfully.

Upgraded "cloud services" in the hometown of overseas Chinese

Comprehensive reports from and Zhejiang United Front. In Wencheng, the hometown of overseas Chinese, many overseas Chinese who have recently met the conditions for early resettlement in the second phase of Taihu Street shantytown renovation, but cannot return to China due to the epidemic In addition, the overseas contact points are closed, the embassy does not handle the power of attorney, and the subscription for early resettlement housing cannot go through the relevant procedures has become a problem for overseas Chinese.

The epidemic does not hinder online “cloud life” so that overseas Chinese are not alone in fighting the epidemic - Lujuba

Wencheng Overseas Service Center. (Picture source: China Broadcasting Network )

In order to protect the rights and interests of overseas Chinese abroad, Wencheng used the method of "online confirmation + evidence preservation and notarization" to "cloud" the overseas Chinese. In the video room of the Overseas Service Center, the four parties of "Notary Office, Real Estate Registration Center, Client, and Trustee" have live video connection. The notary uses the face recognition system to perform face recognition on the overseas Chinese and through the overseas Chinese and the trustee online Mutual identification and verification of overseas Chinese identity information in a dual way.

is not only in Wencheng, but in response to the development of overseas epidemics, Wenzhou City also relies on the "Global Communication" platform to serve overseas Chinese, innovates the "origin support + circle layer radiation" model, and builds four major services: online government affairs, emergency linkage, telemedicine, and material donation The scene helps overseas Chinese to fight the epidemic locally. During the

epidemic, on the basis of the original 8 service points, the "Global Connect" platform added new service points in cities where there are many overseas Chinese from Wenzhou and the severe epidemic situation in Madrid, Spain, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. It also set up lawyers to fight the epidemic to serve overseas Chinese. The volunteer group has improved the handling mechanism during the special period of the epidemic. At the same time, a "multi-dimensional" emergency linkage service scenario was constructed, and the "Overseas Chinese Protection Working Group + Overseas Chinese Group Chairman Emergency Group" and the "World Wenzhou People's Health Alliance" were established.

In addition, Wenzhou City has established a closely-connected global assistance process in accordance with the model of "material financing + material channel + material distribution" to provide urgently needed anti-epidemic supplies to overseas Chinese groups and Chinese nationals.

"Cloud learning" for overseas Chinese at home

Comprehensive reports from China News Service, Jiangsu United Front and Zhejiang News, overseas Chinese have also added many "cloud" choices in their study and education in the life of overseas Chinese at home in the epidemic.

According to previous reports, since the national suspension of classes in Spain on March 12, Chinese schools across Spain have become pioneers in online teaching. They learned from the domestic online teaching model of “stopping classes without stopping” and insisted on teaching during the epidemic isolation period. Knowledge of Chinese, spread Chinese culture, and contribute to the "anti-epidemic" in their own way.

The epidemic does not hinder online “cloud life” so that overseas Chinese are not alone in fighting the epidemic - Lujuba

Students from the Confucius Cultural School in Barcelona take online lessons at home. (Photo source: Photo courtesy of the Confucius Cultural School in Barcelona)

Wenzhou, the hometown of overseas Chinese, has also coordinated a number of high-quality schools in the city to jointly arrange "cloud" courses through the "Global Connect" platform, and teach online courses for overseas Chinese children, covering knowledge of epidemic prevention and control , Appreciation of traditional culture, art and sports science, etc.

In mid-April, the United Front Work Department (Provincial Overseas Chinese Affairs Office) of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee initiated a "cloud class" linking more than 30 Chinese schools in 14 countries including Germany, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Belgium, and Ireland. The school’s students provide 150 online courses. Students at different stages can choose different courses to study. The main courses include interesting Chinese characters, appreciation of children's songs and stories, appreciation of ancient Chinese poetry, recitation, calligraphy, painting, music, Chinese martial arts, paper-cutting, origami, etc. In addition to the education courses for "little overseas Chinese",

also has "cloud classrooms" and "cloud lectures" related to anti-epidemic life, providing a steady stream of choices for overseas Chinese.

On April 9, a cloud-based dish video teaching by culinary masters brought hometown flavors to overseas Chinese during the "home" period. On the WeChat public account of "Jiangsu Overseas Chinese Federation", teaching videos of a series of dishes such as steamed chicken wings with wolfberry and mushroom, shredded honeysuckle jade chicken, braised beef ribs in red wine, etc. were displayed. At the same time, the dishes teaching videos are also released through the WeChat group of overseas Chinese. In the "Jiangsu Federation of Overseas Chinese Medicine Anti-epidemic Care Group", some overseas Chinese have questions about the production of dishes. The staff of Jiangsu Catering Association is online one by one.answer.

"How to prevent cross-infection after the company resumes work?" "Co-renting with roommates, how to avoid potential infection risks around me?"...April 17, a member of the high-level expert group of the National Health Commission of China, a national key experiment for the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases Academician Li Lanjuan, the director of the office, explained the new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention knowledge live for Spanish overseas Chinese and Chinese students, and answered related questions online.

Coincidentally, on April 16, the Guangdong Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese also held the “Cloud Lecture” on the Prevention and Control of New Coronary Pneumonia and the Global Connection in collaboration with Nanfang Daily and Nanfang + Client, and invited the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University to assist Hubei in the first batch Front-line medical experts have on-site connections with 8 well-known overseas Chinese leaders and representatives of overseas students from 7 countries on the five continents of the world to answer questions about epidemic prevention and control and personal protection.

"Cloud Exchange" of Overseas Chinese Businessmen's Anti-epidemic

China Overseas Chinese Network quoted a report from the Chinese Business Research Center of Tsinghua University. Since March 30, 2020, overseas Chinese businessmen and scholars from Spain, Germany, Italy, the United States, Canada, Africa, Southeast Asia and other countries He and overseas Chinese participated in the online observation series of "Overseas Chinese Talks and Anti-epidemic" jointly sponsored by the Chinese Entrepreneur Research Center of Tsinghua University and the Chinese Overseas Chinese Research Institute. In the

event, overseas Chinese exchanged and discussed topics such as the epidemic situation and response measures in the country where they live, the impact of Chinese life and Chinese business operations, overseas Chinese and Chinese rushing to their ancestral (home) country, and working with people from all over the world to fight against the new crown virus. The epidemic has dealt a heavy blow to Chinese business enterprises, and the Chinese economy is facing severe tests. Chinese businessmen in adversity began to think about and deploy their next business strategy. Governments of various countries are actively launching various unemployment assistance to maintain consumption, help the poor, and help the people to survive the "dead". Especially in supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, they spare no effort to provide financial support, tax reduction and exemption and policy support to maintain the "economic fire". For some subsidies, overseas Chinese businessmen are also actively seeking.

Professor Long Denggao, Director of the Chinese Entrepreneur Research Center of Tsinghua University, pointed out in the summary of the event: “There are big differences in policies, public mentality, and social order among countries in response to the epidemic. Inviting overseas Chinese to share online can help scholars and domestic The public comprehensively, comprehensively and accurately obtain information on the development of the overseas epidemic and the overseas Chinese in response to the impact of the epidemic. The spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is a risk of globalization. Overseas Chinese and Chinese people in various places have been trying their best to assist their home countries since the outbreak. Working with countries and regions in the world to fight the epidemic together, their deeds are deeply moving.” Zhang Chunwang, director of the Institute of Overseas Chinese and Chinese Studies in China, said that in the face of major epidemic disasters, mankind is a community with a shared future. There is no country or any other country. A group can be alone. Overseas Chinese businessmen have shown selfless dedication and broad-mindedness in supporting the fight against the epidemic at home and in the country they live in, while being able to exercise self-discipline and self-prevention. The various overseas Chinese delegations cooperated and cooperated with each other, and truly achieved "one side has difficulties, all sides support."

(Editor: Li Jingtong)

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